Grab your water bottles

The news went out the day before that the Green Mile was going to be run intensive but PUT6 friendly. Ten other men accepted the challenge and both their intensity and friendliness was on full display. Six for a 3 mile EC run (YHC, Michelob, Denali, Sub, Largemouth, Chanticleer) Running shoes remained on, some shirts were changed, and water bottles were grabbed. Parking lot Mosey tour then circle up. **Warm-Up [Read More]

Hot for Thursday

19 showed up for a beautiful Thursday morning at Olive Chapel Elementary. It was 64, low humidity, and the sun was just starting to come up. Let’s Get Started Disclaimer - I am not a professional, F3 has no assets (did a lawyer actually make sure I can’t be sued? Should I get that umbrella policy GEICO keeps trying to sell me before I Q again? Too late to ask these questions, it’s time to go) Pledge of allegiance First Thang: Map! [Read More]

And Here's To You Mrs. Johnson

While planning my first Q at Hot For Teacher, I thought back to my school days. I don’t remember most of my teachers, but I remember Mrs. Johnson. She was a mean old witch who pushed her students hard and didn’t tolerate any nonsense. I hated her back then, but now I wish my own 2.0 could have a teacher just like her. With that inspiration, here’s what we did. [Read More]

It wasn’t a Murph

After stressing out for a few weeks about my first Q, it’s now Monday. I ping Peeping Tom, my cousin who EH’d me one year ago, to get some feedback on my plan. Grief is delivered, something about how I’m asking him about this the day before I’m supposed to Q. I attempt to correct him, stating I’m fine, I’ll have all day Tuesday to nail things down. Additional grief is exchanged about how I’ve actually only got 10 hours before the Q. [Read More]

Got it bad, got it bad, got it bad...

17 PAX loaded up on the bus and came out to Olive Chapel Elementary to kick off the hard launch of the new Apex AO “Hot For Teacher”. YHC had the Q. Tunes were rockin’ and the two co-site-Q’s long hair was flowing in the breeze. It almost looked natural on Cataracts….almost. 0530 – Typical F3 spiel. Modify as necessary. And seriously - don’t sue us..we only own a beatup Ford Econoline van with no A/C and 400K miles, our knockoff Stratocaster electric guitars and a busted amp that doesnt even go up to “11”. [Read More]

Murph 12 of 19 (in 2019)


  • 15 for the twelfths of nineteen Murphs in 2019.

The Warmup and Thang

  • Pledge of Allegiance at the flag.

  • Run to the playground and around the track twice for the first mile.

  • Murph at the flag.

  • Run around the track twice and back to the flag for the second mile.


One time at FMJ, we did things.

Brain injuries are a bitch. Just when you think you’ve finally got your noggin screwed on straight, you try and keep up with Parker in a 50 yard dash and put yourself back on the IR. Or you live right for a week only to fall down a greenhouse (yes, I typed that right). Regardless of the how, the what comes next always sucks. Such is also the truth of my first Q back since Tony Hawking myself into a hospital August 4, 2018. [Read More]

Greenways, Ovals, and Snakes

Lion’s Den! Only my second post there, but man is that a nice site. Just wish it wasn’t a 40 minute round trip drive to get there. Ne’ertheless, here we go! FNG check (one!), even numbers check (yes!), <16 people check (also yes!), clunky disclaimer, LET’S ROLL. Mosey around the lot for Carioca both ways, backwards and forwards run, then continue the mosey to the north lot for GM / IW / SSH / CP / SM / PJ / MC. [Read More]

The concrete doesn't actually obliterate your hands

Many of you know that I sometimes go lift after F3. I learned several months ago that doing an EC Run, posting for a beatdown, and then going to the gym usually just leads to a half-assed lifting session, and I stopped doing that. Well, last night I wasn’t thinking clearly and set my alarm for the EC Run knowing I was going to lift after. So,….I really just cheated myself out for 30 minutes of sleep this morning, and I was having some fantastic dreams fishing in Alaska. [Read More]

So String Theory says there are multiple dimensions, but nothing about Pearls

“It’s strange how pain marks our faces, and makes us look like family.” - The Green Mile - Beautiful weather this am as the pax roll in. Everyone is early, lots of fellowship. No FNGs but a new face for YHC, well, somewhat new. Hank Williams Jr [hate] was first named 3 years ago at DZ, YHC hasn’t seen him since. Enough reminiscing, grab your gloves, let’s go. 6.25+ mile loop Pearls on a String. [Read More]