Birthday B.O.M.B.S

I"m always leery of the use of the aforementioned especially when on a public school campus in light of where we are as a society. In the case of today, the subject gave reason for concern for all within the immediate proximity but not need to worry about one’s personal safety. Disclaimer, Pledge of Allegiance Warmup The magic number of the day is 42 and we did so for Side Straddle Hop, Mountain Climber, Cotton Picker, Crunch Frog and Merkins. [Read More]

Crossing the Busy Road Twice

YHC always try and start his BB listing the number of Pax. It seems the past few Qs that’s been a feat of its own. We had 21 when we left the flag. We had 20 when we got back and we had 21 again when we got to our cars. Let the Q explain (and tell ya what we did!) 0530: Intro and Disclaimer (there was an applause of sorts even. [Read More]

B R aRen't

18 Pax made it out to Hunter Street Park for a lovely 74 degree and 94 percent humid morning. Slack chatter was looking for an unfriendly BRR beatdown. Lots of mileage was logged yesterday so YHC agreed. See, not always Angry Shutty. Sometimes Very Accomodating Shutty. Here’s what went down after the 0545 disclaimer and Shut-In Shignature warmup… Thang 1: Plank-o-rama First pax took a lap around the soccer field fence and circled back up at the skate park. [Read More]

Struggle was real - F U P S

When: 8/25/2018 QIC: Pet Sounds The PAX: Mabell, Goose, Theismann, Speed Racer, Khakis, Pet Sounds “F U Pet Sounds” - brought a smile to my heart Warm up: Very slow jog (YHC IR still) to Cul De Sac and back Circle up for, SSH, Imperial Walkers, Theismann arm/let cirlce thing The Suck: Double 7 Hammers at bottom1, 10 Burpees at top, LBC at bottom2 Something like 120 burpees total - spread out just enough Timber Time: Mozy to log pile Pick your favorite 4’x8”x8” Log Mozy it back to road overhead Man Makers 3 Partner press The Reward: Drop the log and Mozy down the hill to the lake Drop shoes/shirt - 100 yard swim (damn the water was perfect) Announcements [Read More]

F3-Its A Sickness

2 Years of F3. It’s a sickness that I just can’t seem to kick. One that has resulted in lack of sleep, frequent muscle aches, and lack of cell phone battery. I just can’t stop setting my alarm in anticipation of that brotherhood, the laughs, and personal growth. 2 years of F3 is something to be celebrated. What better way to celebrate than pain. Warm-up Welcome the Meow-Mile Pax Mosey over to the bank and circle up SSH IC X 25 GM IC X 10 Imperial Walker X 15 Standard Merkin mixture of slow cadence with normal cadence x 20 [Read More]

Brought to You By the Letter “B”

Pre-Blast 31 HIM worked hard at SNS, the Maynard, and Vespers. Today’s workout brought to you by the letter “B.” The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag Mixed run to the west parking lot, paint the lines. Circle up for: 100 Burpees The Thang Deconstructed Burpees: beginning with 10 reps at each corner of the west lot and decreasing to 1 with each round, complete: prisoner squats, standard merkins, frog ups, and star jumps. [Read More]

We was a runnnnning

Monday Morning. Little bitty stingy rain. 5:30 announcement. Introduced myself, gave the disclaimer and we are off. Headed down the path to the amphitheater, and a quick HALT. Place is a flooded. Nothing like 20 seconds in and calling an audible. Turn around and head out to the main road and take alternate path to the Theater. After dodging puddles, uneven ground, and no entry signs we made our way in front of the stage. [Read More]

Stop #3 on The Pain Stick Express

So when Build-A-Bear messaged me on Monday to “ask” me to incorporate the pain sticks into my Q on Wednesday, of course I said yes. You’ve seen him right? So with my original workout put back on the shelf for another day, I started drawing up some new plans. Big group this morning of Insomniacs, Vesperers and SNSers. The boot campers broke off and headed toward the community center to find the afore mentioned pain sticks waiting for them. [Read More]

Round and Round

A Baker’s Dozen, including one FNG, converged on Hunter Street Park, unaware of what YHC had in store for the Thursday edition of Ryder-versary week. They were soon to find out. Warm Up Pledge allegiance with an even dozen, then mosey to the parking lot for more stuff. Circle up, and after SSHs, Cotton pickers and the first half of Sir Fazio, Khakis joins in the fun. We complete Sir Fazio, then knock out 10 burpees OYO. [Read More]

Back to the Future

23 HIMs braved the sticky gloom to re-discover what makes Dante’s Peak the PREMIER site on Fridays in Apex. No new stuff, all vanilla. Just pretend those turf fields aren’t even there. 21 HIMs pledged allegiance and off we go. Warm Up 5 Burpees OYO SSHs Trike shows up at 5:46, so 5 burpees OYO Cotton pickers Beetle rolls in at 5:47, so 5 burpees OYO Good Mornings, Sir Fazio, Hill Billies Mosey to the top of the hill, wake up Monkey Nut’s neighbors with 5 squats. [Read More]