Teaching Ponies Some New Tricks

Preamble Good thing Kittibonz posted the Q sheet on Slack Sunday or I might have forgotten I had the Kryptonite Q. Once reminded, I was all in pre-blasting my intention of throwing some blue collar beatdown on these one-trick ponies that gallop around the AO. Not to worry; I know these thoroughbreds gotta eat. That said, methinks they were all a’skeered they weren’t going to get their miles in - which is why the parking lot was unusually full of cars and devoid of PAX when the West Cary clown car arrived. [Read More]

Rolling Stone triple nickel ruck bonanza

DATE: 2/14 PAX: Ezekiel, Largemouth, Skipper, Geek Squad, WWW Took a ruck mosey to starting point. This was the first but it was great to have Largemouth join us although he did not have a ruck. So, after our warm-up (GM, Sir Fazio, seal claps, and merkins), we went back to my truck to pick-up some coupons so LM did not feel left out. We headed to the starting point and tucked some for some number of light poles doing the thang. [Read More]

Running Around, in Circles

This week’s version of Red Ryder tours Carpex takes us to Full Metal Jacket. One of my favorite site names, and an iconic movie from the 80s. A few months ago the decision was made to change the workout here from standard boot camp to high tempo, so the PAX are going to expect to keep moving. Luckily it’s been raining off and on so we’ll dodge rain drops and puddles. [Read More]

Capture the Duck (not of the Disco variety)

This was my third Q in the seven months posting with F3…my goal is to accelerate that number this year (see what I did there?). I have experienced a clear, positive change in my life since I began coming out and I am grateful. Grateful to Denali and Captain Jack for encouraging me to jump in and welcoming me and to the rest of the PAX, even those I don’t know well, for setting an example. [Read More]


Pre-Blast 11 HIM for 3.25 and *. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag. Burpee Mile: 48 total 5 GM 5AV The Thang *BLIMPS* From the center of the Preston RoundAbout, run to the edge of the circle, for 10 Burpees, back to the center, AMRAP Monkey Humpers + 10 exercises. Rotate one hour clockwise in the circle, head back out for 10+20, etc. until the BLIMPS are complete. After each set, return back to the center for AMRAP Monkey Humpers + 10 exercises. [Read More]

Going the distance

Gran Torino has become one of my favorite AOs. It draws a wide variety of pax, and those that come are tough customers. Today was no exception. As my first post there this year due to travel and work, I was eager to set a good example, especially as co-site Q’s @largemouth and @chanticleer were present. 5 for one EC run, a few others for another, and even more for EC PYPs, meant pretty much everyone was warmed up at go-time. [Read More]

If nothing else, we were wet (TWSS)

YHC, Largemouth, Lookout, HGTV, Bayonne all for a 0500 EC launch. There may have been PAX for a 0505 as well. Circle up: Good Mornings, Windmill, Arm Circles, Overhead Clap, SSH, Steve Earle, Mnt. Climber, Plank Jack, and Absolution. [Q NOTE: The Absolution is a simple 8 count exercise that I will continue to call at all of my Qs until all PAX present at the aforementioned Qs know how to do it and can perform 10 flawless reps. [Read More]

Figure 8 and some healthy competition

Who doesn’t love to get pushed by their brothers? 16 HIM pushed and pulled each other along at GT. Warm-up: Mosey to the greenway parking lot for some cadence-counted Good Mornings, Hillbillies, Calf stretches, Merkins, and Side Straddle Hops. Thang 1: Burpee-intervals, with the winner of each interval earning the chance to rest and pick up the six. But mostly we saw Beaker’s back. Then a group run to the figure-eight flagpole. [Read More]

2020...Year of the Absolution

Small crowd for Insomnia this morning: YHC, Michelob, Largemouth, GTL, Callahan & Beaker. 5:45. Disclaimer was “given.” Vespers go left, SNS’ers went right. Off to the grassy area behind Senior Center & Circle Up. Good Morning, Windmill, Arm Circles, Overhead Clap. Side Straddle Hop, Imperial Walker, Steve Earle, Mnt. Climber, Absolution. [Q NOTE: The Absolution is a simple 8 count exercise that I will continue to call at all of my Qs until all PAX present at the afore mentioned Qs knows how to do it and can perform 10 flawless reps. [Read More]