What's Your Kryptonite; part II

Well, YHC was at a conference since Friday, so my Slack time significantly decreased. But I see that Shut-In asked someone to Q for him on Friday. Guess he got nothing, so asked again Sunday, which I saw that night. YHC thought, “my goodness, hope Shutty is OK, he wouldn’t just not Q unless something is drastically wrong”. Nope, he just wanted to attend Franklin’s anniversary Q. pffft. big deal. Nah, just kidding Shut-In, you are a great man and ‘Mantan. [Read More]

Be The Light

Opening: YHC started at 5:30am with the standard F3 welcome - F3 Mission, Disclaimer, F3 Credo, and Pledge of Allegiance. No FNGs were present. There was an expected level of mumblechatter for VQ week. Coney showed up in his Y Guides vest - well played Running Bear! Warm-up: Moseyed north to the 1st middle school parking lot to the left and circled up for: 30 Side Straddle Hops IC 10 Good Mornings IC 15 Daisy Pickers IC 20 Imperial Walkers IC 10 Standard Merkins OMD Calf Stretches L/R with 10 count en espanol courtesy of Buenos Dias and delayed 10 count from Kickback who was apparently engaged in some mumblechatter. [Read More]

My Buddy & Me

On Tuesday, YHC examined the Q-sheet for Bounty Hunter and noticed no one had signed up to lead the beatdown this week. I hadn’t Q’d in a while, other than the Sharknado co-Q with Rooney, so I decided to pick it up. 16 pax showed up. I Pity the Fool was already drenched from an EC run. Orphan ran in from Shepherd’s Vineyard and Bad Company and Scorpion King ran up Hunter Street. [Read More]

BRR 2020 - work begins now

YHC grabbed the Q at Kryponite on the first Monday post BRR 2019 hoping to have the runners out again but only Hello Kitty and Wonderbread were brave enough to post on the Monday morning after running parts of 200 miles in the mountains. My driver (Miss Daisy) or Nature Boy was coming in slow today so we rolled in at 5:28 and got quickly to work. Two laps of the pickle then some warm up that included, GM, IW, MC and R/L stretch. [Read More]

90% FMJ 8-27-19

The Mountains are calling fellas! 7 Men for some EC work, 2 did 2 laps x 1.3 and the rest did 3 laps. 35 Pax were there at 5:30ish, very brief disclaimer/mission statement. Warmup: Follow me: mosey across the street, watch for cars, do a standard warm up, mosey back across the street to the track. The Thang: Run a lap around the track at 90% Do something while we wait on the six. [Read More]

Anything for a Q-zie

While perusing our beautiful Q-sheet, looking for a spot to q and remembered I had never Q’d FMJ and there was an open spot and you get a koozie. I mean when stars align you go with it, even if you don’t have a theme ready to go. Everyone gathered in the parking lot, trying to stay away from the problematic traffic coming in. Disclaimer for the Pax/FNGs and we’re off. [Read More]

Is this Kryptonite

QIC: Staubach Once again, I had a master workout plan that would have taken at least 1.5 hours to complete. After having made this mistake more than once, I was able to adjust the schedule and get the PAX back to camp in time for some high intensity exercises before MARY and COT. As we were heading out of the parking lot…there was already some grumbling about the fact we would be running. [Read More]

Freebird and Frisco Co-Q

Day 4 of Frisco Terror(ible) Week of Qs. One of the skills I have learned is “if you can’t do it, co-Q it”. Thus faced with the prospect of Bounty Hunters being 4th on the list this week and a massive, runnable site I decided to EH the exclusive and sometimes elusive Freebird as a co-Q. Luckily I twisted my ankle a few weeks back getting a ladder out of my garage for him so he feels bad enough to jump in an Q with me. [Read More]

Breathtaker Camo Koozie Q

YHC bid on and won Breathtaker, a 20lb weight vest that is auctioned off for charity each Friday in South Wake, which comes with a 5 post minimum for the week. Not having earned my camo koozie yet, breathtaker made it’s 3rd appearance of the week so far. 32 were witness to what it looks like to Q with an extra 20lbs, in fact Theismann and Pivot both had their own vests as well! [Read More]

5 Rounds with Jack Webb Burpees

Date: 8/8/19 PAX: Deuce, Freebird, Garfield, Imp, Kermit, One Four, Orphan, Prime, Rooney, Skipper, Sub, Traffic Cone, WWW, Life always comes at you where you just feel worn out but you keep trudging along. Then you do an F3 workout and it starts the day off right to get you through those times. Life is a blessing but it can pass you up if you do not take deep breaths to clear the cobwebs to see clearly. [Read More]