Burpee 11's

YHC was originally planning a vanilla workout this morning, but last night WKRP claimed vanilla for himself and Bradford’s Ordinary, so I had to come up with something more flavorful. Here’s what we ended up with. Warm-Up Mosey over to the parking lot between the two fields, uh-oh our FiA sisters are already there, let’s head over to the other end to give them some space. Circle up for side straddle hops x 19 because it’s my 2. [Read More]

Bears and Balls

Coming off a week+ of fartsacking due to sickness YHC was still quick on the draw to pick up the Q hand off from Disco Duck! After Slacking out a message trying to rally some HCs for this morning (and only receiving 2) YHC knew numbers would be somewhat small. 9 Pax made it out for a nice cool-crisp-shorts-wearing-36-degree morning in DTA. With the low hum of the idle train (#ApexSignatureMove) and Grease with two freshly tied shoes (#SignatureMove) we were off into the gloom! [Read More]

Vanilla is my middle name

Yeah, so relatively speaking I may lack a little in the creativity department when it comes to creating a workout. Oh well. When we’re all sucking wind 20 minutes in, no one is complaining that I didn’t dig deep enough into the F3 exicon. Any chatter at that point is usually a result of all of us pushing harder, getting better. 15 PAX got the basic treatment at Dante’s Peak this morning. [Read More]

The Pax Will Not Be Silenced

16 loudmouths gathered at the gates of Apex Skate Park in hopes that their choice of Bounty Hunters (aka the AO not Q’d by Hi-Liter) would provide some welcome relief. Of course, YHC, being a man of the people, took requests. “Not too much running, no burpees, and few Merkins, if you don’t mind McCants.” Really? Well, there you have it. Warmup: High tempo lap around the outside of the soccer field, Freddy Mercury’s until the six shows up, SSH, Lil Man JJ, and, oh, wait, Burt wants to storm the circle since his Hokies won a home game? [Read More]

Q Swap

QIC: Boyardee, Yanni BB Author: Yanni If you roll up to any F3 AO, whether it be in your region, a neighboring region, or in another state, you can be assured that you will be greeted with the same open arms and fist bumps. The men of Dante’s Peak welcomed YHC and Boyardee with great enthusiasm and smiling faces. YHC and @mabellcarpex met a week earlier at The Earl in Pittsboro and like all F3 encounters, hit it off immediately and hatched a plan. [Read More]

NOT 12 Days of A-Team

Since we’re a week away from the Big Guy’s birthday, YHC thinks we must have a Christmas theme. However, like the music on the radio or the Apex street decorations, sometimes we just get burned out because Christmas starts too early. So we kept it light, didn’t overkill on the 12 days of Merkins, er Christmas. A grand total of 9 PAX gathered on a rather GLOOMY and dank morning at A-Team. [Read More]

Constructing (and Deconstructing) BLIMPS

14 HIM gathered at the well-lighted Apex Nature Park to start their weeks off right. Started with a brief jog into one parking lot (where the PAX got a little confused as Hot Spot broke off from the group for his solo run through the woods) for the warmup (SSH, Good Mornings, Sir Fazio Arm Circles, Overhead Clap, Mountain Climbers, Cotton Pickers). Mosey across the street to the larger parking lot to construct (and deconstruct) some BLIMPS (5 Burpees, 10 Lunges, 15 Imperial Walkers, 20 Merkins, 25 Plank Jacks, 30 Squats) as follows. [Read More]

Anniversary Week aka WWW

Water Wings Week began on a clear, cool morning at the infamous A-Team AO. This roughly marks my One Year Anniversary, but since I couldn’t remember the actual date, I’m Qing the whole week for prudence sake. 18 brave HIMs met at the gate while watching Mr Parks and Rec unlock the gate 2 minutes too late for the PAX to drive into the park. 5:45 ticked and YHC lead the PAX to the 2nd parking lot on the right for a little warm-up with SSH, Cotton Pickers and Imperial Walkers. [Read More]

Freddie Wilt Would Be Proud

Pre-Pre-BB My 68 year old father just crushed six months of chemo and radiation. I cannot say THANK YOU enough to my brothers in F3. You faithfully prayed for dad and my family throughout his whole ordeal. Words fall short, but I’ll use them anyway. I appreciate you all very, very much. In honor of dad’s incredible achievement, we’ll begin with 68 SSH. Pre-BB (excerpted from Wikipedia) Plyometrics, also known as “jump training” or “plyos”, are exercises in which muscles exert maximum force in short intervals of time, with the goal of increasing power (speed-strength). [Read More]

I wanna rock...

Nov. 17, 2017 – Dante’s Peak Q 11/16/17-Preblast “We’re gonna rock this town. Bring yer kitten mittens.” (inserted gif of a Stray Cats album cover of some sort) No response from the pax. A few mediocre likes, one retweet. Meh. 11/16/17 2:15pm: Hotspot with a HC for a run in and out of DP. 11/16/17 2:32pm: Michelob with a SC…yeah, right Michelob. 11/16/17 2:34pm: PetSounds with an “outta town” spin class excuse. [Read More]