Hills, Benches and Rocks - Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

After a week of vacation in the mountains YHC was anxious to jump back into F3 this week! Since I was a bit out of shape from too much beer and pizza I invited (guilted) Crimson into co-Q’ing with me this fine Monday. Last night as we were planning our co-Q my M gave me some funny looks as we discussed “Dora” and “Mary” but I digress. A cool, crisp “spring” morning greeted 12 PAX at Apex Community Park. [Read More]

Needle-scratch Moment

I’ve Q’d enough times (though not as much lately) that I’m not usually nervous beforehand. I was nervous today, anticipating the reaction of the PAX at what I had in store. Still, I had it on good authority that it was a worthy idea. Huh. Two minutes to go, FNG present, big PAX turnout, and aforementioned Good Authority nowhere to be seen. Well, let’s make the most of it. Warm-up Jog to Community Center lot. [Read More]

Good Friday - Stations of the Cross

To get our minds right for the power and solemnity of the Good Friday holiday, a team of 29 HIM commemorated Christ’s journey to Calvary in a special Danger Zone - ‘Stations of the Cross’-edition. The 14-part story of Stations of the Cross follows Jesus from His condemnation by Pilate, to His beaten, lifeless body being laid in a tomb hewn from rock. Each station featured a theme, helping us find new meaning in Christ’s journey. [Read More]

QDR and only QDR

Men, It’s been a, what’s the word I’m looking for? Weird? Scary? Exciting? Few day since the return of Mad Dawg to the Triangle’s number #1 country station, 94.7 QDR. With that, YHC felt moved to host a QDR organized (not themed) workout. With tank tops on, and a disclaimer ta boot, we’re off with the bluetooth pumping the tunes. Warm-up: Over to the lot on Walker for: Good mornings (in radio DJ voice) Quick feet x 9 Donkey kicks x9 Ranger Merkins (don’t google it) x9 Q: Over to the hill on the back side of DTC park for Quadrahill [Read More]

46 Give or Take

Last day at 46 and YHC is excited and ready to start the week off strong. It’s cold, but not as cold as expected. We get a good crowd full of great men, the clock hits 05:45, let’s go! Warm-Up Mosey over to the parking lot next to The Hill and circle up for imperial walkers, cotton pickers, Sir Fazios both ways, and plank jacks. The Thang Mosey over to the basketball courts, stopping for one burpee at the first light pole, two burpees at the second, etc. [Read More]

Two Young Bucks

The rainy morning gave way to another beautiful afternoon in downtown Cary, perfect conditions for two young bucks to show ’em how it’s done. Warm-Up Mosey around the police station to the big fountain and circle up for side straddle hops, hillbillies, cotton pickers, Sir Fazios, dips and irkens. The Thang Mosey over to Academy Street and Five and Dime it to the fountain, five merkins at each odd light pole, ten squats at each even light pole. [Read More]

3/16/18 - Back to where it all began!

YHC felt obliged to celebrate his 2 year anniversary by Q-ing the AO where it all began for him (at least in the Carpex Region). The Warm-Up: Some vanilla warm up including 24 merkins, 104 SSH, and some other stuff. The Thang 1: - Form 2 lines, bear crawl inchworm down the parking lot - Crawl bear inchworm back up the parking lot The Thang 2: - Partner Up for Dora 1, 2, 3 - 100 Burpees, 200 Squats, 300 Calf raises on the stairs while the other partner runs down the trail and keeps turning righ. [Read More]

Tribute to the CHAMP

YHC got some sad news on Friday that one of my college buddies, Brian Champ, was admitted to ICU at UNC hospitals with a terminal condition. I went to visit him on Sunday morning and it really hit me hard to see him like this; knowing that barring a miracle, he would probably never wake up. It also troubled me a lot that we really hadn’t been in contact much over the past decade. [Read More]

The Lake is Beautiful this Time of Year (har, har!)

“The lake at Phoenix is beautiful this time of year,” I thought with a sadistic little smirk on my face. Here is how we got there…. YHC didn’t know what to expect at Phoenix this morning with the Mule going on in Raleigh. Hello Kitty planned a 6 mile meander through Cary, as well. But, the parking lot was packed with PAX and one FNG. So, after the initial disclaimer, we were off, running down to the stop sign and then “whoa, curveball” Hi-Liter heads to the right, the traditional Texas Ranger path, but YHC heads left, just keeping everyone guessing. [Read More]

This PAX is on Fire

Dow Jones wasn’t the only one that had a rough week. YHC was again bit by some sort of bug and two colleagues went down with the flu. So what better way to cap off the week than rising from the ashes at Phoenix? 20 PAX agreed and all 21 of us hit the gloom. Though rain threatened, we stayed mostly dry. A few hearty PAX ran into the AO from various destinations, working to get in some extra miles leading up to various events this Spring. [Read More]