Rock out with your ruck out

A confluence of circumstances conspired to germinate the 9/2 Phoenix workout, including: My observation that nobody had signed up to Q the day before The holiday weekend, with plenty of PAX expressing beach-bound intentions, making YHC think that the recent trend of impressive Phoenix numbers would experience a temporary reversal Rucking permanently on the brain, but more so as of late Hello Kitty’s expressed desire to do something other than run My seeking to justify to the M the purchase of yet another ruck My desire to fartsack until 0630 rather than pre-ruck at 0545. [Read More]

A little while back...

8/7/17: YHC led 25 men on a glorious, clear morning at the Apex Community Park. As usual, the gate was close so the PAX began to gather on the sidewalk while Hopspot frantically searched for the morning’s Q. Have no fear Hopspot, YHC was only stretching. 1 Minute warning goes out, no FNGs (insert frowning emoticon face), no disclaimer, wrist clock strikes 0545 hours and the PAX is off. Warm-Up [Read More]

Sneaky Hard in New Hampshire

16 of CarPex’s finest gathered in the gloom at Bond Park for SNS, deciding they wanted both a beat down and to be home before 7:30 AM. Warmup Jog to the Community Center parking lot for warm ups: SSH, GMs, SFAC, Hillbillies, Cotton Pickers, Mountain Climbers, Merkins, & Quick Feet Indian Run to the rock pile adjacent to the Bond Lake spillway. The Thang Split into three groups for a little F3 Cat’s Cradle. [Read More]

Over Hill and Dale in Downtown Cary

So a few weeks ago I was complaining giving constructive criticism about an Indian Run we were in the middle of when Term Paper said, “Guess what, VQ week is right around the corner and you can plan an even better workout.” Dazed and confused, YHC finds himself in the gloom, in front of FUMC, Q’ing the Bradford’s Ordinary. A huge THANK YOU for the yoga mats that appeared! At long last, my wail of anguish has been answered and I have a place to lay my weary countenance! [Read More]

Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose.

On August 2, 2017 Shakin’ not Stirred became Friday (Wednesday) Night Lights with the Carpex Fighting Fish. 29 PAX arrived for practice. Also, the Carpex cross-country team headed out with 5 in toe (sorry Ma Bell) for a Vesper’s conditioning run. First a tip of the coaching visor to Burt for the modify as needed t-shirt and the love for YHC, Hello Kitty. With fire in their bellies Coach Kitty gave a rousing pre-game speech (some got emotional), telling the team that by giving all they had on this day we would be ready to take on Bingville on Friday night. [Read More]

The Dirty Dozen

In the gloom, 35 intrepid PAX (3 FNGs) gathered to discover what would happen in this week’s first VQ. YHC was celebrating completing 12 months of F3 goodness. The group took off doing the Smokey Shuffle up the hill to warm-ups. Warm-ups (12 count each) – SSH, Good Morning, Calf Stretch, Merkins, Mt. Climbers Thing 1 – The Dirty Dozen – LBCs at the bottom of the hill and Carolina Dry Docks at the top totaling 12 reps for each lap. [Read More]

Phoenix Phun in the Sun

It’s getting hot. So hot this was the last 0700 start to Phoenix this summer. No worries though, YHC planned for the second half of the workout to be in the shade. That made it easy. Right guys? 20 PAX: 3 total FNGs posted, all 2.0s ready to rumble in the big leagues, so the disclaimer was given (to their legal guardians) and we were off to the kiosk to warm up. [Read More]


YHC had been traveling all week, obliquely aware of the goings-on in CARPEX. Something about boats and canoes. Multi-packs in progress. Whatever. After a reverse taper week with one measly run, plus missing EC due to alarm difficulties, I was ready to get after it. Warm-up Run to the ball park lot and circle up for SSH, MC, GM, windmills. Sir Fazio x10 - hold - overhead clap x20ish - hold - moroccan nightclub - hold - hold - pause - hold - Sir Fazio reverse. [Read More]

Old standby, deck of death welcomed 16 strong

Beautiful morning at Bond Park, at least if you like humidity. But apparently, people do. Good crowd, early crowd, anxious and waiting to roll. Callahan and Old Maid wander in from their separate EC runs. No FNGs and we are off - out of the senior center, right on the road, left on the path - hard left onto trail, left again on the path, right on the road, back in the other entrance to the senior center - a little backward run and side shuffle thrown in and we were back where we started. [Read More]

Beast Conquered

11 PAX showed up Saturday morning for a pre-Easter workout. No FNGs. Mosey down to the field for the warm-up: Good Mornings, Cotton Pickers, SSHs, Imperial Walkers, Plank Jacks. The rain started. Next, mosey around a 100 yrd x 50 yrd plot, for the thang, marking the corners and mid-field points with pine cones. Note: don’t use pine cones to mark a course - they’re hard to find. THANG Beast with a Mucho Chesto set and a Bruce Lee set after each round. [Read More]