A stroll around the block

An even dozen found their way to the lower parking lot this morning which seems to be the only place we can start Hells Bells now. The top lot is always locked. No Pax were late so Red Ryder was disappointed we didn’t start with burpees. Warm-up – Everyone picked up a traveling bell and moseyed over the the parking lot. Warmed up with SSH, Good Mornings, calf stretch, and followed by sir fazio forward and backward. [Read More]

7 is the lucky number.

AO: Tortoises PAX: Alamo, Ezekiel, Hotty Toddy, Intimidator, Meatloaf, Snooze, Triple Lindy, WWW Tortoises AO continues to be my favorite AO to be at on a Wednesday morning. 0 FNG, F3 admin stuff done, Pledge Allegiance to Old Glory done. Before heading out, I had the PAX follow me to my truck where I passed out two brinks per HIM. Bricks always makes for an interesting workout. Warm-up: GM, hamstring stretch, calf stretch, Eskimo merkins, Sir Fazio w/ bricks, seal claps w/ bricks, overhead press w/ bricks, curls for girls w/ bricks. [Read More]

10 to Win

10 HIMs joined us today for a beautiful July 3rd morning. No FNG’s Intro, Yogi gave us the mission statement and then we pledged Mosey around the parking lot and circle up for a warm up Good mornings Side Straddle Hops Sir Fazio Arm circle (front and back) Imperial Walkers Control Freak Merkins THANG 1: Mosey around the lot to pick up coupons (center blocks) and partner up Partner 1 did Rock Your Body with the coupon Partner 2 bear crawled 1 light pole down the parking lot and lunged walk back We did this for 15 minutes Thang 2 Mosey over to the pull up bars for a round of Cindy (15 minutes) [Read More]

Hells Bells - Vegas Style

PAX: Yeti, Crimson, Earhart, Hotty Totty, The Joker, Disco Duck, Intimidator, Billy, Snooze, Triple Lindy, Frisco, Quiver, Meat Loaf, Monkey Nutt QIC: Monkey Nut The thang: After warming up with a little run and some IST’s, Windmill we got to the fun. While flipping cards, each one represented a different exercise. Hearts were squats, diamonds where diamond merkins, spades were KB swings and clubs were curls. Jokers were wild (literally), each one someone took us somewhere different and different amount of running. [Read More]

Who is really in charge here?

YHC quickly chums up with YOGI to confirm whose Q it really is. I get the, “what me? “ with a hug. After catching up on a few work things we begin to mingle with the ECP men and those arriving. Good to meet Alamo, been reading a lot about him. Great to see Traffic Cone, have not seen that man in a while. There will be no WWIIs or flutter kicks today. [Read More]

Murph 11 of 19 in 2019

Pre-Blast 16 HIM pushed themselves to their personal limits at HB as part of the 11th of 19 Murphs in 2019. So proud of these guys…everyone was gassed on the last mile. It takes a lot of courage and discipline to push yourself that way. Just awesome. #StrongerBacksStrongerHearts Warmup Because CheddarBo slept in and the gate was locked, we launched from the lower lot. After reciting the Pledge at the Flag, each man grabbed a kettle bell and slow jogged to the pull-up bars. [Read More]

Not enough... no problem

Filling in for the legendary @www is no easy task. Prepped the workout and all plans are in place. Until Texas Ranger posts on slack “might not be enough cinders”. When I showed up on site and ran quickly to see the cinder count, I thought I should be good with about 10 or so Pax standing around and roughly 9 min to “go time”. But… cars continued to roll in and by the time we began it was 19 solid HIMs waiting for some fun. [Read More]

110 Burpees (Don't be Late)

Date: 6/12/2019 Pax: Triple Lindy, WWW, Theisman, Frisco, Meatloaf, Sega, Ashbury, Snooze, Intimidator, Baiter, Freebird, More, Wichita, Everyready, Alamo, Ezekiel, Hotty Toddy, Balut Pledge of Allegiance Warm-up: Mosey, GM’s, WM’s, backwards run, 20 burpees (courtesy of Frisco and Intimidator) Thang 1: 25 pull-ups done in sets of five alternating the grip each time Thang 2: A plank set Thang 3: Partnered up and partner one ran to other side of the parking lot while partner two did some ab exercise. [Read More]

Metal Health

12 HIMs rocked, rocked ‘til we nearly dropped on a steamy Monday morning at Hells Bells. Warm up A quick mosey around the parking lot as Quiet Riot’s “Cum on feel the noize” started our morning of Hair Metal glory. SSHs Sir Fazios – front and back Michael Phelps Good Mornings Ernie Davis Heisman’s The Thang Mosey to the shelter. YHC had a dozen cards with a kettlebell exercise on each one – the PAX took turns selecting the respective exercises. [Read More]

Whether You Say You Can or Say You Can’t, You’re Right

Pre-Blast 13 HIM refused to sell themselves short at #ao-wed-tortoises. Today exemplified #ISI. Honored to work with y’all! The men of this “limited run” AO just crushed the major components of a full Murph. Whether you say you can or say you can’t, you’re right. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag Run around the top lot, backwards run, Karaoke Circle up for: GM, WM, Calf Stretch, 1 Leg Merkins, SSH, Hillbillies The Thang [Read More]