Record Breaking Hump Day #twss

YHC’s birthday Q week rolls on. I was excited to get after it this morning feeling strong after a long run last weekend and two solid workouts to start the week. Read all about them here and here. Upon arriving at Point Break, parking was limited. There was quite the turnout for ‘Das Boot’ or whatever the name is of the new long run option on a Wednesday that isn’t The Maynard. [Read More]

Hermes is a beast

And today he was a beast at complaining. It was like I was at BO with Callahan all over again. But I’m getting ahead of myself. YHC slept like crap last night. Tossed and turned dreaming about Uwharrie. You see, B-a-B and crew have a 20 mile trail run planned for Sunday morning that the heart is saying “yes yes yes” to while the mind is saying “you’re an idiot”. 3:24 AM rolled around and I woke with a start thinking it was time to get to SWW for the EC wit nothing but 3,124’ of elevation on my mind. [Read More]

What's Your Kryptonite?

Conditions were 51 degrees, 50% foggy, and 50% gloomy. I inserted a pre-blast for coffeeteria at NY Bagels. Other pre-blast material was request from Burt for Agility City (see original Agility City here: ( , and a request from Largemouth for EC run because “the QIC was soft”. Of the three pre-blasts, only two were partially true. Then yesterday afternoon, the M informed me we would be hosting the cul-de-sac game night at our house. [Read More]

Bye Bye November

Scooped this one on Wednesday from Pet Sounds - and I was hoping to craft a workout that he would be proud of. Let’s see how we did… FNG Check - WE HAVE ONE! Disclaimer… during which I remembered the F3 Mission Statement, but not the fact that I’m not a professional. d’oops Head out toward the greenway 10 merkins OMD at the entrance to the greenway Head out and make a left toward the underpass. [Read More]