So I know some of you are woodworkers...

My 3 years of f3 celebration continue as I Q at the place I posted for the 2nd time, and my favorite Carpex AO, Bradfords Ordinary. What I remember from that post was that Disco Duck was the Q and the old lady that gave Callahan what was walking and carrying a bag of rice as he was coming off of IR a hard time. (Read about it here) FNGs: 2 Welcome Satchmo and Flavortown [Read More]

Inverted Sunrise - FWD 4-27-21

4 For EC 3ish mile standard loop - Banjo, Lookout, Joe Smiff and YHC. 1 for EC 2ish mile jog - Chipper 19 Showed up for the main event. Including some from the other side of Cary. Debrief Greenbow on the game plan for the route. Mention something about invigoration. Pledge allegiance and a ‘follow me’. The Thang: Jog up Cary Parkway to the ’not even an exit’ future road tie-in on the right for a brief warm-up including Side Straddle Hops, Good Mornings and Hill Billies. [Read More]

We Have Liftoff

15 gathered to get ready for the workout. YHC informed the pax of the plan to get a location where we could hopefully catch a glimpse of the SpaceX rocket. One FNG and the disclaimer given. Mosey towards the lake near Lochmere for a warm-up consisting of SSH, Good Mornings, Hillbillies, Merkins and Plankjacks Move down the street for Dips and Irkins at a location ideal to see the rocket [Read More]

this is the year

HAPPY OPENING DAY! We made it through another baseball offseason. And through another Q1. And through another gloomy gloomy winter. We got some sprinkles this morning, and I don’t think we cracked 50deg, but it was glorious nonetheless. Here’s what we did… Gather up, and oh snap, Bayonne’s here!! Awesome to see you back, man. 9 others rolled up including 2 via EC. Burt swaps his Dodgers jersey for a tank top, and I don my Matt Harvey jersey for potentially the last time. [Read More]

Expanding The Nares

YHC drove all around Koka Booth looking for the F3 Carpex workout site known as Kryptonite. Couldn’t find it. No Shovel Flag in site. Finally saw some EC runners, so followed them to the Kryptonite parking lot. No Shovel Flag. No site Qs. Definitely felt like an F3 Raleigh site. That is until YHC opened his car door: door was hardly ajar when Largemouth and Hermes started talking smack to YHC. [Read More]

Snow Bowl

It’s Thursday, January 28, 2021, 4:45 am and it’s snowing. So what, let’s get out the door and MIAGD at BIB. On the way, roads are not slick at all which hopefully means more PAX will join the fun this morning. Gather, no FNG’s, so straight to the Pledge of Allegiance. Off for a short mosey. Did I say short , I meant almost a mile run mosey. Warmup -Good mornings [Read More]

2 Live Crew

Two year anniversary. Wonderful group today. YHC went for a long-ish run yesterday, so today was a Parker-style ME shred. Warm-Up (for some reason I always call “have a nice days” instead of “good mornings” - I make this strange mistake every time - will tighten up). Thing 1: Rock Circuit x3 (oblique sit-ups, single-leg deadlifts, mountain climbers) Thing 2: Rock Circuit x3 (goblet squat, jump squat, pushup, shoulder tap) [Read More]

Catching Largemouth

Last night, the Q slot for BiB opened up, so YHC volunteered to take the helm. I remembered a nearby segment from last year’s Hill Climb Challenge, so I built the workout around that. 15 total Pax today, including one FNG. TClaps to Farm Aid and Useful Engine for bringing out a friend. Thing Mosey around the lake. Warm-up: I called some unusual stuff that Build-a-Bear didn’t love. Pearls on a String Mosey through the greenway to Glade Park Road. [Read More]

12 Days of Christmas Rocks FWD 12/22/20

1 For EC EC 1 mile bike ride - Oofta 6 For 2.5-3.3 mile EC run - Chipper, Lookout, Joe Smith, Oofta, Full House, YHC (not Shut-In) 14 circled up, we said the pledge and jogged over to standard warm up area. Warmup: Good mornings, hill billies and merkins (all Metatarsalgia friendly excersises). We then each grabbed a moderate rock and jogged across the Parkway (not the peakway) to lower office building front door. [Read More]

New Home

This was the second of two ’late commit’ Qs by YHC on Sunday night, and for an easy reason. Good chance this could have been 3 scoop Qs, but I didn’t want to grab a Wednesday to leave that open for a Maynard or a Cleaver (which I proceeded to FS through anyways). Point Break was open, and the FWD-PB-SWW combo would have felt appropriate given upcoming circumstances. More on that in the NMS. [Read More]