Insomnia 01/24/2018

Well, I guess if we’re going to make this official, we’ll need to start posting backblasts, eh? 4 PAX gathered to send off the thoroughbreds embarking on the Maynard (but really, chasing down Hermes) while listening to Metallica courtesy of race director Shut In. Nice. Warm up: Stretch yoself The Thang: Right on Hihg House, Left on Maynard, touch the post at James Jackson and turn around, Right on High House, Left on Maury O’Dell into the parking lot. [Read More]

Rolling Stone @ BO 1/11/18

Bartman and Katniss joined 20 other #HIM getting themselves better at BO this fine morning. While the bootcampers workout toured some of Cary’s finest establishments, the ruckers set out on their own path… East on Chatham St toward the roundabout. Stop there for 50x flutter kicks IC, rucks overhead. About face, head back toward Academy. Slight detour to run around Bond Bros 1x with the group. Head South on Academy to the fountain (still with chunks of ice in the middle! [Read More]

Thirsty Thursday Pub Crawl

Gentlemen, let me introduce you to the digital emotional headlock. The Twitters were damn near frozen last week, but alas YHC and Riptide were able to talk FNG Ted into making his debut at BO (nickname to come in NMS). With that YHC set out to introduce him to Carpex’s flagship AO with a tour of the local watering holes. So a pub crawl it is. Warm-up: Mosey to the bank to take out some cash for our pub crawl After Coney dropped the ball (we did some good mornings), McCants stepped up to the “how much money do we need to go out drinking” with a healthy “$60, aye! [Read More]

ICEing on the cake

Day 2 of YHC’s b-day Q-stravaganza…36F at 0511 in greater Apex…woo hoo, a day above freezing! Or not. Commute across the border to Brooks Park, and what’s this, but leftover SN/ICE all over the place. Flashback to yesterday’s Kryptonite. ENOUGH with the snow already! 36 at my house, 31 at the AO, meant a nice glaze of black ice was starting to appear, just in time for the PAX to arrive. [Read More]

Nolan and Tammy Sitting in a Tree...

Pre-BB #FODForLife…amirite, Franklin? BB 15 major leaguers hit home runs at FOD on a balmy December morning just six days from Christmas. Welcome FNG, Sir Walter. The Warmup - Disclaimer, welcome FNG - Pledge of Allegiance at the Flag (which is located where it always is) - Mixed run to the top of the park - BR, Karaoke, Regular - SSH, Good Morning, Zebra Butt Kickers+Annies+Wide Grip Merkins, HillBillies - Alternate Bear Crawl and Lunge Walk between light poles to the lower turf field - Partner up - size does not matter. [Read More]

NOT 12 Days of A-Team

Since we’re a week away from the Big Guy’s birthday, YHC thinks we must have a Christmas theme. However, like the music on the radio or the Apex street decorations, sometimes we just get burned out because Christmas starts too early. So we kept it light, didn’t overkill on the 12 days of Merkins, er Christmas. A grand total of 9 PAX gathered on a rather GLOOMY and dank morning at A-Team. [Read More]

Cocked, Locked and Ready To Rock!

15 PAX got to experience YHCs best effort FMJ soundtrack. Warmup Surfin’ Bird (is the Word) - One lap (most of the way) around the Salem Pond Lap around parking lot Walk This Way Aerosmith - Circle for SSH x 30 (IC), Imperial Walkers x 25 (IC), Hillbillys x 20x (IC) Good Mornings x 20 (IC), Mountain Climbers x 20 (IC), Plank Jacks x 20 (IC+Increasing speed) Mozy to playground and school (ALERT - HOTSPOT Sighting! [Read More]

Not Insane

11 of NW Cary’s finest HIM gathered on 11/30 at what is arguably the best NW Cary AO on a Thursday that ever existed. With all the hoopla over at BO, one would have thought the second coming was happening. I mean, there was surely a star to the east of us right over DTC. We are also pretty sure we heard a little drummer boy. Be that as it may, the 11 chaps left behind were just there to put in a day’s work before 0630. [Read More]


Today was the first cold morning we’ve had that didn’t feel cold. It felt crisp. YHC didn’t question my decision to leave the fartsack for the gloom, I just enjoyed the time spent with my brothers. Warm-Up Take a lap around the parking lot and circle up for some side straddle hops, hill billies, cotton pickers, Sir Fazio arm circles, and since Nature Boy showed up late we did ten burpees. [Read More]

Salute to our Veterans.

Nice morning. 44 degrees. Crystal clear. Respect Week. The original Cary AO. 26 HIMs. The DZ crew was complete this am with Cally and Large in attendance. Today we observe Veterans Day and at DZ we are fortunate to be the closest AO to Cary’s Veterans Freedom Park. Cally took us there a few years back…so we had to go back. A little Rip Tide Pearl on a String was planned for the 1. [Read More]