Build Me Up, Buttercup

QIC: Build-a-Bear 2 (BAB and Banjo) for early-morning EC. 10 for the ME. Pledge, then warm-up in Koka Booth main lot (lots of chatter –> shaky counting from Pax). Thing 1: Catch Me If You Can around Symphony Lake Thing 2: Pearls On a Hilly String in the Largemouth-Triple-Nickel neighborhood . Back to the flag (hit 3 miles) for Mary. COT Announcements: Mabopane Golf Tourney, Raleigh 9/11 Stair Climb, Michelob Ultra. [Read More]

A nice jog and some other things 08/25/20 FWD

Does anyone else have problems Tagging names in this Wordpress? I crank through the list of pax hitting the enter key after each name and inevitably about 25%-50% are mysteriously deleted. How irritating is it that in 2020, there is not a technology available that allows someone to simply create a blog post. At least that dadgum Yosh thing is gone. I guess you get what you pay for. Alas, i think 2 were there for the EC run and 17 were there for the main event. [Read More]

Suicide-ish Triple Nickels and Emily Blunts

Some like the saying, ‘another day, another dollar’ or the ever popular in my world, ‘good enough for government work’. In prep for the Back in Black Q this morning and with a still to be determined BRR route on everyone’s mind, I knew we needed hill work. I knew deep down though no one really wanted hill work, but maybe that’s just YHC. I throw on some RATM ‘Bulls on Parade’ for the ride over to Koka Booth VIP lot. [Read More]

Snip-pery When Wet

Fifteen PAX made it out Friday morning in the gloom to Slippery When Wet for a Snip-led workout. At 545 AM (and some change), we kicked it off with the Pledge, and off we went. Warm up Warm up run to the Conduent parking lot. Good Mornings Sir Fazio Arm Circles (Forward + Reverse, Small + Large) Side Straddle Hops Calf Stretch (both sides) First » DORA FLORA (DORA’s older sister) Mozy up the stairs to the parking deck, grab a partner, begin the following while running around the corner and back up the stairs: [Read More]

Power Hour

Francois is your Q. Repeato and Bartman for 60-pound sandbag EC. Warmup: Kashmir on the Sonos for Francois’ patented exercise calls. Thing 1: Power Hour on the Sonos for rock work. Quite a playlist. 2 of the first 3 were Britney. There was some Ricky Martin, TLC, and a Backstreet Boys song. Nothing to see here, just some bros pressing rocks overhead while listening to “Livin La Vida Loca.” Thing 2: Dude Solutions for “Back in Black” and “Don’t Stop Believing” while bear crawling, derkining, quick feeting, and box jumping on the lip of a curb so narrow that everyone wisely bailed out. [Read More]

Back in Black (HOKIE Edition)

Ten PAX made it out to their favorite Thursday morning AO, Back in Black for a Hokie-led beatdown. After my Kryptonite chat with Burt, I decided something Hokie related was in store for my Q. At 515 AM, we kicked it off with the Pledge, and off we went. Warm up Warm up run to the middle of the Dude Solutions parking lot. Good Morning Side Straddle Hops Calf Stretch (both sides) Merkins First » Rock Pile Mozy to the Rock Pile and grab a Non-traveling rock: [Read More]

Modified As Necessary

YHC signed up over a week ago to Q Slippery When Wet and had my greatest Q to date, planned…then Thursday happened. A slight miscalculation on the cruiser bike sent me flying. A primarily upper body workout quickly transitioned to an all leg workout less than 15 hours from launch. Moving on….H.D. Ritter Park was open for business, the ECers came in, we get started with the disclaimer (most of it, I think) because there is an FNG present, the pledge was pledged and 19 of us took off for some new parking lots (for me, at least) on Crescent Green Drive. [Read More]

Chopped Sooey

QIC: Chops! 14 Pax are right on time. Pledge, mosey, warm up at Dude Solutions. Thing 1: Indian Run for a mile around the lake. Thing 2: Three-man DORAs in the Chiesi parking lot. Partner one handles the DORA (100 merkin, 200 lowslowflutters, 300 squats), partner two runs across the parking lot to relieve partner three. Partner three is monkey humping. Thing 3: Pearls on a string back to the flag. [Read More]

The S.S. Schlitz's One hour tour...

As YHC’s quest to complete more of the 2020 Carpex challenge continues, it was time to take a turn at the Phoenix Q. Bond Park is such a large AO, with so many options, I wanted to take the Pax on a tour of some of the typical stops along a Phoenix/SNS beatdown. YHC and the Triplest of Lindy’s for a nice, balmy 3 mile EC run. Here’s what went down: [Read More]