Hills and Rock Music

Well, another great day with the Bounty Hunters is in the books! YHC made sure to get there early, as I had to set up for an elaborate plan I had working for the latter half of the beatdown. More on that later. Back at the starting point, the 4 pax doing the Apex Hill runs were already long gone, which brought the Pax number for the bootcamp to 11! Confirming there were no FNGs, we did the Pledge, and then we were off and running down Hunter St! [Read More]

Hill Work- 2.6 Miles

Disclaimer, Intro, No FNGs, Pledge Run from entry of park to parking lot Warm-up Good Mornings Side Straddle Hops Mountain climbers Runners Stretch The Thang I came early and set up some cones on Laura Duncan for us to use as markers We started at the park entrance and ran up Laura Duncan with 3 stops. Working up and down the ladder with following movements: 1st stop: 10 Merkins 2nd stop: 10 Merkins, 20 Squats 3rd stop: 10 Merkins, 20 Squats, 30 LBC’s … (No back down the hill) 4th stop: 10 Merkins, 20 Squats 5th stop: 10 Merkins Plank hold at top and bottom of hill to wait for everyone to join back up. [Read More]

Vanilla with sprinkles

DP is a great site and today it was especially nice since the gates were opened before 5:30 am so everyone could park in the lot. Everyone except YHC, as I arrived early to see if the fields were open. In retrospect, I’m glad that I arrived early as it gave me a chance to do some EC with @TermPaper, and after the workout I walked back with @TrackStar. My plan for the workout today was to stay around the parking lot and do lots of running. [Read More]


YHC picked up the Q slot for Bounty Hunters and did not have much of a plan so let’s just roll with the basics. A solid group of 9, no wait 10 PAX were off at 5:30 sharp towards Thales. Side note: Frisco first posted at BH in May 2018. YHC had a HC that Frisco was going to attend this morning so a repeat of his first day at Carpex was planned over at Thales. [Read More]

Goes without saying...

Today was YHCs 4th Q in 6 days. By now, the scoops of vanilla were overflowing the bowl so I had all intentions of coming up with a fool proof plan for today’s beat down. Well, then I was on the road for 12 hours for work yesterday and decided to roll with a couple ideas I had in my head. It had been a while since I’ve posted at the OG Lions Den site and sort of forgot how intimate certain areas can be. [Read More]

No Koozie = Hot Beer

Last night I dreamed of Q’ing FMJ and receiving a custom F3 FMJ koozie……like a badge of honor! So cool! Instead, I got shafted just like Mark Gottfried shafted the Wuffpack. I got shafted by the Nantan Emeritus, now demoted to FMJ Site-Q, Ma Pythonless Bell. Def a low point in my life. But sheeeiiiit, I drink my Brooksweisers fast enough, so don’t need your Koozie Ma Bell! I bet the other real Site-Q, Orphan, woulda remembered tho! [Read More]


Last year I was out of town on my birthday, so this year I planned early and signed up for the Q slot for A-Team months ago. Little did I know how different the world would be over the past few months. I am thankful we are able to get out each morning, support each other, and move our bodies! Here is what went down today: Arrived a bit early, Crimson was complaining that I had him leave a few minutes earlier than normal but it was great to meet the PAX as the arrived. [Read More]


When Hanson asked for someone to step up and take his Q this morning YHC gladly accepted the challenge. The first detour was expected since it was well advertised that YHC would be the QIC. The next detour was caused by the locked gates. The site Q’s need to see someone about that since it was starting to be a regular occurrence. The third detour was YHC realized the field was locked. [Read More]

High Tempo Euphoria

18 came to workout, a day after a much needed slap on the old wrist from the Nant’an, so with that a heightened sense to get the Pax working out, but also spread ’em out a touch, YHC designed a high tempo beatdown with that in mind. High tempo warm-ups and lightening quick Good Mornings. Y’all need to chill about these Good Mornings. Hell, we can’t even count and do seal claps properly anymore. [Read More]

Ma grunted a merkin

The negative impact of COVID-19 on travel is obvious. Fact is, in many respects, travel has overnight become something most people are avoiding like crazy. Hopefully not for ever but there’s definitely been a fair bit of upheaval: cancelled business trips, less inviting person trips, family “getting by” with video calls and summer plans going arse over tit. All in all, it sucks. Case in point, RDU saw more passengers on an average day in February than they did in all of April 2020. [Read More]