Bucket Handle Meniscus Tear? We report, you decide.

Wait there’s an AO in my neighborhood? Yes, yes there is. It’s a wonderful low impact AO designed to make men stronger with their own body weight and rocks. It’s also run by two high impact men in @Pickles and @Frisco. Who knows what @Frisco’s actual nom de guerre is today, as he and the site flag were MIA. Although he did give a head’s up that he might be absent due to working 0000-0400. [Read More]

Yesterday's mission, today!

Last week I was in a COP with Repeato, and somehow Chumbawumba’s earworm Tubthumping came up. He said “oh yeah, you can do burpees to that song.” It inspired me to cook up a Q where we did the three musically-synced workouts that immediately come to mind. I figured my birthday Q would be a good time to debut this. I was a little aggressive on the “filler material” yesterday, and we only got one song in, much to Hotspot’s disappointment. [Read More]


QIC: Riptide. Big crowd for a muggy Riptide Q. Just as we’re about to launch, a car screams into the parking lot. It’s the triumphant return of Joe Smith. Mosey to Koka Booth parking lot for the warm up. Mosey to the rock pile, partner up, and grab a rock. Mosey to American Tower. Thing 1: Partner rock work. Partner 1 stays with the rock for 8-step rock-your-body. Partner 2 runs up the American Tower hill, does 2 burpees, runs down the hill, crawl-bears back up the hill, 2 starjumps, runs back. [Read More]

Switch-A-Hoo Take Two

After Yahoo’s switch-a-hoo (Shut-In coined term) last week I had to return the favor due to him being out of town. Arrived early and hid my mini-van containing cinder blocks in the main area. Started at 0530. Warmup Ran to the main promenade grass area, and warmed up with: - Imperial Walkers - Sir Fazio Fwd - Seal Claps - Sir Fazio Reverse - Merkins Thang 1: Manmakers, Merkins and Swings Partnered up and grabbed cinder blocks from the mini-van. [Read More]


Overnight storms left the Ritter Park area wet and slippery, let’s see if we can make it through the beatdown with no injuries. Warm-Up Mosey across Kildaire Farm Road to the Retail Section and circle up for Good Mornings, imperial walkers, Sir Fazios, copperhead squats, copperhead merkins and three slippery mountain climbers. The Thang Mosey down to the greenway, through the tunnel and up to the top of the ramp. The lucky number of nails in a horseshoe is seven, so we’ll make seven horseshoes. [Read More]

Who cares about the workout - Celine tix avail!

Spectacular weather, good crowd, Hermes gives F3 mission, we are off. Mosey to somewhere for basic warm up with SSH, GM, MC, Merkins and Plankjacks Head to parking lot behind doctors to test drive the Point Break rockpile Series of long-distance rock suicides involving 10 each of Curls Triceps Squats Flutter kicks while we wait for the 6 Move to covered parking area for Traveling Rock Jack Webb style exercises [Read More]

2020 Krispy Kreme Challenge

So it doesn’t happen in F3 unless there is a Back Blast. My stomach lining would disagree with that after a dozen donuts. It might even make its own “back blast” all over your shoes. But rules are rules so… This morning 15 HIMs showed up for a pre-race Murph. I was glad when Old Maid read a short piece about Lt. Michael Murphy and the sacrifice he, his team, and the teams who tried to extract them made in that battle. [Read More]

Capture the Duck (not of the Disco variety)

This was my third Q in the seven months posting with F3…my goal is to accelerate that number this year (see what I did there?). I have experienced a clear, positive change in my life since I began coming out and I am grateful. Grateful to Denali and Captain Jack for encouraging me to jump in and welcoming me and to the rest of the PAX, even those I don’t know well, for setting an example. [Read More]

#2247 - SWW 12/27/19

4 or 5 for 7800° EC run (including Term Paper completing the full EC run). 10 including YHC for the main event. A formal briefing was conducted at 0545 and we jogged up some stairs to a parking deck (yes, Cauliflower, there is a parking deck magnet that mysteriously draws a Q in). Circle up for a standard Shut-In warm-up with a break for 10 Burpees OYO. The word on the street was that this week’s record of LBCs stood at 480. [Read More]

Putting the B in Burpee, and Other B Words

I never know exactly how many PAX are boot-camping and how many are Vespering, but there were 20+ gathered at Bond Park expecting some sort of exercise routine. Warm Up A couple laps around the pickle to get the gams loose. Do the Pledge and recite the F3 Mission, circle up for SSHs, Sir Fazio forward and back, Seal claps, Steve Earles, Plank Jacks, and CFMs. The Thang Mosey down to the end of Maury O’Dell, hang a right and go to the nicely lit parking lot adjacent to fields 5/6/7. [Read More]