
Since this is my one year anniversary backblast I’ll start with some of the mushy stuff. It will probably be longer then the Muggo but shorter then a Callahan Christmas speech. So over a year ago my M was at a continuing education class and some guys she knew from Raleigh were talking about F3. One of them who had only gone to one workout and quit was complaining about how early it started and how many push-ups they had to do. [Read More]

When Sargent Squatter Came to T2I

Seeing Ausfahrt you might think “Wow, that guy is so lazy, he never runs anywhere”. But while lazy may be true for his personal hygene when it comes to working out the guy is tough as nails. Some of the newer guys may not know his story. Not long ago he was riding his motorcycle when he was hit by a truck (I think it was a half-ton truck, too! [Read More]

Classic TV Land

I may have shared this before (probably with Cally for a The Muggo bit) so pardon the repetition. When I came to the US at seven years old, I knew somewhere between one and four words of English and my parents were only moderately more fluent. Lucky for me, this is a great country with great people, great teachers and great institutions of learning. And even greater television. I am pretty sure between the fall of 1983 and the summer of 1985, I watched 2,148 hours of television. [Read More]

Hard Launch of Tin2Iron … best non-running AO is Carpex

Date: 6/11/20 AO: Tin2Iron PAX: Ace (F3 Raleigh), Ausfarht, EarharT, Intimidator, Peaches (F3 Raleigh), Reentry, Shipper, Slash (F3 Raleigh), WWW, Yukon Cornelius (F3 Raleigh) I am so proud to announce the hard launch of this much needed non-running AO. How this all became is I wanted to start an AO and partner with Ausfarht to lead it. I approached him with my proposal and he was all about committing to it. [Read More]

A hill 'o beans

Twice as many reps as beans in a can. Introduction For some reason Frisco’s pre-blast was reminiscing about the time he watched Casablanca whilst eating cold baked beans from a tin, washing them down with a cocktail of absinthe and Dr. Pepper. However, interesting fact, the workout I planned had approximately twice as many reps in it as there are beans in a standard can. So, remarkably on point. [Read More]

A Way Back

Today was my second day back in the Gloom and my first day Q-ing in it. I had stayed strong during the lockdown virtually posting with Traffic Cone 4-5 times a week. The rest of our shield lock fell off or went back to the gloom over time but we held strong until Memorial Day. After a pretty grueling Q before the holiday I decided to take a rest day. And that was when the wheels finally fell off. [Read More]

Coupons are our friend

I showed up to Tortoises not knowing who the Q was because no one signed up. As I waited for the PAX, I got worried there for a moment if it would be a no show because it was 0528. Then Hotty Toddy, Intimidator and Bubba rolls in just in the knick of time with the shovel flag. We got the F3-admin stuff out of the way and now it time for business. [Read More]

Lion of Fallujah - Memorial Day Workout

Memorial Day 2020 - Normally there is a convergence in F3 Carpex but not this year thanks to COVID-19. Multiple workouts were held and @Theismann put out a call that all AO’s be Q’d by a Vet. That was a good idea and very appropriate. YHC started thinking about what hero would be honored. The quick and obvious choices were my FIL or his West Point classmate Nick Rowe (Five Years to Freedom - His story of being a Vietnam POW). [Read More]

Can't Take It Anymore!

YHC saw the open slot on the Q sheet last week but realized it was the day after Tobacco Road, my first half marathon, and thought it might not be wise to sign up. Sunday afternoon rolled around and the sheet was still blank, and with no worse than slightly tender feet and sore quads, I thought, “eh, what the heck. I’ll probably fartsack otherwise.” 4:30 arrived with the unnerving punctuality that early Monday mornings tend to possess, and we were off to the races with plenty of time for me to sit in the truck and plan my Q. [Read More]

Chuck Norris Turns 80

March 10, 2020 marked the 80th b-day of Chuck Norris, so being Texas Ranger, I had to celebrate. Seven other lucky PAX came along with me at AO-Claymore. Warm-up: 80 SSH single count, 8 good mornings, 8 hill billy. Done. The Beatdown: We moseyed over to the rock pile and YHC instructed the PAX to pick out a big A*S rock. You know, one that Chuck Norris would be proud of. [Read More]