What goes UP, must get STRONGER

YHC arrives early to get in EC run, but not feeling it, opting instead for community service and picking up trash at the skate park. Anyone want a cooler? No FNGs, met Mud Buddy, good to see Lookout drinking the Kool Aid, Garfield leads us through the pledge, gloves are optional, we’re off. Run, not mosey, to Jones Carey Park with stop on the way to warmup with various exercises including pigeon stretch. [Read More]

It wasn’t a Murph

After stressing out for a few weeks about my first Q, it’s now Monday. I ping Peeping Tom, my cousin who EH’d me one year ago, to get some feedback on my plan. Grief is delivered, something about how I’m asking him about this the day before I’m supposed to Q. I attempt to correct him, stating I’m fine, I’ll have all day Tuesday to nail things down. Additional grief is exchanged about how I’ve actually only got 10 hours before the Q. [Read More]

Sally Showed Up

My first Q at Lion’s Den and boy am I excited. I’ve got my winkie all set and I’ve researched the area on Google Maps. It’s another hot and muggy morning but with the Shovel Flag planted by Sour Mash we are ready to begin. Disclaimer, no FNGs, Pledge of Allegiance. Set out on a mosey and Site Q tells me we must be quiet as we travel to and use the local park as the townhouse residence across the street claim this park as their own and is part of their HOA. [Read More]

The Freedom Trail July 4th Convergence

@Qwerty, @Red Ryder and YHC met last week to plan the 2019 July 4th Convergence hoping to create something special. Our goal was to keep the PAX together in order to preserve fellowship and maybe a few exercises in-between. The disclaimer was disclaimed, the F3 Mission was delivered and Whitney Houston’s Star Spangled Banner put the PAX in a USA state of mind that included a Fly Over courtesy of Delta. [Read More]

10 to Win

10 HIMs joined us today for a beautiful July 3rd morning. No FNG’s Intro, Yogi gave us the mission statement and then we pledged Mosey around the parking lot and circle up for a warm up Good mornings Side Straddle Hops Sir Fazio Arm circle (front and back) Imperial Walkers Control Freak Merkins THANG 1: Mosey around the lot to pick up coupons (center blocks) and partner up Partner 1 did Rock Your Body with the coupon Partner 2 bear crawled 1 light pole down the parking lot and lunged walk back We did this for 15 minutes Thang 2 Mosey over to the pull up bars for a round of Cindy (15 minutes) [Read More]

If you want to be number one, train like you are number 2, yep, another BRR inspiration

No one claimed the clean gloves I picked up two weeks ago at wolverine, they are clean. Gloves are optional this morning. No new guys. Mosey to the Park Village pool parking lot to warm up with various exercises including runners stretch and pigeon pose. Recover Mosey to top of hill at the second island, on Park Village Drive. Low squat waiting on instructions: - Run to playground at bottom of hill. [Read More]

So String Theory says there are multiple dimensions, but nothing about Pearls

“It’s strange how pain marks our faces, and makes us look like family.” - The Green Mile - Beautiful weather this am as the pax roll in. Everyone is early, lots of fellowship. No FNGs but a new face for YHC, well, somewhat new. Hank Williams Jr [hate] was first named 3 years ago at DZ, YHC hasn’t seen him since. Enough reminiscing, grab your gloves, let’s go. 6.25+ mile loop Pearls on a String. [Read More]

The Sub

19 HIM gather in the gloom for another Claymore, limited run, beatdown care of Ninjago. How many regions have a 12-year old Q on a regular basis I ponder? Welcome to FNG Thriller (Earhart’s 2.1), who received the disclaimer from his brother. After a quick lap around the upper parking lot pickle, we circle-up for Warm Up Good Mornings Sir Fazio Imperial Walkers Hillbillies Side Straddle Hops 10 Burpees OYO thanks to Honey Do being tardy [Read More]

Time flies when you're having fun

Fresh out of Q School was feeling ready to run a clean workout. Hit the snooze a few too many times today causing site Q’s Imp and Rooney begin formulating a backup plan. Thankfully traffic was light (imagine that) and YHC arrived in time to give the one minute warning. No FNGs, give a disclaimer-ish and we’re off.. Warm-up Mosey 3/4 of the way around the soccer field track to the parking lot SSH, Merkins, Runners Stretch, Merkins, Imperial Walkers The Thang - Tour de Apex [Read More]

Who is really in charge here?

YHC quickly chums up with YOGI to confirm whose Q it really is. I get the, “what me? “ with a hug. After catching up on a few work things we begin to mingle with the ECP men and those arriving. Good to meet Alamo, been reading a lot about him. Great to see Traffic Cone, have not seen that man in a while. There will be no WWIIs or flutter kicks today. [Read More]