The Making of A Champion

The idea for this workout just fell into my lap. On Tuesday, there was some debate on Slack about what it takes to be a champion. Some would posit that showing up and staying makes you a champion. YHC would posit that deciding to get up at butt crack of dawn to attend a workout and sticking around is laudable, but is just a prerequisite to becoming a champion. Since YHC is the QIC, YHC gets to decide what constitutes a champion. [Read More]

Pick up the S(t)ix

Pre-count off to form Red, Green and Yellow groups. 18 present and no FNGs Thang 1 Brisk mozy to start of the greenway heading back to SWW with Warm up GM x 8 and merkins x 20 along the way. Glow sticks strategically placed on the greenway. When you arrive at your color – 10 merkins (total of 10 stops per color) If you see a blue, bear crawl to the next stick. [Read More]

Double 11’s and a Distance Record Taboot

Pre-Blast 7 HIM joined YHC to set a distance record at BIB: 3.51 miles. Repeato was the lone site Q, but he was not alone. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the…no shovel flag to be found. Run to the parking lot next door, find a hill, circle up for: GM, Windmills, SSH. ****The Thangs 11s on the hill with burpees at the top and bottom. 11s on the hill with dying cockroaches at the top and crab cakes at the bottom. [Read More]

Let's Inflate a Blimp (learning to count)

Back in the F3 game after three weeks of work travel, holiday feasts and the not-so-occasional Fartsack, YHC and 13 other HIM’s rallied this Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day to inflate a Blimp. Or so we tried (there was a disclaimer that the Q, regardless of all attempts at mathematical education and related engineering training, often loses count). EC preceded the workout with Denali, Joe Smith and YHC for 3 miles around Symphony Lake on a fellowship pace (to avoid losing YHC, sluggish with a touch of a snotty nose…), with a much appreciated last-mile intercept by the ever-dependable Term Paper. [Read More]


My M had a hair appointment after the babies’ bedtime last night… which offered the perfect opportunity to knock out some laundry and catch up on podcasts. Last week’s call that was on the F3 Nation podcast featured Olive’s testimony. As I was listening to that, I saw Pet Sounds’ call for a Q-sub. Having navigated that course last week - and having vision cast from a recorded phone conference - I quickly saw a plan come together. [Read More]

21s for Double Down

Our bros in Louisville put a call out to the Nation this week. To post on Tuesday, wear black, and get a pax picture holding up Ace of Spades to show support for Double Down, who is starting his fight against cancer. For me, it’s cool to see his name is Double Down, which we probably all know is a betting strategy in Blackjack. Cancer can be a game of blackjack sometimes. [Read More]

Bye Bye November

Scooped this one on Wednesday from Pet Sounds - and I was hoping to craft a workout that he would be proud of. Let’s see how we did… FNG Check - WE HAVE ONE! Disclaimer… during which I remembered the F3 Mission Statement, but not the fact that I’m not a professional. d’oops Head out toward the greenway 10 merkins OMD at the entrance to the greenway Head out and make a left toward the underpass. [Read More]

Help an Old Guy Out

It’s been a little too long since my last Q so I need to get myself back in the rotation. 16 strong at FMJ this morning to help get things fired up again. Temps are trending cooler so the plan was to keep everyone moving as much as possible. Things went pretty smoothly until COT when YHC realized readers are needed in order for me to see the Voice Memo app icon on my phone, because I can’t remember 16 names on my own. [Read More]


Pre-Blast 12 Him joined YHC for 2.51 miles of, in Term Pappy’s words, 70 reps of lots of stuff. 6 for EC run. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag Run to the back of the park - stop for 70 reps each of SSH, Standard Merkin, Squats, LBC. Complete the loop at the back of the park with extended PTL. ****The Thangs Run toward the front of the park. [Read More]

Thankful (especially for FNGs on Thanksgiving)

YHC is thankful for many things; my loving family, a full table this Thanksgiving, and a purpose-driven career. But, above all things, I’m thankful for the blessings of FNGs on Thanksgiving Day. More to come, but first: The annual Thanksgiving Convergence means the men of Carpex descend upon the finest AO in all the land, Bradford’s Ordinary, and this year the weather right-perfect for a proper beatdown. EC run waves launched at 0600 and 0630 (psst, Frisco showed up at 0538 texting YHC, “um when are we starting? [Read More]