QSwap @ Flirting With Disaster – or – Slide Rules Goes to Carpex!

Background: For those who don’t know, Carpex is world region locally renowned for their Mumble Chatter. Also, the last time I Q’d in #SouthWake, the neighborhood FB / community running pages lit up with complaints about that “infernal loud counting” by F3 (aka YHC). Seems like a match made in heaven. Let’s make some NOISE boys! Background Pt 2: YHC arrived a little early to find PetSounds standing in the parking lot…in dockers and an argyle sweater. [Read More]

The Apex Town Hall and Community Center Blues

Winter returned Thursday morning, but it was not enough to keep eight stallions in the fartsack. Warm-Up Mosey over to the town hall parking lot and circle up for side straddle hops, plank jacks, hillbillies and Sir Fazio. The Thang Mosey the long way over to the alley behind the community center and line up for BTTW Indian run. Everyone assumes the BTTW position, the man on the end gets to his feet and runs to the other end, assumes the BTTW position and yells GO to let the next man know it’s his turn to run. [Read More]

Christmas Train!

When the request hit groupme for a Q for Dante’s Peak YHC jumped at the opportunity to lead Carpex’s finest HIMs not realizing that it was the morning after the big Christmas bash. Never fear, I knew I’d have a strong group of HIMs and I wasn’t disappointed this morning. I was a bit worried at 5:37 when we only had YHC, Crimson (because you know he rode with me), and Disco Duck in the parking lot but we had a strong crowd roll in from there. [Read More]

+3 mi Closer to Bethlehem @ SNS

12/6/2017 Warm Up 23 PAX took off for SNS while 6 departed for Vesper. Mosey to the intersection for a selection of SSH, Imperial Walkers, slow/fast high knees to warm up the legs. Thang 1: Community Center Parking lot Count off into three groups for No-Man-Left-Behind Burpee 100. Group 1 starts doing burpees at stop sign entering parking lot. Count burpees as a group, slowest count is the group count. Group 2 starts at the rock pile/wall doing Balls to the Wall. [Read More]

Tiny Black pellets forever

Atmosphere: Damp and 40 degrees I noticed the gate open on the lacrosse field, so I immediately thought about revising my initial baseball field sprints, which could be sloppy (I know how you kids like it EXTRA schloppy). Long story short, the field turf is like a sponge and we enjoyed sitting in the soak to have some Mary. Although, we did get on the field, Smokey thought mid way through the post we might have a city worker shake us down. [Read More]

WWW x 3 and Largemouth 2.0's B-day

Strong showing Wednesday morning for the birth of Largemouth’s 3rd child. I guess by your 3rd C-section you can tell your wife, “Hey babe, I’m gonna go for a run with the guys and I’ll meet you at the hospital!” We’ll see if she’ll cool with that with his 4th or 5th child… Insomnia had 8 in attendance: YHC, Snots, Shut-In, Pet Sounds, Callahan, Hermes, Largemouth and Michelob (Respect) For some reason Snots thought it would be a great combo for YHC to participate in Insomnia for YHC’s first time the week YHC has 6 Q’s… [Read More]

I wanna rock...

Nov. 17, 2017 – Dante’s Peak Q 11/16/17-Preblast “We’re gonna rock this town. Bring yer kitten mittens.” (inserted gif of a Stray Cats album cover of some sort) No response from the pax. A few mediocre likes, one retweet. Meh. 11/16/17 2:15pm: Hotspot with a HC for a run in and out of DP. 11/16/17 2:32pm: Michelob with a SC…yeah, right Michelob. 11/16/17 2:34pm: PetSounds with an “outta town” spin class excuse. [Read More]

The Traveling Jacks

When: Nov 16th, 2017 QIC: Earhart The PAX: Khakis, Riptide, Hermes, Hello Kitty, Half, Pickles, Callahan, Lite Brite, Gopher, Ma Bell, Angry Elf, Coney, Tecumseh, YHC Earhart YHC was nostalgic as he pulled into BO after two years of posting, sweating, grunting and crying with a great group of men. I cannot believe it has been two years, but what a great experience it has been so far. 13 PAX show-up, some doing the Hello Kitty Meow Mile EC, plant the flag and head-out, according to the Nan-Tan 30 seconds late. [Read More]

Try Not to Poop Yourself

As #RespectWeek winds down, there was one last Friday flurry of RESPECT Qs before the finale tomorrow at Phoenix. YHC had actually signed up for this Q before the concept began, so it was fate. And I knew I had to bring it, when I saw 22 pairs of eager eyes staring at me from the gloom - well, 21, ‘cause Freebird came in on 2 wheels as we were saying the Pledge of Allegiance. [Read More]


Pulling into the Senior Center (an apt place to start for RESPECT Week, as so many pointed out - hardy har har), I could tell there was 24K magic in the air. Someone brought a Wal-Mark special fishing rod, an obvious nod to YHC’s fishing prowess. Some PAX were already sweating from Insomnia; some were sweating the impending beatdown they were about to receive; some took the easy way out and Vespered their way out of a beatdown; some rucked because, you know, running sucks and walking’s not enough. [Read More]