Rain makes you feel like a kid again

Date: 2/6/20 PAX: Water Wings, Rooney, I Pity the Fool, Term Paper, Henny Penny, WWW, GTL, Smokey, Texas Ranger, Lookout, One Four, Honeycomb, Wonder Bread My normal routine prior to posting is to always see what Steve’s forecast would be. He has a lot of moisture planned in the gloom. So, when I hear that, I prepare myself mentally that I’ll be quite moist during the beatdown. Term Paper sends a Slack post to Hello Kitty and me wanting to know how dry we will be. [Read More]

Who cares about the workout - Celine tix avail!

Spectacular weather, good crowd, Hermes gives F3 mission, we are off. Mosey to somewhere for basic warm up with SSH, GM, MC, Merkins and Plankjacks Head to parking lot behind doctors to test drive the Point Break rockpile Series of long-distance rock suicides involving 10 each of Curls Triceps Squats Flutter kicks while we wait for the 6 Move to covered parking area for Traveling Rock Jack Webb style exercises [Read More]

"A Near Flawless Q" (their words, not mine)

0500: A little EC run with Michelob, Wonderbread, GTL, OOfta, and YHC 0530: Circle up for **Mary **Good Morning, Windmill, SSH **Thang 1 **Bataan Death March (w/ a twist) Break up into two groups for a little Indian Run; Catch Me If You Can; Group Exercise Combo. The entire group performs an exercise together, EXCEPT, the HIM at the back of the line. He performs his own exercise. When the group is finished, they take off. [Read More]

3rd Sooey-anniversary

In keeping with the theme for a 3 year anniversary, YHC had the Q for the 3rd time at A-Team on 1/27/2020, exactly 3 years after Crimson introduced YHC to F3 on 1/27/2017. Doesn’t seem like that long ago, then again it seems like a lifetime. Funny how time works. As fate would have it, my good pal Frisco asked if I would be interested in a co-Q. Seeing as Frisco has not posted in well over a year (or maybe just like 10 days but you can decide) YHC made the fatal mistake of letting Camp Frisco invade F3 and NOT alerting the PAX ahead of time. [Read More]

Accountability 2020

The new year brings new goals. YHC has not been very good at stepping up to Q as often as I should. So, what do you do about it? You get an accountability partner and make a pack. So, for 2020, YHC and my accountability partner @Deuce will hold each other accountable to Q at least once a month. In that vain, January kicks off the accountability pack with a Co-Q at Dazed and Confused. [Read More]

There's nothing wrong with a little vanilla now and then

23 PAX showed up on a beautiful Thursday morning for a little fun and some exercise. On the run in to the AO YHC was still working on the plan for this morning. Here’s what was come up with: Warmup: One FNG, so the typical disclaimers given, but YHC struggled to remember the mission statement on the spot, so we pledged allegiance and off we moseyed to the community center. [Read More]

It's A Celebration

Christmas morning, 2019. What a great way to start the day - with my F3 brothers! Warm Up Following the Pledge, PAX are given gifts of a card with an exercise that they call. All the way around the horn until complete. The Thang Mosey to the Townside Drive hill, with a couple stops along the way. Christmas day Triple Nickel - 5 pullups at the top of the hill, 5 burpees at the bottom of the hill, 5 sets each. [Read More]

Coming in Hot

Numbers always start declining a bit once the temps dip down, and the last couple weeks have been no exception. However, YHC had pre-blasted that we’d stay warm at Dazed and Confused today, despite a reading of 25 on the Steve. So, at 05:28 there are 16 PAX bouncing around - maybe in anticipation, maybe just trying to stay warm. At 05:29, YHC’s long awaited FNG rolls in on 2 wheels, having already been warned that we don’t tolerate being tardy. [Read More]


Last night, YHC went to bed and told the Mrs. that he would not be working out. It was our anniversary on Wednesday after all. “Nope. I’m going to sleep in,” I said. Unless I was so excited and couldn’t sleep in which case I might go to Insomnia. “But fear not… I will be back by 6. So no worries. Sleep in.” And with that, Tuesday turned into Wednesday and 14 years of marriage came to a close. [Read More]

Start of Birthday / 4-yr F3-versary Week; McCants is a Beast who gladly shared the gloom beatdown with YHC

AO: A-Team Date: 12/16/2019 Q: McCants & WWW PAX: Bagels, Banjo, Build-A-Bear, Crimson, Frisco , Hamm, Henny Penny, HGTV, Honeycomb, Hotspot, How How, McCants , Press On , Prodigal , Prom King, Shank, Schlitz, 16 Steves, Short Circuit, Slim Shady, Smokey, Sour Mash, Two Factor, WWW This all started a few months ago when I began planning my Birthday /4-year F3-versary week. As I was in the Q sheet, I noticed McCants had the Q slot for 12/16. [Read More]