KB Beatdown

My first Q for Hells Bells. Focus was on HIIT with brief rest intervals. I may have rigged the timer to make the 20 seconds longer and the 10 second rest shorter. Warm up Mosey around trail to pull up bars for 5x Circle up and do Side Straddle Hop, Imperial walkers, Homer to Marge, 5 Burpees OYO, KB Halos, Runners Stretch and deep squat holds w/ KB Thang 1 [Read More]

Limited Run Does Not Mean Limited Merkins

Fresh off my first merlot induction at BO, YHC accepted the challenge to deliver a tough workout at the great AO, Tortoises. With little buzz and marketing, 20 other HIM wanted to see as well. Or maybe it was the EC Pull-Ups. Yeah, probably the ECPs. Also, there were another 5 who joined in for the traveling IR Bruisers AO for a total of 26. Add in the 3 young men shooting ball, and the place was poppin’! [Read More]

The BEST Stretch

Pre-Blast 23 HIM converged at FMJ for some work. 9 for IR Bruisers. Burbeez are the BEST stretch. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag Mixed run around the school, paint the lines. Circle up for: 50 Burbeez. Run to Hill #1, discover the Pain Stix. The Thang****s 7s on the hill - Worst Burbee Evers at the top (a Burbee with a Pain Stick Military Press) and Pain Stick V-Ups at the bottom. [Read More]

Hello Deer

YHC showed up to Apex Nature Park early for some EC pull-ups. A little too early, because the gate at the Hell’s Bell entrance to the park was not yet opened. So I parked in the other lot and made my way across the park, kettle bell in hand. As I approached the pull-up bars I noticed three deer, looked like a doe and a couple of fawns. We stared at each other for a moment, then they ran off. [Read More]

Boots ta Boot

What a day, what a day! YHC grabbed the Q spot at DP and longing awaited the chance to head west for all 3 F’s with the Apex pax. With YHC’s alarm set for 0430, here goes. Arrive early for EC pull-ups with GTL, Theismann, Rooney and Frisco. Aeorsmith was there as well and Steve Tyler rocked us during our sets. Great work men. The rest of the reg-U-lars arrived and I’m looking at 30 pax for this beat down (has to be the most in Carpex today, right? [Read More]

Round and Round

A Baker’s Dozen, including one FNG, converged on Hunter Street Park, unaware of what YHC had in store for the Thursday edition of Ryder-versary week. They were soon to find out. Warm Up Pledge allegiance with an even dozen, then mosey to the parking lot for more stuff. Circle up, and after SSHs, Cotton pickers and the first half of Sir Fazio, Khakis joins in the fun. We complete Sir Fazio, then knock out 10 burpees OYO. [Read More]

The Calm Before The Storm

I honestly couldn’t think of a title for today’s workout, and Disco Duck said this while we were warming up w/o kettlebells, so I thought, why not. There’s nothing like throwing around heavy pieces of steel at 5:30 in the morning, so let’s get started. We circled up for a little warm up, both with and without our kettlebells. Warm Up w/o KB Good Morning, Windmill, Imperial Walker, SSH, Arm Circles & Claps [Read More]

He Missed The Warm-Up Spot

EC Run: YHC & Water Wings EC Pull-ups: Goose, Ma Bell, Rooney, WWW, Cataracts, Theisman EC Mumble Chatter: Crimson, Nature Boy I was impressed with the group of HIM out there this morning. We had EC runners, EC pull-upers, Traffic Cone (who I was meeting for the first time,) Blueprint (who hasn’t been out in awhile,) and it’s always great to see Snots getting after it. No FNGs so off we go. [Read More]

Back to the Future

23 HIMs braved the sticky gloom to re-discover what makes Dante’s Peak the PREMIER site on Fridays in Apex. No new stuff, all vanilla. Just pretend those turf fields aren’t even there. 21 HIMs pledged allegiance and off we go. Warm Up 5 Burpees OYO SSHs Trike shows up at 5:46, so 5 burpees OYO Cotton pickers Beetle rolls in at 5:47, so 5 burpees OYO Good Mornings, Sir Fazio, Hill Billies Mosey to the top of the hill, wake up Monkey Nut’s neighbors with 5 squats. [Read More]

Badge Unlocked

Pre-Blast - 12 heavy lifters moved some serious weight at Hells Bells. - Most of us arrived on time at either the old or new location. The Warmup - Pledge of Allegiance at the flag. - Run around the pickle and circle up on the other side of the parking lot for warm-up. - Circle up for: GM, windmills, calf stretch, Sumo squat stretch, standard merkins, SSH. - Bear crawl back to where the kettle bells are located. [Read More]