Callahan = nudnik

3 for EC: Chipper, Flip Flop, Francois. 1 ran to BO from his house ~3.4 miles: Pierogi Humidity at time of Bootcamp: 91% Dew Point at time of Bootcamp: 74 Tank Tops at time of Bootcamp: 41.6% (weak) At 5:45 sharp YHC orated a perfect F3 and COVID disclaimer…..only to be badgered by Callahan that it was taking too long. Callahan (and it was obvious he woke up on the wrong side of the bed) said “I am ready to workout”! [Read More]

Snip-pery When Wet

Fifteen PAX made it out Friday morning in the gloom to Slippery When Wet for a Snip-led workout. At 545 AM (and some change), we kicked it off with the Pledge, and off we went. Warm up Warm up run to the Conduent parking lot. Good Mornings Sir Fazio Arm Circles (Forward + Reverse, Small + Large) Side Straddle Hops Calf Stretch (both sides) First » DORA FLORA (DORA’s older sister) Mozy up the stairs to the parking deck, grab a partner, begin the following while running around the corner and back up the stairs: [Read More]


Captain Jack put out the call for a last minute Q at BiB… and YHC is fully in ‘Do Everything As Much And As Soon As Possible’ mode till 2.2 arrives. So here we are! Quick recon via car followed by a followup on foot and back with 20 seconds to spare. Minimal intros, and off we go! FOLLOW ME. Run around to the eastern trailhead, and hold for warmup 1: GM / SSH [Read More]

Dr. Dre makes ya feel alright

#COVID19 is now officially in full hysteria mode. I mean that in the “uncontrolled” and not “exaggerated” sense of the term since who knows if the hysteria is warranted or not. But considering that the NBA just suspended their season… and travel from Europe into the US is blocked… and America’s Dad (or whatever we are calling Tom Hanks nowadays) is not in quarantine in Australia as a result of COVID… well, the shite has gotten real. [Read More]

Hundreds on Hundreds

Twas a beautiful morning at FWD as 18 pax gathered for a beatdown. YHC has made it a goal to Q a lot more this year, so this was the first of several more to come! So, after the disclaimer and the F3 mission statement was given to our FNG, we recited the Pledge of Allegiance and were off. Warmup: After running around to the far part of the parking lot, we circled up for: [Read More]

Pickle Madness

YHC had a plan - hit as many of the parking lot pickles as we could. After a brief walkthrough (and some pre-workout Pokemon GO), we were ready. FNG Check (nice save on the new PAX remembering his name from the day before) / Disclaimer / Pledge / Farewell to the Bruisers / FOLLOW ME Lap around the home pickle, out the south exit, turn back up Maury Odell, back trail to the Community Center. [Read More]

Voting Day at FWD

QIC Staubach 25 HIMs showed up for a warm Voting Tuesday at FWD. We were expecting 26 but @bagels took a dive on the EC run as it was clear that he was slightly intimidated with what was waiting ahead. We are glad its only a sprain and hope he has a speedy recovery. I was a bit nervous with the size of this group but made sure not to let them see me sweat. [Read More]

Inclined to sprint

Warm up Twas a chilly morning and YHC knew there would be some tight hams around so elected to pledge then go for a longer warm up jog than the customary pickle and a half: Out of the car park, left on Norwell, left on NW Cary, left into the trees (lights on), immediately left up the steps and then along the little used, slightly dangerous, trail back to the bottom of the car park. [Read More]

A Circle, 10 guys, and some toys. (no that doesn't sound right. Where is the delete key on this thing? What does this blue button do?)

EC run with Wonderbread & YHC Because I know it is loved by so many, I dusted off the home gym equipment and trucked it on over to Claymore for another round of that circle workout that still needs a really cool name. It couldn’t have worked out any better today. I had 10 stations, 10 guys and a cool new Tabata clock app on my “brand new” iPhone 7. [Read More]

BO and a Show

When my Wednesday go particularly difficult to deal with at work, I texted my M and set a plan for the evening. After dinner, we would take the family out for a special outing to a new bubble tea place on NC State’s campus. After all, they have this new ‘cheese foam’ topping that has the internets all abuzz. I have a strong stomach, how bad could it be? Rolled through town this early AM to scout out a new spot I wanted to visit with the PAX. [Read More]