Music of the '70's

In one of the top 5 darkest AOs in Carpex, 11 HIM strode into the gloom to the sultry sounds of Brown Sugar and Many Dirty Deeds were Done Dirt Cheap. Warm-up After an enthusiastic rendition of the mission, disclaimer, and pledge, the PAX sauntered out of the parking lot, looped the pickle, and circled up for some Warm-ups. Side Straddle Hop Good Morning Imperial Walkers Sir Fazio Arm Circles Merkins Calf Stretch Thang One Leaving the parking lot, we ran toward the pedestrian bridge and stopped at the crossing so the Q could catch up. [Read More]

Making Good Friday Even Better: Stations of the Cross

QIC: Crimson, Wonderbread, Flacco 42 HIM gathered in the gloom to commemorate the the final days of the greatest HIM of all time. Stations of the Cross is a Catholic tradition that marks each of 14 notable events the Christ endured on his final day on this Earth. From his condemnation by Pilate and the Sanhedrin to his final (well…not-so-final) resting place in the tomb. Below is the full text that was read and the accompanying exercises for the workout. [Read More]

bricks a breakin

When: 04/8/2019 QIC: Pet Sounds Shut-In, Sub, HiLighter, Chipper, Stabach, Wonder bread, Jigglypuff, Term Paper, Michelob, GTL, Denali, Tula, Wool-E-Bull (FNG), Honeycomb, and Pet Sounds Warm up - run around parking lot, give the disclaimer, Pledge of Allegiance to America, Grab a pair of bricks, SSH, Pearls - Mozy to lot across the street Merkins, and stuff with bricks Pearls - Mozy to Garmin lot down the road 7s on the back hill LBC bottom, Burpees at the top [Read More]

Lay down your bricks

When: 04/9/2019 QIC: Pet Sounds Smokey, Oofta, Yogamat, Squatter, Honeycomb, Captain Jack, Jigglypuff, Disco Duck, Litebrite,, Greenbow and Pet Sounds Warm up - run around parking lot, give the disclaimer, Pledge of Allegiance to America, SSH, Imp Walkers, Shoulder stretching, get you a pair of bricks Thang 1 Mozy to far side of shopping center - did stuff on the way 7s on the hill - Brick Burpees and Jump Brick Lunges [Read More]

Unofficial/Official BRR Training Season

Shut-In blew-out his kankle on Friday and needed to go to the bullpen early in the week. This is now the most unique way that he has managed to avoid my Q. Still trying to wrap my head around how he did that…… 4 of the Carpex 6 for a Hilly pre-run through the slums of Cary. 16 for the main event. Head across the street for a standard warm-up. 10 SSH, 10 GMs, 10 PJs, 10 IWs, 10 MCs, and 10 merkins. [Read More]


37 shakers and vesperers came in to the gloom on special day across F3 Nation, a day where we set aside some time during COT to talk about mental health. But first we have to squeeze 45 minutes of pain into 35 minutes. To help us out, and to illustrate a point, we’re taking one of the Rolling Stone coupons with us, a solid, sturdy log, large and heavy enough that it requires two PAX to carry it. [Read More]

Hello Kitty Q'd Dante's Peak on a Friday in Apex

I’ll admit, sometimes I still flip on the ole GPS to get me out to DP, but when I get there I’m reminded at just how glorious this site is. A few hombres showed up at 0510 for ECP and laps. The only way to get better at pull-ups is to do more pull-ups. Aye! Back to the lot around 5:35 for record PUT6 w/ The Commish. Episode available HERE. [Read More]

Weird Stuff

Callahan put out the call for a substitute… and you KNOW I can’t resist the chance to Mr. Garvey a workout. I promised Prodigal on Slack that I wouldn’t do weird stuff, but then I looked in the mirror. Time for an exicon deep-dive. FNG Check - Disclaimer - Fair Warning on weird stuff - Let’s Go Lap around the parking lot. Circle up for Finkle Swings. Lap around the parking lot. [Read More]

Back in the Saddle

You ever had one of those moments when that which you once found easy to do is now quite taxing. It has almost been three weeks since I last posted. Many HIMs have reached out to check in on me during this time and I am appreciative. Never the less it was time to get back in the saddle. There’s nothing like putting yourself on the hook to Q to hold you accountable to posting. [Read More]