Truly This Is the Way

So I have this reoccuring nightmare where I wake up and Term Paper is–wait, Smokey told me not to use real names–so where “John Marriott” is–wait, Smokey said I can’t benefit from any therapy until my check clears. We’ll get back to the nightmare later. Suffice it to say that whenever I run into “John Marriot” at a workout I make sure I am not dreaming by pinching him. In my nightmare, “John” has a high pitched voice and sounds like a smurf getting their tail pulled when you pinch them. [Read More]

Stroll around downtown

This morning 15 PAX met at Hunter Street Park for various festivities. Group 1 of 10 PAX took a stroll to downtown with YHC, Group 2 of 2 completed this week’s IronPAX challenge and Group 3 completed a bruisers workout on the soccer field. We also found another group of 2 that completed the happy Dino in prep of the BRR coming soon. At 5:30 sharp, a quick pledge and we were off towards the chamber of commerce, home of DTP on Tuesday. [Read More]

Not to disappoint...

Beige I get a little anxious when it comes to Qing “High Tempo” workouts. Will I get enough miles in? There’s a certain group of Pax among us that expect a certain mileage minimum for such workouts. But will there be enough variety for the rest of the Pax? Well, I attempted to come up with a plan that would appease all, but wouldn’t you know it, at 0530 that certain group was nowhere to be found anyway. [Read More]

Time is a flat circle.

YHC’s birthday Q week comes to close at this AO. The Green Mile. Ninety minutes of work and the week is done, on your birthday. Let’s get after it. A little dark, but you get the idea. They locked the gates to the track. Bastards. There goes the first Thang planned. But like the strategic analyst I am, primary plans always have secondary, tertiary, and tactical options when confronted with obstacles. [Read More]

Catch'em Burpees

20 Pax today total with the guys that ran the Dino (I think)..

No FNG’s

We had 4 for EC run of 3 miles

Disclaimer and intro, Pledge

Mosey to the parking lot by ball field for warm up, some good stretching to get ready for the thang

The Thang

  • Partner up for Catch me if you can with burpees
    • Partner 1 did 5 burpees to start
    • continued for 2 laps around trail/ path around the fields
    • Reduce down to 4 burpees for 1 lap
    • Then 3 burpees for 1 lap
    • Then 2 burpees for 1 lap
    • Running short on time for the last one so we split in 2 groups for a Washington run back to skate park for Mary

Mary with LBCs, Homer to Marge, and American Hammers

Hills and Rock Music

Well, another great day with the Bounty Hunters is in the books! YHC made sure to get there early, as I had to set up for an elaborate plan I had working for the latter half of the beatdown. More on that later. Back at the starting point, the 4 pax doing the Apex Hill runs were already long gone, which brought the Pax number for the bootcamp to 11! Confirming there were no FNGs, we did the Pledge, and then we were off and running down Hunter St! [Read More]


YHC picked up the Q slot for Bounty Hunters and did not have much of a plan so let’s just roll with the basics. A solid group of 9, no wait 10 PAX were off at 5:30 sharp towards Thales. Side note: Frisco first posted at BH in May 2018. YHC had a HC that Frisco was going to attend this morning so a repeat of his first day at Carpex was planned over at Thales. [Read More]

No Koozie = Hot Beer

Last night I dreamed of Q’ing FMJ and receiving a custom F3 FMJ koozie……like a badge of honor! So cool! Instead, I got shafted just like Mark Gottfried shafted the Wuffpack. I got shafted by the Nantan Emeritus, now demoted to FMJ Site-Q, Ma Pythonless Bell. Def a low point in my life. But sheeeiiiit, I drink my Brooksweisers fast enough, so don’t need your Koozie Ma Bell! I bet the other real Site-Q, Orphan, woulda remembered tho! [Read More]

It's Quarantine Day... Again

Getting back is hard, but making it out is rewarding! Today marks the 1-Year Anniversary to my affiliation with F3. For those who don’t know the story, Earhart had been working hard talking F3 up to me for years (he and I were part of the same Y-Guide Tribe.) I finally pulled the chord and decided to give it a try, after years of Treadmill running and T25 (I did a month of Camp Gladiator as it was free too. [Read More]

The "Combine" 2/3 Beast

The time has come for tryouts for the site co-Q at Full Metal Jacket. Simply Sub is off over the pond touring foreign countries for the next several weeks and his new job will take him away from the Carpex maiden-land. That leaves a spot open on the FMJ site co-Q. One of the most coveted spots in the Carpex nation. This is Carpex’s Tuesday premier high tempo workout location. [Read More]