Brother Bri and the letter B

When scrolling through the Exicon in search for new ideas that have not (to YHC’s knowledge) been executed in/around Carpex and you don’t even get past the letter B… you know it’s going to be a good day. _NMS: YHC was ready for EC this morning, but the old bowels had another idea in mind. EC was skipped for a trip to Harris Teeter and back._ 22 Bros meet up at the Field of Dreams. [Read More]

Making Good Friday Even Better: Stations of the Cross

QIC: Crimson, Wonderbread, Flacco 42 HIM gathered in the gloom to commemorate the the final days of the greatest HIM of all time. Stations of the Cross is a Catholic tradition that marks each of 14 notable events the Christ endured on his final day on this Earth. From his condemnation by Pilate and the Sanhedrin to his final (well…not-so-final) resting place in the tomb. Below is the full text that was read and the accompanying exercises for the workout. [Read More]

6 Inches

Hall of Famer Yogi Berra was once asked if he wanted his pizza pie sliced into 8 or 16 pieces… Yogi replied “ya better make it 8, I don’t think I can eat 16”. Sometimes the numbers can be deceptive so when we began our Claymore beat down with a partner combined 200 burpees, a few of the pax gave me stares and some a what the… look. Broken down to 10 sets of 10 sounds better right? [Read More]

Biner Says Wooooo!

Always good to be at Flying Circus. West Cary’s Finest Thursday Morning AO Near Two Schools and a Fire Station (or something like that.) All the regulars were there, I guess. I don’t really know. I’ve only been here like 4 times. We greeted Globe Trotter visiting from Austin, made fun of Nature Boy’s Hi-Liter-inspired ear muffs, a version of the disclaimer was given and we circled up. **Warm Up [Read More]

Crosswalk to Crosswalk

23 in total for YHC’s first crack at Lion’s Den. With some Google Satellite the night before a plan was made. There were some EC runners, some twins in the same shirts, some yoga pants, and a flag. It’s go time! 0530 - Disclaimer and Pledge Warmup lap threw off Franklin so much he quit and waited for the pax to circle the loop and come back. Then YHC went vanilla #shutinsignaturewarmup: GMs, HBs, Merkins, SSHs [Read More]

More like HIMstamine, am I right?

Holy hell, dat yellow stuff is everywhere. Regardless, we pushed through. A group of HIM out for an EC run, and YHC set off to chase down Theismann for ECP. Check out our convo on getting better on today’s PUT6. We wrapped up recording just in time to hear the pax getting restless, it must be spot on 0545. A backwards run for the Q gave me a chance to drop the moving disclaimer on the pax before we’re up to the lot for warmups. [Read More]

Circles and Compasses

28 HIM show-up in the gloom expecting an epic Yogi beatdown. Well, some plans are meant to change and YHC has stepped up to take the Q. Weclome FNGs Quidditch and Double Dutch. After a mumbling, bumbling disclaimer and pledge at the flag, we head left and to the large circle for: Warm Up Good mornings Cotton Pickers Steve Earls Arm twirly thingies including behind the back. The Thang The first of the many tangs actually starts at the end of warm-up with 5 monkey humpers and 5 burpees OYO. [Read More]

No Mercy Mile

Pro tip: Write your BB as soon possible. This saving them up for the end of the week thing is for the birds. And not that much unlike my struggle to remember what I was doing about 30 hours ago the Exicon provided a doozy of a workout involving the track. I rarely post, or Q for that matter, where there is a running track so I made the most of this opportunity. [Read More]

Running w the Bells

When: 04/1/2019 QIC: Pet Sounds The PAX: Theismann, Sour Mash, Leprechaun, Ashbury, Hottie Tottie,Meatloaf, Intimidator, Billy, Pickles, Romney, Triple Lindy, Kenny, Earhardt, Monkey Nut, The Joker, Justice and Pet Sounds Warm up - run to the circle, Karaoke along the way. Circle up, SSH, Hill-Billy, Merkins, Stretch(s), Pete Paker, recover, head to the flag to pick up our late arrival. 10 Bonus Burpees + 5 more for good measure [Read More]

Murph 5 of 19 in 2019

Pre-Blast 13 HIM for the fifth of 19 Murphs (in 2019) at DP. Stronger backs, stronger hearts in 2019. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at flag. Circle up for OYO Good Mornings. The Thang Do a Murph (to the parking lot circle, back out of the lot, up the hill, down around the circle by the flag, back down to the pond, around the stage, to the pull-up bars). Run reverse course back to the flag. [Read More]