Take me to the other side

Twenty HIM showed up on a cold morning for YHC’s second Dante’s Peak Q. For my first Q we stayed on the main side of the park and did burpees. Lots and lots of burpees. More than once I was reminded that there was more to the park than the baskeball court. Today I decided we should stretch our legs and make our way over to the other side. Warm-Up [Read More]

10 10 Road of Hard Knocks

When: Oct 20th, 2017 QIC: Free Bird The PAX: GTL, Sour Mash, Ascot, Hot Spot, Malpractice, Kabota, Grease Monkey, Khakis, Monkey Nut, Bogo, Snots, Franklin, Blue print, Nature Boy, Red Ryder, PBX,Wilbur, Old Maid, Free bird When I posted the twitter pre blast warning of “devastation”, I thought it would just be another Twitter scare tactic. Then, when pulling into Dante’s 10 minutes before start, no one was around. I thought to myself, “wow”, everyone took that Tweet seriously last night. [Read More]

How quickly..

How quickly things change. Last week, Gloom temperatures were in the 70’s and humid. This morning the PAX broke out the long sleeves and sweatshirts (some of them, anyway) for temps starting with a “4.” And that’s Freedom degrees, not in some commie temperature. The Tortoises crew had made the journey north in order to partake of the 2nd/3rdF after the workout (more on this later), so go time was even more of a goat rodeo than normal at SnS. [Read More]

Crowdsourcing Fail

You may have noticed yesterday that YHC began taking requests for this morning’s workout. And you may have seen a couple of our brethren putting some requests in. What you wouldn’t have seen is almost any of those requestors actually post at A-Team this morning. Instead, they either fartsacked, or Q’d at other sites. To you, fine gentlemen, know that the PAX loquaciously besmirched your name. YHC, on the other hand, just did exactly as he said. [Read More]

Happy Birthday Dante's Peak!

When: Oct 13th, 2017 QIC: Earhart The PAX: Wilbur, Bocephus, BOGO, Parker, Crimson, Freebird, Sooey, Shut-In, Malpractice, Monkey Nut, Hot Spot, GTL, Snots, Water Wings, Imp, Sooner, Spitvalve (Raleigh), YHC Earhart Can’t believe it has been a year since Shut-In and I launched Dante’s Peak. It took me a while to get the site going as it was the first site where we doubled up with Danger Zone. The PAX were resistant to adding another site, dividing Carpex on the same day, but I am glad we did. [Read More]

No Mercy

13 HIM came out to A-Team just 48 hours after the CSAUP Odyssey seeking no mercy, and getting none. Cheddar-Bo showed up to unlock the gate as the PAX were gathering, but YHC made the call to stay where we were. Warm-Up - Mosey over to the parking lot next to the big hill for some SSH, imperial walkers, plank jacks, merkins, and possibly the slowest version of Good Morning in Carpex history. [Read More]

Odyssey Eve at the Peak

11 brave PAX ventured out on Odyssey Eve, looking for some last-minute prep work before the main event. YHC was feeling competitive and decided to battle it out between two teams through a series of four relays and races. Here is how it went down: Warm up Quick jog through the woods, bear-crawl over Bear-Crawl Bridge Pit stop at the pond, 10 burpees OYO Continue to the far parking lot, paint the lines and then circle up [Read More]

Don't Sandbag Me Bro

Welcome to Day 2 of the Back-to-Back Beaker Beatdown (B4 [TM]). I want to let you in on a little secret. I typically sign up to Q with an idea already in mind. Like, “Wouldn’t it be fun to carry five gallons of water around and then hop on a sled pulled by my fellow PAX?” But, when I was perusing the F3Carpex website looking at Q sheets last Friday, I noticed a glaring hole at SNS this coming week, so I jumped on it. [Read More]

Mucho Beasto

I was about a hot minute away Sunday evening from texting Goose to see if he wanted to go to Kryptonite when Hot Spot’s weekly Q summary came in. And guess what? There was my name for A-Team! You see, I knew that. I was just testing y’all to see YOU knew that. Yeah. yeah. As we rolled up to the Park entrance, no cars. That can only mean 5 things: [Read More]

3rd Annual Franklinaversary

On the last Monday in September in 2014, YHC was privileged to be an FNG at an A-Team workout. Today, YHC took the opportunity of his anniversary to repeat his inaugural F3 workout, this time as the Q, just as I did on the last Monday in September 2015 and 2016. Following the first time I participated in this workout (under the leadership of Denali), I couldn’t raise my arms above my head for 3 days and couldn’t walk properly for 6 days. [Read More]