Moving on to Plan E

Have I told you how sick I am of cold, rainy weather? Luckily today we were expecting highs to get into the 60s. With sunshine. WITH SUNSHINE!!! However this morning, it was still 30s and the ground was wet from rain we’ve had in the past 1,231 hours. Six for EC run of about 3 miles. Return to the flag, and I initially thought I was in the wrong place. Maybe I should post at DTP a little more often - apparently it’s now the place to be in Downtown Apex on Tuesdays at 0530. [Read More]

A Smattering

4 years and a day! Quite a morning today, but first a look back at the last few February 14ths: 2020 // 2019 // 2018 // 2017 (note, way better BB compliance in Raleigh so far in 2021, but it seems like it’s only thanks to Pigpen and Cococrisp. tighten up, this is apparently a lost art) 14 PAX joined me at the flag, were graced with a retrospective about bu_m_ble tea and cheese foam, we checked for FNGs, said the pledge, and were off! [Read More]

Skip to My Lou, Birthday Merkins, and Name Your Karaoke Go-To Song (because your life may depend on it)

It’s a good day when you can get 14 HIMs posting to an AO when the temps dip below 0 C. That was the case this morning, so will need to keep moving. Warm Up Following the the standard disclaimer and signing of release forms, mosey to the parking lot at the baseball field. Standard warm up consisting of SSHs, Good Mornings, Steve Earles, Sir Fazio arm circles, Grundle stretch, calf stretch, and 25 Merkins. [Read More]

A Pickle-y Good Time

A baker’s dozen collected at the flag at 0530 for a moist adventure through some of the finest pickles on the POGL side of Carpex. Disclaimer given, first exercise is Pledge of Allegiance. Warm Up Mosey to the church entrance and circle up. Standard warm up consisting of SSHs, Sir Fazio arm circles, Burpees just because, Standard Merkins, Runners stretch, calf stretch, and Steve Earles. Pickle Thangs At the parking lot adjacent to the school, we run the various pickles that we are blessed to have. [Read More]

2 Live Crew

Two year anniversary. Wonderful group today. YHC went for a long-ish run yesterday, so today was a Parker-style ME shred. Warm-Up (for some reason I always call “have a nice days” instead of “good mornings” - I make this strange mistake every time - will tighten up). Thing 1: Rock Circuit x3 (oblique sit-ups, single-leg deadlifts, mountain climbers) Thing 2: Rock Circuit x3 (goblet squat, jump squat, pushup, shoulder tap) [Read More]

Killa Beez

Taking the Bounty Hunters creed for the first time so I had to show up strong, right? Harnessing inspiration from a few classic Wu-Tang Clan songs and some old IronPAX legendary exercises, I crafted together 45 minutes of what I hoped would be a challenge for the PAX. To add icing to the cake, quite a few of those in attendance were already complaining about what Triple Lindy did to their rear-ends the day before. [Read More]


On Monday this week, Slim Shady made me a deal that if I Qed Lion’s Den, he would go ahead and get on the Q sheet for Wild Wild West. So here we are. I had thought about just running back last week’s Back In Black Q, but that seemed like cheating and then the M decided last night was a good time to take down the Christmas decorations, so I never did get a chance to put the thought I wanted to into the plan, but BLIMPS was close enough to last week so there it was. [Read More]

A-Team (6 Years Later)

The title of this backblast is a tip of the cap to Nabisco’s original backblast title “A-Team” six years ago. Just like his Q then, my Q today was flawlessly executed. 16 pax 6 years ago, 26 today (27 pax at COT having McCants join us - which is perfect as he was there 6 years ago with 75%) showed up to help YHC celebrate. I enjoy recreating this beatdown each year but with some modifications. [Read More]

🎶 5 Bu-r-pees... 🎶

The Q for Lion’s Den remained unfufilled and I hadn’t Q’d on the home turf in sometime so I took the opportunity. 10 Pax gathered at the flag with no FNG’s although with the winter gear on some were more distinguishable than others. A quick pledge and we’re off. Tour of Lights Mosey I had promised Coxswain a view of my neighbor’s Star Wars Christmas display as a perk to coming to Lion’s Den earlier in the week on Slack, alas he picked up the Q at Point Break so wasn’t with us – I decided to go through with the tour anyhow. [Read More]

little bit of the POGL Goodness

Pledge Mozy to church circle up for warm up (SSH IC, Imp Walker IC, Merkins, Mtn Climbers, Plank Jacks) Thing 1 grab yourself a softball/melon sized rock circle back up and drop it quick mozy around the church Circle Up & Squat Hold for the six Plank hold 1 arm reverse fly with rock Plank hold Skaira with rock held high Circle Up & Squat Hold for the six Standing Rock raise side [Read More]