Hello Turtle

YHC has yet to Q at the premier limited running AO in all of Apex on a Wednesday, and with an open spot on the schedule, I jumped on it. 4 for an EC loop around the peak of good living, tclaps to Earhart, GTL and the Duck man for rolling with me. The time is 0530 and we’re ready to go with 17 studs, and 3 vests present. Warmup: [Read More]

Memorial Day Tribute

On a day set aside to remember those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice 57 HIMs made a statement of gratitude, respect and admiration for the fallen by way of sweat, tears and even a little blood. First things First: 10 brave HIMs participated in an EC Murph at 0600. Pierogi, Hermes, Oofta, Ollie, Banjo, Old Maid, Squatter, Captain Kirk, Joe Smith, Tecumseh, WWW, Sky Blue and Michelob. Excellent work gentlemen! [Read More]

Dante's Peak Walkabout

Perfect weather greeted a group of 19 PAX this fine morning at Dante’s Peak, Carpex’s premier Friday AO. YHC was continuing with Scout Week, this time focusing on the Webelos Walkabout Adventure. The Webelos Walkabout is a 3 mile hike in nature. We encountered snakes, star (jumps), spider (man/peter parker), big beautiful rocks, and brotherhood this morning! In full discloser, there was a lot of mumble chatter on slack about how much distance we would cover this fine morning. [Read More]

Stronger, Faster, Higher

F3 Scout Week! Today was the beginning of F3 Scout Week. You may be asking what is F3 Scout Week? Well, I am glad you asked! F3 Scout Week was an idea I had while sitting through a scout meeting a few weeks back. If you think about it, F3 and scouting have a lot of shared core principles including duty to God and country, focus on physical fitness, helping others, and brotherhood. [Read More]

Warning: Cloudy with a chance of Sharknado

In the great tradition of the original Bounty Hunters site Q Water Wings, YHC wanted to continue the benchmark day fitness challenge. In an effort to save a little gas in the tank for the main event, we relocated the historical fitness test location of Baucom Elementary School over to Apex Town Hall courtyard across the street from the skate park. It was October of 2016 at Field of Dreams when YHC (and Carpex, I think…) was first introduced to the Sharknado. [Read More]

The password is "Repeato"

They say repetition is the key to mastery. If this is true then the HIM at Tortoises have reached the level of “Master” at receiving a full body beatdown. Shifu Xinkule. Prior to the workout Disco Duck, Earhart, Freebird and YHC enjoyed a relaxing 3-mile EC. It was a nice run, however we were almost tased by a female Apex police officer for running on the road instead of the sidewalk. [Read More]

The Hills have Ayes

19 HIMs took on the challenge at the versatility that is A Team. We started with the Pledge, then the disclaimer for our lone FNG, and circled up for a bit of: SSH Good mornings Hill Billies Cotton Pickers Sir Fazio 10 burpees because BURPEES!!! Thang 1 Mosey from the parking lot, stop by the picnic area for some quick Dips and L/R step ups x 15. Continue mosey to bottom of Hill 1. [Read More]

Back in Black

Knowing that today was going to be hot one 13 HIMS showed up early to Tortoises to get their workout in the most palatable part of the day. Having not Q’d in a few weeks I felt like some back work was in order. But then again YHC always feels like some back work is in order. But is wasn’t all work, we danced a little bit to some AC/DC. With that said… here we go. [Read More]

Welcome To Wakanda

10 PAX showed up on 4/25 in the beautiful plains and hills of Wakanda (i.e. the SVG parking lot) for some fun. No FNGS. Mosey to the coupon shed for a Warm of Cotton Pickers, Fazio Arm Thingees, Reverse Fazio Arm Thingees, Merkins, and Imperial Walkers. The PAX grabbed the coupon blocks and moseyed over to start the first Thang, assisted by Brown Bag, who arrived late, so 10 enhancement burpess all around. [Read More]

Have you met Dora's twin sister? (she's a lil' cray cray)

As always, I am impressed with the PAX. There is always little humming and hawing at the begin of a workout, but no matter what you throw at them, they always finish strong. And most often, with time to spare. So you better have some extra work for them so they can get their fill. Warm Up The gates were locked so we ran from the street into the 1st parking lot on the left, did a quick lap and circled up for SSH, Steve Earle, Goofball, Bobby Hurley, Good Morning (Because you can’t…you know the rest) [Read More]