What to Expect When You're Expecting

As a fairly frequent Q and poster to Carpex workouts I feel like I’m a pretty good numbers guesser. This is key when planning a workout. Helps you to pick the right excercises, etc etc. So for this workout I planned for about 12. There were 6 the week before and then average numbers were mid teens. Good guess right? There were 23. And that’s with Open Out fartsacking as I waited out from of his house for a few minutes. [Read More]

March. Its Madness, Beast Unleashed

It has been a tough two days for YHC with Kentucky’s loss to Carolina. We played carelessly, without the abandon needed to close, giving away unnecessary FGs, missing critical layups, dunks, and free throws. YHC has seen the replays. Yes there were some bad calls (some really bad). John Higgins [rooferies.com] best be glad he lives in Omaha. But we lost by 2 points, 2 that were missed earlier in the game multiple times. [Read More]

The Old Stomping Ground

YHC gets a bit giddy for a Q at BO. Afterall, it is the very finest AO in CARPex and may well be in the great state of North Carolina. It also has the best site Q’s and site Q emeriti. There really isn’t much negative you can find in this gem and the men that come to this hallowed ground know it. Its been a while since the Ripper has Q’d, as he has allowed the other men to led the PAX here more recently. [Read More]