Here we go again

After an already fun-filled week (BroGa, evening yog, #ruckTheMaynard), a stroke of good fortune allowed YHC to Q at Slippery When Wet on his birthday. 13 hearty PAX turned out to help me get started on my 44th trip around the sun. Plenty of #InvisibleShirts in the mix for the EC runners, and a fair bit of gloom to start us off. With the 1975 playlist in full swing, we did an awkward pickle run and circled up for. [Read More]

BRR Prep

Pre-Blast 19 for BRR prep at #ao-sat-phoenix and the Feline 15K. 3.75+ miles of hillz, Wolverines, and burbeez. The runners just ran. @Jigglypuff was there. EC run of 2.5 too for a few. @Texas Ranger, et al. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag 1 (or so) mile warmup run around to the east entrance of the park and down the hill to the Jersey Mike’s parking lot at the bottom of the hill. [Read More]

8/8/18 Maynard

> View the Strava Flyby We ran out of the parking lot, Right on High House Left on Maynard Stopped for refreshments at the water tower (TY4YL Hermes) Left on High House Left in the park back to the flag. 10.7 Miles NMS: Build-a-Bear did the Maynard CCW AND the beatdown!? We didn’t lose anyone although it was close Sky Blue found a shortcut It was humid (believe it or not! [Read More]

Zen Zen Flex Again

17 HIM descended upon Phoenix for what YHC promised would be a very limited run workout, with a heavy dose of flexibility. We had 1 FNG, Liam from New Jersey, so a thorough and complete disclaimer was in order. Apparently YHC got a little bit loquacious, prompting Callahan to point to his watch, “6:31” and an indignant look of “let’s get on with it” on his face. So off we went. [Read More]

Burpees and Running and Burpees and Hills and Burpees and Running and...

It was a “cool” 78 degrees and 85% humidity this morning at 5:30 a.m….no FNGs, lets do this. Fast-paced Mosey to the top parking lot for a warm up Warm Up 15 Side straddle hops 15 Imperial Walkers 7 Good mornings 15 Plank jacks 15 Merkins 10 Burpees OYO (a taste of today’s theme) Mosey to the track Thang 1 The Mucho Burpee Mile (thanks Disco for the inspiration!) 10 Burpees and a lap around the track x 4 (start each lap together) [Read More]

Nonstop Smiles and Other Exercises

Q DATE: JULY 23, 2018 Thirteen smiling HIM and YHC showed up for some fun in the gloom. Warm Up Pledge of Allegiance Jog down to the Pleasant Grove Church parking lot Good Mornings, Sir Fazios, Calf Stretches Thang 1 Run around the pickle Squats - about 30 seconds AMRAP Plank Jacks - about 30 seconds AMRAP Lunge Jumps - about 30 seconds AMRAP CDDs x20 Mucho-Chesto American Hammers x15-20 LBCs x20-25 Box Cutters x10-15 Bear Crawl around the island Repeat all the above 2 more times Jog back to the basketball courts Thang 2 [Read More]

Dora at the Diamond

It was a special type of Tank Top Thursday at Bounty Hunters as a few followed in the footsteps of Cameron Poe played by the electrifying Nicolas Cage and wore sleeveless undershirts. Well… his picture electrified Slack for about 10 minutes anyway. In all, about half of us were in tanks so a good showing. We Pledged our Allegiance to Old Glory and then moseyed over to nice spot between Apex Town Hall and Apex Community Center to get warmed up. [Read More]

I Was Going To Do That Anyway...

Pre-Blast 34 HIM rocked SNS and Vespers this fine AM. Honored to lead, fellas. Thank you for journeying with YHC. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag Disclaimer Mixed Run to the Community Center Paint the Lines (except Kitty) Circle up for: Good Morning, 10 Burbees OYO (because no one was counting), Windmills, SFAC fwd, OH Clap, SFAC bkw, Moroccan Night Clubs, Merkin Series (on my up and down, 1 leg up, etc. [Read More]

Up and Over

No rain, no gloves, 16 pax (17 by 0545), 1 FNG: Pin-up, 1 disclaimer. And now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for… My backblast! Warm Up Do I have to say? 10 Good Morning, 15 Hillbilly, 20 Merkins, 25 Side Straddle Hops Thang 1 - muscles Grab a partner and both grab a rock 100 Curls / 100 Tricep Extensions / 100 Should Presses - alternating 10 reps while your accountability partner makes sure you’re doing good reps. [Read More]