Shakin' not Stirred 4/25/18 Day 3 -- The '80's

The week of Smokey continues with the music of the ‘80’s. Joining us in the gloom were artists like Kenny Logins, Def Leppard, and Bon Jovi to name a few. 36 PAX were there for Vesper and SnS. 28 actually got to listen to the music. We began with a quick run around the parking lot to warm up in front of the senior center. Warm Up SSH Imperial Walkers [Read More]


Here’s some maths knowledge for y’all - and why on Earth we would do anything as stupid (completely, utterly…?) as incorporate a Fibonacci sequence into a workout. For those of you who have been at this awhile, you may have experienced the Nautilus, a workout that starts at the center of something and spirals outward. A nautilus is a natural embodiment of the Golden Ratio, a mathematical expression that refers to the ratio of two addends to their sum and each other. [Read More]

A-Team 4/23/18: Day 1 -- The 1960'S

The week of Smokey begins with the music of the 1960’s. Aretha Franklin, The Beach Boys, Johnny Cash, Jimi Hendrix, and many more joined us in the gloom for a sand bag work out. We started with a brief run up to the parking lot for warm ups. Apparently, YHC was filled with Q-drenaline and Hot Spot had to catch up with him on the run to let him know he had left everyone else behind. [Read More]

Some shoulder work

3 for the 2.5 mile EC run in and out - Old Maid, Hot Spot and Squatter Some others did some EC run stuff. Biner wore the breathtaker thing without smiling A total of 21 were there at the start and I think it was our FNG - Rahm that was a little late. Thang HiLighter: - Warmup including GM, HB, IW, SSH, and some penalty burpees and probably something else i am forgetting. [Read More]

Change is good

With our boy @callahan on the DL, we needed to ensure #ec-insomnia soldiered on. So, with a few quick keystrokes Tuesday night, YHC devised a new route I don’t think we’ve taken before; all the hills of the south side of Castalia. PAX of 9 for the run, 2 for the stationary effort, and off we go. Bye Large, Shawn D. Clair, and Denali…the rest of us settled in for a nice low-mid 8s pace, regrouping as needed (8:24, 8:16, 8:35, 8:24 mile splits). [Read More]

Broken Wing

It was another fine Friday morning. Today, Hello Kitty joined regulars Michelob, Squatter, and YHC for the 2.5 mile EC run into DP. We were greeted by an additional 13 men before we began the main event. YHC reminded the PAX that his right wing was still not 100%, so we’d be exercising our running shoes. Warmup Mosey toward the Back 20 SSH 20 GM 20 Hillbillies 20 Pikes 20 Hackey Sacks 20 King David TT Burpee Count Off (17) [Read More]

Hell in the Cell

Friday the 13th and with Wrestlemania in our rear-view mirror and Nature Boy on site with an FNG ta boot, it’s time to get the boys some time in the newly structured cells at Dante’s Peak. 25…oh wait… here comes Sky Blue… 26 for a Friday beat down. Warm-up: Mosey from the flag to the circle Good mornings x6 13 Penalty Burpees for SB showing up late Good morning x7 SSH (Nature Boy style) x 13 Merkins x13 Mountian Climbers x13 Mosey to one of the big fields, not encased by a YUGE fence, thus “The Cell” Thang 1: [Read More]

Hills, Benches and Rocks - Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

After a week of vacation in the mountains YHC was anxious to jump back into F3 this week! Since I was a bit out of shape from too much beer and pizza I invited (guilted) Crimson into co-Q’ing with me this fine Monday. Last night as we were planning our co-Q my M gave me some funny looks as we discussed “Dora” and “Mary” but I digress. A cool, crisp “spring” morning greeted 12 PAX at Apex Community Park. [Read More]

Needle-scratch Moment

I’ve Q’d enough times (though not as much lately) that I’m not usually nervous beforehand. I was nervous today, anticipating the reaction of the PAX at what I had in store. Still, I had it on good authority that it was a worthy idea. Huh. Two minutes to go, FNG present, big PAX turnout, and aforementioned Good Authority nowhere to be seen. Well, let’s make the most of it. Warm-up Jog to Community Center lot. [Read More]

Good Friday at DP with Power of 3

A great morning for a special Good Friday workout at Dante’s! After some early morning recon (the soccer fields are OPEN) and some EC with Disco Duck, we gather around the flag for a pledge and then a mosey up the hill to the right. YHC mixed in butt kickers, high knees, backwards runs, and even some bear crawling. We make it to the basketball court and circle up for: [Read More]