Phoenix Phright Phest

Nine men got together for Halloween festivities at Phoenix on Saturday. Glad at least one person got dressed up! Identity Thief It’s too bad he was late… Warm-up: Eight men started off with the Pledge at 6:30AM. The parking lot was mostly empty, save for the approximately 793 sundry signs in Red, Blue and Yellow. Early voting closes at 3PM today so it’s going to be a busy day. After the pledge, we mosey out of the parking lot towards the big field just as a car comes rounding the corner. [Read More]

Great job naming the "bridge," Tang...we've only called it that for always

I like this AO site…there’s a reason it hosts 3 of CARPEX’s workouts every week. I posted a bit early to scout the site for my ideas, said farewell to the EC bubbas and headed into the Gloom of Apex Community Park. I had originally planned on the Dora encompassing the loop from the pavilion all the way around the utility access trail and back through the parking lots (approx. . [Read More]

Once more unto the breach

Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more; For here at A-team were we once infected. Twas but a week (maybe more) ago whence we learned Of the ill-will brought upon us by a virus from lands afar. This morn was no celebration. No anniversary. It was merely an opportunity to Q - Nay, to Lead! For A-team is an OG site. One of the first. And such is the spirit of A-team that one must show [Read More]

Balls and Diamonds

YHC got late notice on Monday from Frisco that he was isolating due to possible COVID exposure, so he would not be able to Q. YHC’s Qs had been in a rut of late: Dora, Sevens, blah… wanted to do something different this time and given the short notice, would be doing so more or less on the fly. Seven PAX at the start in a damp, but well-lit Claymore parking lot. [Read More]

Bucket Handle Meniscus Tear? We report, you decide.

Wait there’s an AO in my neighborhood? Yes, yes there is. It’s a wonderful low impact AO designed to make men stronger with their own body weight and rocks. It’s also run by two high impact men in @Pickles and @Frisco. Who knows what @Frisco’s actual nom de guerre is today, as he and the site flag were MIA. Although he did give a head’s up that he might be absent due to working 0000-0400. [Read More]

Yesterday's mission, today!

Last week I was in a COP with Repeato, and somehow Chumbawumba’s earworm Tubthumping came up. He said “oh yeah, you can do burpees to that song.” It inspired me to cook up a Q where we did the three musically-synced workouts that immediately come to mind. I figured my birthday Q would be a good time to debut this. I was a little aggressive on the “filler material” yesterday, and we only got one song in, much to Hotspot’s disappointment. [Read More]


10 PAX gather in the gloom for an Eahart KB beatdown. As I pull up a group of HIM were running in after some EC/BRR training. Personally, I will be glad once BRR is done and we can get back to F3. Anywho, Mosey around the parking lot and to the front of the church for: Warm Up Control freak Good Mornings Imperial Walkers Side Straddle Hops Sir Fazio/Seal Claps [Read More]

Something About Mary

I haven’t been posting very consistently over the past 6 months but I have been doing the 2020 Core Challenge on an almost daily basis since the beginning of February. Therefore I thought it was appropriate to do a fair bit of core work for this (3rd) Anniversary Q. Also, considering the fact that due to the nature of my work, I’m holding a squat position for a good part of the day I wanted to incorporate some squat work as well. [Read More]

BackBlast(s) Beatdown

So last week I had a brutal beatdown planned to end my one year anniversary week, but some unforeseen circumstances prevented that. Luckily Wrench is a true HIM and stepped in and even luckier the Q was open this week so I had a second chance to bring some pain. EC For those who don’t know, Wrench’s DES this year is to run the Maynard and then do a murph and I’m guessing probably a triathlon in the afternoon. [Read More]


Date: 7/21/20 PAX: Chipper, EarharT, Frisco, Kwik Stop, Pickles, Press On, Tang, WWW As I was trying to decide what workout routine to create, I went to my favorite place to research … the good old exicon. I wanted exercises to push the limits for a solid WOD. As 0545 hit, I was anxious to get rolling. F3 mission, core principles, and credo recited and our Pledge of Allegiance to Old Glory it was time to get down to business. [Read More]