Halloween Extravaganza (F3 Style)

21 men donned their duds for the most epic beatdown Flirtin’ With Disaster has ever seen on Halloween…..ok, maybe it’s this AO’s first Halloween….but it was still epic. YHC was a bit worried about how many would show up in costume, since not everyone is on GroupMe, but the PAX didn’t disappoint at all! Grown men in full costume gathered at the FWD Shovel Flag to ogle at each other. [Read More]

The Dirty Dozen

Six HIM showed up for the Kitty-less #meowmile. Well, five showed up to run, one accidentally showed up early and joined us just to be friendly. And at the turn-around Kitty made a cameo to say Hello When we returned our numbers had doubled to an even Dirty Dozen. Perfect for partnering up. Warm-Up Hustle around the back of the church and circle up in the tire shop parking lot for side straddle hops, imperial walkers, merkins, plank jacks and Sir Fazio arm twirlies. [Read More]


BB YHC hails from Generation X. Gen X?! We tried to name ourselves…colossal failure. Remember when George Costanza tried to name himself, “T-Bone?” Bad idea, “Co Co the Monkey.” Kobe, “The Black Mamba?” Really?! We received a key reminder today at FWD - #Don’tNameYourself. Let’s start that trending… Oh - we also learned about teamwork. EveryTHANG we did today hinged upon working together and cheering on our teammates. We are better together. [Read More]

Lion's Gate

Monday morning. Kryptonite for some men but not for these 11 dudes. No gloves for the real men #carystrong and off we went. COP in the VIP parking lot - SSH, Mountain Climbers, Good Mornings, Merkins, Imperial Walker. Main Event - 3s by 5 Practice the 3s by 5 - 5 Starjumps, 5 Burpees, and 5 Hand release Merkins in the parking lot and then run to the corner of Ederlee Drive and Regency Parkway. [Read More]

Funky Cold Medina

You might ask yourself what the title of this post has to do with the actual post itself. Answer: nothing really. It just happened to be the song YHC rolled up to the AO this morning. And I couldn’t think of anythign better. By 05:45 - and I mean 05:44:59 - 9 other fellers rolled up to see what was about to go down. Warm-Up Jog around the parking lot then over to the greenway trailhead parking lot for: [Read More]

How quickly..

How quickly things change. Last week, Gloom temperatures were in the 70’s and humid. This morning the PAX broke out the long sleeves and sweatshirts (some of them, anyway) for temps starting with a “4.” And that’s Freedom degrees, not in some commie temperature. The Tortoises crew had made the journey north in order to partake of the 2nd/3rdF after the workout (more on this later), so go time was even more of a goat rodeo than normal at SnS. [Read More]

Droppin' Bombs

BB 13 HIM joined YHC on a wet morning at SWW. Joe Smith claims that he dialed up some light drizzle to keep the motif alive…#ABB, he said. Well, if JS can dial up rain on command, more power to him! Let the beatdown begin. The Warmup - Pledge of Allegiance at the Shovel Flag - Jog to the parking lot closest to the entrance - Paint the Lines; Happy Jacks; Windmills; LBC’s; Crabjacks; Sir Fazio AC’s; Imperial Walkers; Squats; Wolverines - Mixed Run to the Shelter (Backwards Run, Karaoke L&R) [Read More]

Continued Odyessy Recovery

14 PAX gathered in the swampy pit of Marla Dorrel Park this July October morning. With the temp at 75 and the humidity at 132%, everyone worked up a good sweat walking from their cars to the shovel flag. Most were relatively early this morning, YHC assumed that spirits were high with anticipation. 5:45, time to crush the spirits. Warm-up: Jog around the parking lot, weaving the Target balls and then across the street to the shopping center parking lot. [Read More]

Variety is the Spice of Life

4 (3 runners and a rucker) showed up at BO for the #meowmile. We picked up 3 more at the halfway point where Hello Kitty subjected us all to HIS 55 fantasy football penalty merkins on the way back. Wait, did I just type that? Merkins are a bonus, a pleasure, a treasure, dare I say a gift from God. After the completion of the #meowmile, we gathered up at the flag for the traditional “swapping of the shirts” for #TTT [Read More]

Don't Sandbag Me Bro

Welcome to Day 2 of the Back-to-Back Beaker Beatdown (B4 [TM]). I want to let you in on a little secret. I typically sign up to Q with an idea already in mind. Like, “Wouldn’t it be fun to carry five gallons of water around and then hop on a sled pulled by my fellow PAX?” But, when I was perusing the F3Carpex website looking at Q sheets last Friday, I noticed a glaring hole at SNS this coming week, so I jumped on it. [Read More]