The 2018 Odyssey: It’s a Journey, Not a Race

In CARPEX, we have a saying “if there’s no Back Blast then either it was a Riptide Q or it didn’t happen”. But the Odyssey did happen (I have the t-shirt to prove it) and so it must to go down into the annals of CARPEX so that someday future generations will read about it and ask themselves “What the #*@(#* were those morons thinking?!?!!” So what the #*@(#* were we thinking? [Read More]

Burpicide on Andy Hill

Pre-Blast 11 HIM joined YHC for 2.65 miles at FC The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag Run the long way around the back of the school, end up at the bottom of Andy Hill. Circle up for: Good Mornings, Windmills, Cotton Pickers, Slow Count Merkins, SSH. The Thang Burpicide: perform 10 burpees, run to the first light pole, perform 25 SSH, run back the the first pole, perform 10 burpees, run 2 light poles, perform 25 SSH, at every light pole on the way back, perform 25 Mary exercises (PAX choice), rinse and repeat for 7 light poles. [Read More]

In the words of Jigglypuff "A Kingly VQ"

I almost spilled Merlot during my VQ. I knew I wanted my VQ to be the week of my 30th birthday and no better way to send Kyrie back off to Marine Pilot school than to try to give his Marine boot camp a run for it’s money (yeah right). Accomplishment Adrenaline. The Warm Up The Pledge of Allegiance. Mosey over to the FM parking lot for the warm up which included a little bit of Good Mornings, Side Straddle Hops, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, Merkins and LBCs. [Read More]

Off The Books Phoenix

YHC put a call out on the slackline to pax with shorties doing Saturday school and in need of an earlier Phoenix start. 5 rang the bell… Technically the title to this backblast doesn’t work because by writing a backblast it then, by definition, is In The Books. We won’t worry about that though. YHC probably wouldn’t have written this but was persuaded by the BBBB (BackBlast Boy Band) “Frisco n’ Disco”. [Read More]

Here we go again

After an already fun-filled week (BroGa, evening yog, #ruckTheMaynard), a stroke of good fortune allowed YHC to Q at Slippery When Wet on his birthday. 13 hearty PAX turned out to help me get started on my 44th trip around the sun. Plenty of #InvisibleShirts in the mix for the EC runners, and a fair bit of gloom to start us off. With the 1975 playlist in full swing, we did an awkward pickle run and circled up for. [Read More]

Well, I took a stroll on the old long walk..

Friday evening, August the 10th, six ruckers took to the mean streets of Cary for a 1stF/2ndF walkabout. That’s right, Kitty - you can try to deny it, but you now qualify. Thang Gather at Bond Bros and join a 2ndF in progress. Step off at 6:40 with a target of Fortnight. Katniss strode out the 1.7mi at a tick under 17-minute pace and was promptly fired by Banjo from pacer duty. [Read More]

Night Train 7/13

YHC heard about the Crazy Train, and thought it’d be fun to try it with rucks, during the evening.. hence, the Night Train. We put the word out via Slack, Twitters, Raleigh Area Ruckers Facebook, and various other COT-based means of communication. Seven ruckers and three runners answered the call. Goal Board the #76 Piedmont at 6:08pm in Cary, ride to Raleigh, and get rucking by 6:30. YHC estimated a 17min/mi overall pace, and after some advanced mathematics, determined that meant about a 4-hour trip. [Read More]