R-O-C-K in the F-o-D

This is my rock, there are many like it, but this one if mine… …my rock is my best friend, it is my life, I must master it like I master my life… …w_ithout me, my rock is useless, without my rock, I am useless._ After a two-week, work-related hiatus, it was great to be back in the gloom this morning. Particularly when it is at the finest AO in West Cary on a Tuesday morning – Field of Dreams. [Read More]

Channeling My Inner Frey

Six ruckers and 11 boot campers showed up at Green Level Elementary School on a 63-degree February morning to get their Friday started right. Some may have been disappointed, expecting a Frey Daddy beat down, so I did my best to make the workout Frey-worthy. Let’s see how we did… Warm-Up Quick loop around the parking lot then circle up 20 SSH, IC 15 Windmill, IC 15 Hillbillies, HC 20 Merkins 20 MC, IC Thang 1 - Parking lot Paula Abdul [Read More]

Ruck Takeover

Friday, February 1, 2019 - Cary, NC. Those attending what was purported to be a high-tempo bootcamp workout at Gran Torino were shocked and amazed to arrive and discover the site had been taken over by shady characters wearing “military-style” backpacks. Assault backpacks, even. With carrying handles and other menacing features. They did their best to shrug it off and proceed with their running around, while the ruckers got after it. [Read More]

Triple down celebrations

Feb 5th. 5/2. Fifth of February. So many reasons to celebrate……it’s the 36th day of 2019 (Gregorian calendar), it’s the start of the 4716th Chinese New Year (Year of pig) and it’s also Red Ryder’s M’s birthday, who I believe was turning 21 (approximately). With so much excitement to come, YHC started the customary countdown to the start of the beatdown at 3 minutes…..eventually the clock ticked down and we were ready to go…. [Read More]

Esau’s Mirror

Pre-Blast 23 Bootcampers and Rucker’s for a record-breaking day at GT. EC runners and ECP as well. 13 Rucker’s. 4.36 mi for the boot camp (by @Chanticleer’s Garmin) The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag. Small Group Indian Run around the soccer field and up up to Preston Circle, lap the circle to complete a 1 mile warm up. Circle up for: 10 GM, 10 Windmills, 25 Mt. Climbers - hold for 25 Merkins - hold for 20 Plankjacks - hold for 20 Merkins, 25 SSH. [Read More]

And then there was rain...

So it rained. No, I mean it really rained. 10 waterproof HIDA’s, including both site Q’s and the shovel flag turned out for a swimming lesson and freshen up in the gloom. Beaker (or Biner, whatever) won the prize for most nonchalant warm up and was clearly more than up to whatever volume of water fell from the sky. As we circled up, the pax reached a consensus that the worlds weather apps were espousing lies - as to a man everyone was expecting a balmy 62 degrees yet it felt more like mid-30’s. [Read More]

Supercharged, modified and sliding at FOD

A nice morning at FOD. 27 PAX made there way to west Cary to celebrate Liverpool turning 50 and earning the title of RESPECT. Just because he is now with us in the 50’s doesn’t mean he gets an easy workout. All came ready to have some fun and be challenged. Warm up Pledge Run to back of lot 1 - 5 Good mornings Run to back of lot 2 - 10 Imperial Walker with a squat in between Run to back of lot 3 - 112 Supercharged SSH (4 rounds of descending SSH. [Read More]

4 Ruck Horseman

QIC: WWW PAX: Ezekiel, Katniss, Lawn Dart, WWW Bartman sent a post on 1stF channel stating that he was going to make the traveling Rolling Stone AO a permanent AO. The AO of choice to share the real estate was none other than Gran Torino. Unfortunately, the post also was Q shopping because Bartman had to travel this week. As soon as YHC saw the post, I immediately jumped at the opportunity to sign up to Q. [Read More]

The Legend of 44

15 HIMs joined me for my VQ on a cold, dark morning at the finest AO on a Thursday morning in NW Cary. After months of PAX asking if I owned a fruit stand, if my last name was Darling or if I accidentally forgot my F3 name (and received a girl’s name), today I shared the origins of Clementine, as well as a brief history on the Legend of 44 at Syracuse University (go Orange! [Read More]

19 Murphs in 2019 (2 of 19)

Pre-Blast 17 HIM for the second of 19 Murphs (in 2019) at FOD. YHC feels so inspired and encouraged by men who would make their way out on a freezing cold morning to grow stronger together. After YHC3 blasted this work out, everyman knew what they were coming out for: Stronger backs, stronger hearts in 2019. Awesome! The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at flag. Run to the shelter, circle up for a few GMs, SSH, Merkins. [Read More]