Flora's BLIMPS was the thang!

Date: 12/26/19 PAX: Big Red, Blistex (visiting from F3 Kansas City), Deuce, Imp, Rooney, Smokey, WWW It was a glorious morning: 36 degrees, minimal wind, excellent AO, the gate to the big field was open, and HIMs ready to get their workout on after enjoying their Christmas festivities the day prior. No FNGs but we did have an out of town visitor, Kansas City (F3 Blistex). Welcome Brother! F3ministravia done. We Pledged Our Allegiance to Old Glory and off we go. [Read More]

Will Q for coffee!

Apex was decorated for Christmas, and YHC thought the PAX would enjoy seeing some of the lights. After moseying through DTA, we stopped at the RR station with the purty Christmas tree, all a-light (see what I did there?). Warm-up Sprinkler Windmill Steve Earle Sir Fazio Bonus Burpees Not to be caught napping, we mosey to our next location. YHC saw a path between buildings that looked okay but turned out to be kinda mucky. [Read More]

Release The Hounds

16 for the main event and 8 for the pre-run on what started out as a pretty normal Monday morning - 40ish degrees in December, a plan to cover some ground with a few exercises thrown in, and Burt yelling my hospital name before we even left the parking lot. But we eventually got into the Regency neighborhood where someone released their pair of attack dogs as we were doing hill repeats in front of their driveway. [Read More]

Time flies when your in a beatdown.

Date: 12/10/19 PAX: FNG Side Out, Theismann, Traffic Cone, Sixteen Steve’s, Bartman, Wahoo, Yahoo, Imp, How How, Chicken Little, Slim Shady, Bobby Boucher, Deuce, The Commish, Big Red, Hamm, QWERTY, WWW. I had a plan going into DTP. Sometimes, the plan does not always pan out. So, modify as needed. Read on to know what else I had in mind but could not get to. Next time! FNG in the group. [Read More]

The Burpee Mile

0530 and see something you don’t see very often in the POGL (if ever?). Burt and Coney downtown checking out the lights, and the finest Tuesday morning AO in the POGL. After the pledge we moseyed to the Hell’s Bells/Tortoises parking lot for a quick warmup. Warmup Good Mornings Imperial Walkers Sir Fazio Fwd Seal Clap Sir Fazio Reverse Runners stretch 5 Control Freak Merkins Upward Dog stretch Thang 1: Diego with Partner 50 Inverted Rows/Aussie Pullups 100 Merkins 150 Squats Thang 2: The Burpee Mile Ran back across 55 to the the bottom of W Moore St. [Read More]

We’ll Leave the (Car) Light On For You

When I saw Slappy’s note go out requesting someone pick up Lion’s Den for him I was ecstatic. He had said he was feeling sick but would still Q if no one took it. That sounded like a recipe for some sloppy Slappy merlot and I wanted a second row seat for it. Then Slappy DM-ed me a personal photo of mine I had uploaded to GroupMe back when I thought it was a just private storage site (Thanks a lot, Sub! [Read More]

Blair Witch Project, DQ and Merlot - 11/18/19 - Kryptonite

Several guys did an EC run, I think it was Michelob, Squatter, GTL, Denali and Oofta. Hello Kitty and YHC did an EC scouting run. 15 were present at 5:30, a brief disclaimer was disclaimed and follow me.. The Warmup: Jog up Regency Parkway, make a right into the gravel driveway into the woods. Circle up in the power line right of way for some warm-up activities. The Thang: Jog into the woods behind the little cell tower thing and find the trail. [Read More]

A Squatty Party

15 HIM of which 18 were Steve’s ( SixteenSteves + Ryder + Cataracts) were ready to move and warm-up. YHC has been dealing with some shoulder problems and needed to keep this Q below the pits. Having primed the Pax with the upcoming “Leg Day” pre-blast I needed to deliver. Ryder called it a traveling warm-up, I called it “keep yo ass moving” as we lapped a quick run out of the parking lot and around just to get everyone moving. [Read More]

Excuse Us

I knew the site-Qs were beginning to sweat as YHC rolled in with about 45 seconds to spare. I have a morning route and was running a touch behind even though I had already been awake for 50 minutes. Alas, 25 pax had gathered and were eager for a challenge as the clock read “Go time”. Disclaimer, Pledge of Allegiance, Follow Me. Warm-up: Mosey around the soccer and baseball field then back to skateboard park for some exercises. [Read More]

Just Breathe

So what did Faith Hill have to do with the workout? Nothing. But she sure is easy on the eyes. Oh and she put out an album exactly 20 years ago titled Breathe which was a reoccuring theme in the workout. 10 pax were at the flag ready to roll at 0530 so we got after it. A quick disclaimer, Pledge of Allegiance and off we went. Warm-up: Mosey out to Town Side then head toward Apex BBQ Rd, left on that road until at the back entrance of St. [Read More]