Happy Labor Day

8 PAX out this Labor Day Morning to put is some work before the Caring Place 5/10k Run Callahan showed up late so we all joined him in 5 Burpees No FNGS Pledge Warmup Mosey run towards the neighborhood playground and stopped at small parking lot for a warmup Windmills Merkins Good Mornings SSH Indian Run to the playground and did 20 burpees The Thang (2 rounds) Indian Run from playground to Jenks Carpenter Road and back to playground- When back at playground we did 25 pullups/ 50 merkins/ 75 squats waiting on all to finish in plank position Indian run back to starting parking lot for Mary [Read More]

Twice in a week at Sovereign Grace - this was slow and controlled with purpose

Very excited to be back at the hallowed grounds of Tortoises. I once thought the idea of a limited run workout was the only possible type of workout there was, however, that probably says more about my former fitness level then anything else. I now know how much harder it is to plan a limited run workout that really challenges the Pax. However, I believe I was able to today. [Read More]

Bigger than I expected ...

TWSS. A sizeable group of Carpex’s finest showed up and parked along Laura Duncan. Crap. There goes the planned workout. Not a problem, you can conjure up just about anything on a steady mosey. After 34 welcome fist bumps, a thorough disclaimer, an intro to FNG Paul and we were off. After a stellar weekend at F3 Dad’s Camp that included quite the libation session around a fire and more carbs and saltpeter (KNO₃) that’s remotely advised for anyone, I was ready to get after it. [Read More]

Is this Kryptonite

QIC: Staubach Once again, I had a master workout plan that would have taken at least 1.5 hours to complete. After having made this mistake more than once, I was able to adjust the schedule and get the PAX back to camp in time for some high intensity exercises before MARY and COT. As we were heading out of the parking lot…there was already some grumbling about the fact we would be running. [Read More]

Freebird and Frisco Co-Q

Day 4 of Frisco Terror(ible) Week of Qs. One of the skills I have learned is “if you can’t do it, co-Q it”. Thus faced with the prospect of Bounty Hunters being 4th on the list this week and a massive, runnable site I decided to EH the exclusive and sometimes elusive Freebird as a co-Q. Luckily I twisted my ankle a few weeks back getting a ladder out of my garage for him so he feels bad enough to jump in an Q with me. [Read More]

The Challenge is 100!!!

PAX: Chicken Little, Chipper, Compound W, Drysdale, Free-fall, Goose, Hamm, Hotspot, Honeycomb, Ma Bell, Quick Stop, Repeato, Ringo, Roasters, Saban, Sixteen Steves, Smokey, Willy Wonka, WKRP, WWW Thank goodness that I’m the co-Site Q for A Team (one of the original 5 Carpex AOs) and we have a reminder for who is Q’ing this week and next week. I had a great weekend trip with the M that I almost forgot that I signed up to Q today. [Read More]

Start with a Theme, End with a Cluster

I hadn’t Q’d a workout in a while and a slot opened up at FWD so I thought, ”why not”. Well, after a week of backpacking and a week of healing from backpacking, I was feeling a bit off this morning. But hey, how bad can it be? It can be bad. I rolled into the parking lot and the trunk of my car wouldn’t open. So, the flag was there, it just wasn’t up. [Read More]

Pressure cooker

Always feel the pressure Q’ing at Krypto, probs because YHC ends up leading from the 6 at this AO. Regardless… LET’S GO! Warm-up: Out and over to a little side cut out by the trail for: Tappy Taps, Imperial Walkers, Sir Fazios and Seal clap The Thang: Over across the street to the bottom of the hill Triple-5’s: 5 laps up and down with 5 Mountain Climbers at the top and 5 CDD’s at the bottom Round of LBC Across the street and Indian run back around the lake Stop at the bridge for 5 sets across the bridge, bear crawl over and lunge back Nan’tan: TY4YL Back to Indian run to the flag An AYG around the pickle Mary and COT: 20 deep, YHC took us out [Read More]

Confusing Relay Races

POSTED ON BEHALF OF UTI BY YHC EC: Sub, Peeping Tom, UTI, GTL, Squatter Peeping Tom made a call out last week for someone to sub in since he is still technically on the mend. YHC is working on increasing his bootcamp Qs. 2 years in and I can’t tell you how many I have under my belt but it’s definitely not many. Turning over a new leaf in my 3rd year of F3 and making sure to jump on these leadership opportunities. [Read More]

Up Hill Both Ways

Pre-Blast 13 at #ao-fri-gt / Rolling Stone on a glorious morning in NW Cary. One thing led to another…and we ended up at Starbucks for #Coffeteria - the BEST #Coffeteria north of Biscuitville (thx, @Pivot). The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag. Run to the cutout across from Heritage Pine Rd. Circle up for: GM, WM, Cherrypickers, Calf Stretch, ‘Mericans, Mt. Climbers, Plank Jacks, LBCs. The Thang Cross the street. [Read More]