Stairway to Vanilla

YHC had a plan that involved climbing the stairs in the woods when I Q’ed here at Danger Zone a few weeks ago. Alas the rains the night before left things too slick, and that plan had to go into my back pocket for another day. Well this week it has been dry as a bone, so today is that day. Warm-Up Quick trip around the pickle and circle up for side straddle hops, hillbillies, Sir Fazios, plank jacks and one standard merkin. [Read More]

37 is the new 47

It was a hot June night in the year of our Lord 1981. Judy and Ralph (his friends call him Dice) Jodice welcomed their first born son (of 3) into this world. The heavens shook and the Devil pooped his pants, for life as we knew it would never be the same again. 37 years later and YHC drives a small(ish) SUV, has 2 kids, a wife, an IRA and a 529 account for his children. [Read More]

fartsacking @$$ - expectations were high

Coming off (or not) an epic SNS beatdown that Burt led for YHC’s fartsacking @$$ there were expectations that needed to be met. Go Time 0545 Jog to PoPo house and circle up. Some regular, side, and backwards run 30x SSH 15x Peter Parkers 20x merkins 15x Parker Peters Sir Fazio (bc someone thought they needed it) The Thang: Partner up for 5 rounds of the parking garage 4 stations, 2 on ground level, 2 on the top level at each stairway Station 1 20x American Hammers Station 3 20x LBCs Stations 2 & 4 15x Partner Derkins Wrapped up with one for the shelf. [Read More]

The Vandals Sack Rome

The day is June 2nd. The year is AD 455. Rome is being sacked for the third time. Today, we are the Vandals who will take the city. Today’s Playlist 06:30 – FNG Check – we have one, Noah – Disclaimer – LET’S ROLL Jog around the over to the secret garden for a warmup. Good Mornings / Side Straddle Hops / Cotton Pickers / Imperial Walkers / Merkins / Mountain Climbers / Plank Jacks [Read More]

Memorial Day Tribute

On a day set aside to remember those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice 57 HIMs made a statement of gratitude, respect and admiration for the fallen by way of sweat, tears and even a little blood. First things First: 10 brave HIMs participated in an EC Murph at 0600. Pierogi, Hermes, Oofta, Ollie, Banjo, Old Maid, Squatter, Captain Kirk, Joe Smith, Tecumseh, WWW, Sky Blue and Michelob. Excellent work gentlemen! [Read More]

School Daze

I gotta tell you, YHC was not feeling too good today. Lots of sniffling and sneezing over the last 24 hours, but what could be a better cure than getting after it with my brothers? Maybe a hot toddy and a nap, but this was a close second. Warm-Up Mosey over to the parking deck and up to the top level and circle up for side straddle hops, imperial walkers and Sir Fazios. [Read More]

4/24/18: Let my inspiration flow..

YHC was feeling a little slow this morning, which usually means a ruck. But he was also feeling a bit sore in places important for rucking, so in the end, the fartsack won. If you haven’t been to BroGa over at NCMA on Monday mornings, it’s a nice change-of-pace. YHC has been an occasional participant along with CK. It’s a good way to recover from a long run on the weekend. [Read More]

A perfectly timed downtown workout (well, except for the ruckers)

After a quick disclaimer to the FNG, 15 Pax departed FUMC at promptly 5:45:01. Three ruckers went on their way. Jogged up to the bank plaza (where the new spotlights can burn through your soul) for a typical warmup (SSH, IWs, etc.), losing Callahan in the process. Jog to the south corner of Academy and Ambassador Loop to partner up. Ascending Burpee Catch-me-if-you-can around the loop to the parking garage. Riptide offered the opportunity to use the sleds, but YHC eased the minds of the concerned Pax by politely declining. [Read More]

Dos Toros

Saturday is coming up fast and no one has claimed the Phoenix Q. YHC checks with the co-site Q to see if it’s really available, it is, and we decide to co-Q. Disco Duck takes the first half, Texas Ranger takes the second. Here we go. Warm-Up Mosey over to the community center parking lot and circle up for side straddle hops, Sir Fazios, plank jacks and mountain climbers. The Thang [Read More]

A Pierogi Confession

To whit: I had not, to date, really tried to deliver a good ol’, shut yo’ mouth F3 beatdown so when the SNS Twitter handle kindly reminded YHC of the Q the next day, that’s what I vowed to try and do. If the other PAX feel even a small fraction as sore as I do this afternoon, success! Warmup SSH Sir Fazio & claps Cotton pickers Thang: Form into 3 lines and scout run to the end of the main road through Bond (sprint to the light post) Recover care of Jack Webb 1:4 Merkins:Air presses Catch Me Indian Run to main parking lot (5 DM when peeling off) Recover with Lt Dans 1:4 Squats:Lunges (each leg one) 4 corner escalator (10-20-30-40) - 10x squat - 10x LBC - 10x overhead claps - 10x burpees Bear-crawl inchworm to the end of the parking lot No time for mini-Dora so Mosey back to main parking lot for… High tempo Mary: American Hammers x10 IC Leg Raises x10 IC Heel touches x10 IC LBC x10 IC Boat/canoe x10 Flutter kick IC (each PAX did a 4 count around the COT… ~120 total) COT: Count-a-rama: 22 for SNS and another 8 for Vespers (Hermes, Term Paper, Michelob, Hot Spot +3 others I don’t recall or thought were with SNS the whole time) Announcements: F3 Dads camp: sign up! [Read More]