Three Hundo (Merkins)

BB 18 HIM arrived at the Field of Dreams to live out a nightmare…three hundred merkins PLUS… Welcome FNG, Squid. The Warmup - Pledge of Allegiance at the Shovel Flag - Mixed run to the top of the hill parking lot, paint the lines. - Standard Merkins 40OMD - Happy Jacks 5 setsIC - Standard Merkins 20OMD - Abe Vigoda 10IC - Standard Merkins 20OMD - Imperial Walkers 15IC - Sir Fazio Arm Circles 10IC (egoscue grip) - Standard Merkins 20OMD [Read More]

When: 9/20/2017 QIC: Pet Sounds The PAX: see below As SNS is my 2nd favorite site in F3Carpex (only behind Kryptonite obviously) I took this Q seriously. Worked hours in preparation for these famed 45 minutes to deliver a powerful beatdown that would make even Larry happy. Warm up - lap with around parking lot ending at side of sr ctr. SSH, GoodMorning, MountainClimbers, PlankJacks, Fozio Sir Fozio (Rev), Mozy to gate [Read More]

9/7/2017 Callahan, Coney, Goose, Parker, Katniss, Water Wings, (unknown), Smokey, Pet Sounds, Pickles, Disco Duck, Term Paper, Snots, Sosa, Chanticleer, Ma Bell, Dreamliner, Beaner, Earhart, Joe Smith, Angry Elf, Half, Coxswain There weren’t many TTs on TTT but there were 24 PAX that showed up to be lead by Coxswain with a quick start promptly at 5:45 over to the bank for warm-up. Warm-up: This began with 15 Good mornings signaled in true Coxswain fashion with “STROKE! [Read More]

The Death Parking Lots

9/5/2017 This was a co-Q with Free bird and Nature Boy today at FOD. Driving into the Q it was apparent we were really close to a full moon, so hopes were high. Upon further review, it was only 99% full on a waxing gibbous. (Full moon on September 6th) I don’t pretend to know anything about the phases of the moon but I knew if that was my intro, some useful facts may be beneficial. [Read More]

More Burpees Than Planned

PAX: 19 (FNG Lite-Brite) Excited to hit up some BO this morning. YHC has been on the low low when it comes to Q-ing so I’m happy to get back in the game. With all of the new AOs the opportunity to lead a workout can only increase! So just as my Twitter #PB announced I arrived at 0530 for some #TTT. Stretched for quite a bit before the next cars mosey’d onto the lot. [Read More]

Play Like A Champion Today

When: 8/29/2017 QIC: Pet Sounds The PAX: Bagger, Biner, Crimson, Franklin, GTL, Hello Kitty, Katniss, Nature Boy, PBX, Shut-in, Sooey, Side Saddle(FNG), Sour Mash, Napster, Parker, Snots, Sooner, Water Wings, Goose, Bogo, PetSounds With the previous day’s Burt-al beatdown and EC YHC was in no shape to run… Fragile status lately with a string of injuries. Hell to grow old. YHC was shocked to learn while Q shopping for the week that he had the Q at FOD the next day. [Read More]

Solar Eclipse!

Today is the day for the solar eclipse so I felt compelled to create a workout that was both challenging and fun, relating as much as I could to the special astrological day. 21 PAX gather in the humid, gloom day for the themed-event. We take off down the road in a mosey imitating, the sun and moon traversing the sky. We make it, after a backwards run up the hill, to the first eclipse over Oregon for: [Read More]

Relay Replay

To my delight and amazement and after Large Mouth and I were just talking about him coming back soon, Callahan walked out of the bushes and returned to Danger Zone! Total Pax of 16 gathered around the flag and with a quick disclaimer we were off. Warmup Lap around the pickle and then: Side Straddle Hop 20 IC Good Mornings 10 IC Willie Mays Hayes 10 IC Plank Jacks 20 IC Partner up with someone of similar speed. [Read More]

Step by Step

Life is a series of steps. For the first 25 years or so, you are basically pushed down a series of steps. Elementary school, little league baseball, driver’s license, first job, then usually college or in my case, the military. In the Army, every step of your life is controlled almost 24 x 7. My three years in the 82nd Airborne Division were challenging and fun but when I got out, the day I got out, the minute I signed my last form, I was lost. [Read More]

Parking Lot Pain

14 Pax gathered at FOD on this humid morning to get better. THE WARM UP: Run up and down Brooks Park Ln, mix in high knees / high heels / side hops / karaoke SSH 25x IC and Imperial walkers 10x IC at top Merkins 10x IC and Mountain climbers 10x IC at bottom Circle up, count off THE THANG, PARKING LOT PAIN: Partner up, starting parking lot (meetup spot) [Read More]