Welcome to the US Air Force PT. 2 mins doesn’t seem like a long time.

Date: 8/28/19 PAX: Beaker, Bedpan, Brosef, Buzz Lightyear, Dirty Bomb, Ezekiel, Five Hole, Franklin, Geek Squad, Goose, Gump, Hotty Toddy, Kermit, Kilmer, Mozart, Nature Boy, Pigeon, Shut-In, Sky Blue, Swag, Trike, WWW As I continue my personal challenge to Q at least once a week, coming up with routine has become very interesting. I had several ideas in mind but since next month is the USAF birthday, I thought it would be a great time to introduce the PAX to the USAF PT test. [Read More]

The Beakentineheart Q

It seems like the only way I can Q these days is to jump in when other men need a hand (or sign up for early 2020 - I’m looking at you #AO-Mon-Wolverine). Although with the last kerfuffle of the triple switch Kitty, no, CD, no, Liverpool, no, Beaker Q, I made really darn sure I was taking over for the site and day I thought I was, and still half-expected someone else to start calling out the countdown. [Read More]

Pair Up in Groups of 3

Day 6 of Frisco’s Week of Terror(ible) Qs. Picking up the 6 is a big deal to me. When I started F3, I was 25 lbs heavier than I am now, facing down a Sad Clown life, and on the edge of being too out-of-shape to keep up with my 2.0. As I lumbered along I had those thoughts of “I can’t do this. I let myself get too out-of-shape” or “I’ll workout on my own for a while then come back when I can hang with these guys. [Read More]

U Got Desire So Sell Phantom Street Everyday to the Immigrant Love Mother

There are a few truisms in life: You’re going to die and you have no idea when Make time for your friends and loved ones YHC is only going to post once a year at the following AOs: FC, BH, DP, FWD, SWW This BB is for one of those times. It being the end of summer and with school about to start, when the Q-sheet showed an opening for FC on Thursday, I knew it was now or never. [Read More]

Bigger than I expected ...

TWSS. A sizeable group of Carpex’s finest showed up and parked along Laura Duncan. Crap. There goes the planned workout. Not a problem, you can conjure up just about anything on a steady mosey. After 34 welcome fist bumps, a thorough disclaimer, an intro to FNG Paul and we were off. After a stellar weekend at F3 Dad’s Camp that included quite the libation session around a fire and more carbs and saltpeter (KNO₃) that’s remotely advised for anyone, I was ready to get after it. [Read More]

KMA, Cataracts!

Sometimes you show up with your fancy new workout only to find out someone else did it the day before and wrote the exact same backblast you planned to write. Sure you could move forward with a copy and be known as a copy cat. Or you could change it completely which is what I did. So if you read WWW’s BB or were at his workout he actually went back in time and changed his so that it looked like mine a SECOND time. [Read More]

Staring straight down 44

YHC has but few rules to live by. Love the Lord. Love your neighbor. Q on your birthday and your F3 anniversary. Maybe I’ve skipped a few between the second and third one on the list, but it was relevant on Saturday 8/10/2019 at Phoenix. A crowd of Q-shoppers gathered along with one FNG (brought out by Blind Date, whom I’d not met before), and we issued a brief disclaimer and Mission, and headed off to the Community Center. [Read More]

We all remember our first time...

First off, let me just say how great its been dragging my sorry, out-of-shape 6 out of bed most mornings to go hang out and sweat with a bunch of crazy guys like those reading this right now. The last 3-4 months have been amazing, not only physically, but mentally, emotionally and even dare I say spiritually? (That’s weird) Seriously, thank you all for your leadership every day when I post, not just from the QIC, but also the guys that stick out their hand for a high five when they’re running by or say, “Good work! [Read More]

No Upper Body for YHC

It’s well known in Carpex how if you want to get on the Q sheet you need to plan ahead. So, that is exactly what YHC did when signing up for various Qs throughout the year. However 22 days ago YHC fell off his bike, was taken to the ER, and messed up his shoulder pretty bad. After having to give up 2 of my Qs since then, it was time to get back out there! [Read More]

Om Shanti Shanti Shanti HI

When: 07/24/2019 Twenty five PAX gathered at 5:30 AM at Tortoises, the limited-run AO. We had one FNG, started with the F3 disclaimer. Welcome to AUSFAHT who came back after his crash and recovery. First exercise Pledge of allegiance at the flag. Mosey around the parking lot and circle up in front of the church. Warm Up Performed warm-up exercises in cadence:10 Good Mornings, 10 Windmills, 10 Surfazio arm circles, 10 Reverse Surfazio arm circles, 10 Seal Claps, and 10 Side straddle hops. [Read More]