Acid for the Children

Roll up with 90 seconds to spare. Plenty of time to put the sneakers on and maybe even lace them up! No shovel flag? No bother. Just pledge to the tallest shovel flag in all of CARPEx over the fire station next door. Mosey over for Warmup in the gravel lot that is the Apex Farmer’s Market. Warm-up Let’s start slow to give me time to come up with something. What’s nice and easy and requires no brain cells? [Read More]

DTP Changing of the Guard

AO: Disturbing the Peace Q: YHC Even with the haze of pollen in the air, it was perfect weather in the gloom so the numbers remained high at the best AO in all of Carpex. YHC studied and recited the F3 Mission for hours prior to the post so it rolled off the tongue effortlessly to kickoff the workout, next we did the pledge of allegiance and off we went. [Read More]

More miles please?

With the weather being a pleasant 48f this AM, 17 of Carpex’s finest came out in the gloom. Some appeared eager and did an EC, others didn’t. I am not one to judge, rather my purpose this morning was to Q. Let’s do this. Starting with: Pledge of allegiance Mozy to parking lot for warmups consisting of: Good mornings Seal claps Overhead claps Sir fazio arm circles Side stradle hops Mozy to top of trail path Thang 1: 7’s Plank Jacks & Sumo Squats Mozy past lake to parking lot [Read More]

A-Team GBBs!

Super excited to Q at A-Team this morning – it’s one of my favorite sites and is always loaded with High Impact Men. Speaking of HIM, @petsounds was there! So great to see him back in the gloom! Bootcamp-wise, I felt like trying something new – here’s what went down…. 15 total pax, 9 bootcampers, the remainers bruising/walking + 4 legged Manny! Pledge of course! Then mosey straight into the park to the top of the powerline hill for warm-up: good morning, windmill, hill-billy, mtn climbers, merkins, etc. [Read More]

St. Paddy's Day at Lion's Den

With better weather than yesterday or tomorrow (cloudy and 40s versus storms), an insider’s scoop preblast from the site Q, and the opportunity to start off St. Paddy’s Day at St. Mary Magdalene’s, the chances were good for a decent turnout at Lion’s Den. As I tried to put together a decent routine to match, I thought to myself that things could get interesting, depending on how many people wear green. [Read More]

No Weird Sh*t Here

First off, we are missing some names up top. This is what happens when you procrastinate and do a Friday workout recap on a Monday. If you are missing and care enough to ping me, I will add you in. What a morning. Short sleeve weather and a hint of dawn. Good thing the time change is going to get rid of that shortly. There is my first Old Maid sighting in approximately a year. [Read More]

Disco beat me to it. So did Flip.

Sunday night planning my Monday morning A-Team Q, I noted on the map that Laurel Park Elementary is super close by. I’ve been with CARPEx for almost 6 years and have never been to Laurel Park. “Time for a first,” thinks I. Meet up with Flip Flop and Two Factor for an EC run. Head into the park as per usual but after running the regular long lollipop, Flip takes out of the park and to the right. [Read More]

I'm sorry

Every now and again, you say something that is mean or hurtful or just plain not nice. Today was one of those days. Ten guys got together this morning at Hunter Street Park expecting 45 minutes of what F3 does best: joyful camaraderie. Instead, an ill-tempered roast busted out. And YHC is squarely to blame. After a mosey the long way around to the lady’s parking lot, we warmed up with some SSHs, Burt Jacks, Merkins, Plank Jacks, Supermen and some other stuff. [Read More]

Quickies by St. Mary's

It’s late and it’s been a long week already but today’s Lion’s Den participants deserve a BB. Even if it’s a quick one. After all, everyone today demonstrated that, when asked, they can be very very quick. Warm-up GM, IW, Sir Fazio, HB, Overhead Claps, SSH Thangs First, mosey to the bottom of the sets of hills to the North (or West) of St Mary’s. Been here before. These hills are short and sweet. [Read More]

Nothing Special

After a February full of cold and rain, March comes in like a lamb with beautiful weather in the 60s. Warm-Up Mosey up the hill towards Laurel Park Elementary and circle up in the parking lot for good mornings, imperial walkers, Sir Fazios forwards, copperhead merkins, copperhead squats, arm twirlies in reverse. The Thang The back of the parking lot has a straightaway that’s just perfect for 10-10 sprints. 10 monkey humpers, 10 dry docks, run to the first light pole and back. [Read More]