Carpex Convergence

The twitters were abuzz last night with all sorts of HCs from PAX of several regions… as has become common for Downtown Apex’s premier Thursday morning AO. I shared with my M that today had the chance to be my largest Q to date! I tempered her excitement by stating that this was the trend with this AO specifically, and most definitely had little to do with YHC. Nevertheless, it was a daunting privilege to lead a larger workout. [Read More]

Time to Get a Little Spooky

Click here to set the mood. Finally making it back to Slippery When Wet to pay Q respect to the site Q who bailed me out 6 weeks ago… when my 2.1 was born! I’ve been back to SWW once in the last 6 weeks, but I’m ready to execute at least part of the plan that I had half-hatched for that fateful day… with a spin. After all, today is Friday the 13th. [Read More]

Lamp Posts and Pickle Pounders

The day had come: YHC’s F3-aversary – 365 days since stumbling out into the gloom at SNS and earning a new appreciation of the nuances of Bond Park. To commemorate, YHC chose to Q at BO in downtown Cary. BO has become a favorite because of the variety of options it presents and how no two workouts seem to be the same. Making sure that today would be no different, we prepare to head out into the lamp post-lit gloom. [Read More]

Quite the Travelling Rock

I was psyched to jump back into the Q game for the first time since Gus was born… and today’s A-Team spot was wide open in the middle of last week. Couldn’t let Hotspot see that when he pulled his weekly summary, so I jumped all over it. This was my least-planned Q to-date - which did positive work for my stress-levels over the weekend and helped the time management of the workout. [Read More]

Good Friday - Stations of the Cross

To get our minds right for the power and solemnity of the Good Friday holiday, a team of 29 HIM commemorated Christ’s journey to Calvary in a special Danger Zone - ‘Stations of the Cross’-edition. The 14-part story of Stations of the Cross follows Jesus from His condemnation by Pilate, to His beaten, lifeless body being laid in a tomb hewn from rock. Each station featured a theme, helping us find new meaning in Christ’s journey. [Read More]

Mucho Burpo Mile

Happy birthday to YHC! There’s no better way to start the day than getting up early and heading out to the gloom to get after it with my brothers. Warm-Up Mosey over to the best list part of the parking lot and circle up for side straddle hops, hillbillies, Sir Fazios and plank jacks. The Thang Mosey over to the track for the Mucho Burpo Mile. 10 burpees, take a lap 10 burpees, take a lap 10 burpees, take a lap 10 burpees, take a lap 10 burpees [Read More]


First time Q’ing SWW and within mere moments, I’m already in love with this AO – it has errthing, including a nice 3-mile EC hosted by Hermes. As for the regularly scheduled beat-down. Warmup: From lot 1 to lot 2 for SSH, Good Mornings, Imperial Walkers, 10 Burpees (thanks Jigglypuff). Thang 1: Timed AMRAP for Merkins and LBC In lot 1 for 15 seconds of AMRAP Merkins and LBCs Move to lot 2 for 30 seconds of AMRAP Merkins and LBCs Keep going back-and-forth in the lots for 15-30-45-60-45-30-15 sets of AMRAP Thang 2: Timed AMRAP for L/R step up and people’s chair/B2W [Read More]

Tribute to the CHAMP

YHC got some sad news on Friday that one of my college buddies, Brian Champ, was admitted to ICU at UNC hospitals with a terminal condition. I went to visit him on Sunday morning and it really hit me hard to see him like this; knowing that barring a miracle, he would probably never wake up. It also troubled me a lot that we really hadn’t been in contact much over the past decade. [Read More]

3/15/18: Welcome to the party, pals!

Sometimes things just have a tendency to work out. YHC signed up to Q at BO on Bartmanniversary III, and as it turned out, Rolling Stone was set to be at the same site on the same day. What to do? Panic? Never. Worry? Nah. Adjust and move forward. How about a ruck-friendly workout for everyone? Perfect. Thirteen arrived, three jogged off to get a last taper in before TRHM, and ten set off to do some work. [Read More]

Virgin Wolverines Hunting Sloths on a Track in South Merka

The path to Q’dom had to start somewhere, for Tubeless it started at Wolverine. 12 brave PAX showed up to attack the time change, put a hurting on Monday, and celebrate YHC’s VQ. Things were off to a great start as Jiggly Puff made his return to the gloom after having his 2.2 Gus. All PAX were stoked to see him. Welcome back Jiggly Puff! Speaking of PAX, YHC was stoked to see 12 PAX post for the Tubeless VQ. [Read More]