Hotspot/Michelob 5-year F3-versary

25 HIM showed up at A-Team on the chilliest Monday morning in months to help Hotspot and YHC celebrate our 5-year F3-versary. Back in our day, A-Team was one of only 3 workouts per week in the Cary/Apex area, and there was no Carpex region as we were still part of F3 Raleigh. We’re very thankful to have been a part of the F3 growth in our area and also for the fellowship of all the Carpex PAX. [Read More]

Diamonds Are Forever … or Until You Need a Bathroom Break By the time YHC arrived on the scene we already had a police cruiser observing from a distance in the parking lot. The Commish told him something that apparently made him believe we posed no threat, so he eventually left without hitting the siren. All license plates are no doubt now on a watchlist, so score one for the PAX who parked offsite and ran it in. [Read More]


So it was a day to redeem myself for my less than strong Q at Hells Bells the previous day. The workout was well designed—maybe the best is Carpex’s history—but I had not considered the effects of the Odyssey on my body. 5:45: We had an FNG (that’s my story and I’m sticking to it) so I rattled off the disclaimer (“we won’t leave you where we found you, but we will leave you in a well lit area. [Read More]

Limited Run, Not Limited Fun

Claymore is one of the tougher AOs I’ve had the pleasure of Q’ing. I’m slowly but surely trying to make my way around to all the AOs. I naturally gravitate towards running, and find it a nice reprieve between the reps of misery (merkins, burpIEs, etc.), but as Claymore is “limited run”, I had to fill the time with reps on reps on reps. That’s a lot of counting for this ol’ boy. [Read More]

Franklinaversary - 5th edition

On the last Monday in September in 2014, YHC was privileged to be an FNG at an A-Team workout. Today, YHC took the opportunity of his anniversary to repeat his inaugural F3 workout, this time as the Q, just as I did on the last Monday in September 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018. Following the first time I participated in this workout (under the leadership of Denali), I couldn’t raise my arms above my head for 3 days and couldn’t walk properly for 6 days. [Read More]

Blackjack 21 – Split Hand

Claymore BB Date: 9/24/19 QIC: WWW PAX: Blowout, Calvin, EarharT, Frisco, Half Back, Kwik Stop, Ninjago, Pickles, Pivot, Press On, Skipper, Sosa, WWW There were some EC’ing to run and ruck. Hats off to those that participated. I was not one of them. Frisco Q shopped and chose my Q because Claymore and WWW is limited to no running. I was not expecting to hit the miles that we did but you will need to read on to know what we clocked. [Read More]

18 Years Ago Tomorrow

This morning the PAX turned 10 tightly coiled fire hoses into 10 bandoleer-style, carryable fire hoses for the 9/11 Stair Climb tomorrow. We did it as part of a workout. As we lugged around those bandoleer-ed fire hoses for a Corners Thang–on a whim–I asked each PAX where they were eighteen years ago tomorrow. It was like a couple of blood brothers putting their hands together to see where one guy’s scar lines up with the others’. [Read More]

KMA, Cataracts!

Sometimes you show up with your fancy new workout only to find out someone else did it the day before and wrote the exact same backblast you planned to write. Sure you could move forward with a copy and be known as a copy cat. Or you could change it completely which is what I did. So if you read WWW’s BB or were at his workout he actually went back in time and changed his so that it looked like mine a SECOND time. [Read More]

The Challenge is 100!!!

PAX: Chicken Little, Chipper, Compound W, Drysdale, Free-fall, Goose, Hamm, Hotspot, Honeycomb, Ma Bell, Quick Stop, Repeato, Ringo, Roasters, Saban, Sixteen Steves, Smokey, Willy Wonka, WKRP, WWW Thank goodness that I’m the co-Site Q for A Team (one of the original 5 Carpex AOs) and we have a reminder for who is Q’ing this week and next week. I had a great weekend trip with the M that I almost forgot that I signed up to Q today. [Read More]

Surprise, surprise, surprise.

Nothing like taking your phone out of airplane mode at 5:33am to see that “Hey, man, need a favor” text from your favorite jam band loving, stolen truck driving, god of a man Riptide. But that’s what we do, right? Pick a man up when he’s down, take his Q when the M is sick. Being freed to lead means stepping up and doing it. And so, gentlemen and scholars, and Callahan, I arrived at Claymore for the first time ever, ready to do what I do best: bringing the pain and concussive-like symptoms. [Read More]