"It's Good To Be Alive Today"

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjELo3fmS-M Early this morning, before YHC laced up his brand-new sneakers, there was a post on GroupMe from the ‘Man’Tan himself, MaBell. MaBell reminded me of my mom, who always would call/send me a message the morning of someone’s birthday/anniversary: “hey sweetie, call ___________, it’s their birthday today”. Anyhoo, MaBell declared that today, August 30, was the official 4th anniversary of CarPex. He went on to praise some of the OGs of CarPex, and remind us to swell their heads for setting a foundation for what is soon to be 14-15 AOs across Cary-Apex. [Read More]

1 Year of F3 Bliss

Rewind to 1 year back. YHC was a newish dad who had recently moved to Apex. Suddenly, my life looked very different than all that I had known. I found myself pouring so much into my family and our new home that I left little for my own personal growth and development. My physical fitness was suffering, my emotional health was suffering; and without a happy me, my family was suffering. [Read More]

Rude Awakening

I was awoken by the 2.1 at 4:38am and after a quick diaper change I decided to look up who had the Q of Dante’s Peak this morning. Boy was I surprised to see that YHC had signed up (likely during another sleepless night). Time to rise to the occasion and make somebody sweat. 27 pax arrived for an early morning tour of Apex nature park. Warm-Up Hold that thought as 5, yes 5 pax arrived late. [Read More]

Brotherhood of the Traveling Rocks

The plan this morning was to travel around SNS with some rocks. None of this standing around in a circle stuff. Get that heart rate up! Warm Up SSH x 20 Merkins x 15 Good Mornings x 15 Mountain Climber x 15 Sir Fazio Arm Circles forward and back x 10 each. Burpees x 5 OYO Thang 1 Get a medium sized rock. Mosey over to parking lot. 7 exercises around the parking lot perimeter. [Read More]


Workout date: 08/14/17 QIC: Fluoride On the way to our warm up in front of Koko Booth, somewhere in the chatter I heard that Eddy Money had been playing at Koka Booth the night before. What a blast from the past, did not know he was still out there. I had another concert in mind as we began our workout, it involved not only music but lots of sweat and some pain. [Read More]

Return to Hinton Hill

YHC and Parker managed to lock down the premier Carpex AO BH Q for VQ week. With that tremendous responsibility upon us we devised a Co-Q plan to bring the pain and bring the pain we did. YHC sought a return to Hinton Hill, the scene of YHC’s first BH post and beat down. At 5:45 20 men, no FNGs, were off with a brisk mosey to the Baucum Elementary school bus lot for warmup after being questioned by a few skater dudes. [Read More]

Rockin' the Peak

FOD VQ spot still wasn’t filled mid last week so I was beginning to panic. I called out Sour Mash at the COT and he stepped up to VQ FOD but I could see the hesitation. He would be going in cold and I was going to be out of town. So I snagged this last minute Q from Petsounds to Co-Q with Sour Mash so we could practice some cadence counting. [Read More]

The Rose

Glorious morning at Kryptonite this morning. 11 warriors show up. Stare at each other. Ask who the Q is for the morning and YHC takes the bait. Let’s see what went down: Run around the tiny parking lot and pick up Khakis; COP - SSH, Mountain Climbers, Merkins, Good Mornings, Imperial Walkers; Indian Run over the the parking lot we haven’t been kicked out of yet (#meanstreetsofCary); Partner up - Partner #1 runs to the road/Partner #2 does exercises (Star Jumps, Squats and LBCs) x2; Run to new location - Burpee broad Jump sandwich - Bear Crawl to the first light pole, Burpee Broad Jump to the next light pole and Bear Crawl to the final pole; Suicides - Three light posts. [Read More]

Extra Spicy

Pre-BB In 1785, William Cowper wrote a poem he entitled, “The Task.” In it, Cowper wrote the famous idiom, “Variety is the very spice of life, That gives it all its flavor.” And so it was that SNS this morning was Extra Spicy. BB When the guy who first invited you to F3 asks for help, you help him. I gladly said “yes” when Water Wings asked for a Q sub today. [Read More]

Hitting and Running for the Cycle

It was so hot, I thought we were at Dante’s Peak….then I realized I only drove 2 mins to the AO….not 20 mins. The Insomnia extra credit boys (Large Mouth, Hermes, Callahan, Pet Sounds and PBX) came running follow my Mr. Rucker (Bartman) as we circled up to get started. Nice work men. 73 degrees, feels like 88, clear, no wind. Theme for today was baseball given the 2nd F Bulls outing on Sunday. [Read More]