High Tempo Euphoria

18 came to workout, a day after a much needed slap on the old wrist from the Nant’an, so with that a heightened sense to get the Pax working out, but also spread ’em out a touch, YHC designed a high tempo beatdown with that in mind. High tempo warm-ups and lightening quick Good Mornings. Y’all need to chill about these Good Mornings. Hell, we can’t even count and do seal claps properly anymore. [Read More]

Inspired By Burt (that is not a typo)

Michelob and YHC for a little EC Posting at Bradford’s Ordinary yesterday I was “inspired” by Burt’s shared cluster Q. To the untrained eye, it may have seemed like he was unprepared but he was, in fact, helping to shape and invigorate. What, I’m not actually sure, but there was definitely shaping and invigorating going on. And it seemed to work. So I borrowed his lackadaisical Qing style and implemented it at DAC. [Read More]

The Island Hopping Switchahoo

Wahoo got a little over zealous training for the BRR and hurt his foot. He asked that I swap Q’s for Point Break with him (3/4 for 3/11). Since it was about time to shave my winter beard, I decided there was no need to update the Q sheet. I borrowed Wahoo’s shirt with “Wahoo’s Fish Tacos” on it and showed up. I really liked a rock suicide workout that Term Paper did a few weeks ago. [Read More]

Triple scoop of Dora-tabata

17 Pax decided to Q shop and ended up at the POGL’s finest downtown AO, Disturbing the Peace this morning. YHC stayed up way too late last night finalizing my plans for the Q today. It was planned out to the minute. No fng’s and not a minute to spare, time for the pain. Quick mosey to the church parking lot to warm up. This was timed. SSH’s, good mornings, sir fazio, calf stretch and runner stretch. [Read More]

It’s Raining Men—Blame Parker

So a few weeks back there was a pop-up FIA/F3 AO for Valentine’s Day c/o: Red Ryder and his M. It was a pleasant surprise since the standard orders I have from Shut In (and Parker, and Red Ryder, and Smokey, and Snots, and even a few guys that aren’t married) are: “Frisco, you don’t talk to my wife, you don’t look at my wife, you don’t even breathe the same air. [Read More]

Teaching Ponies Some New Tricks

Preamble Good thing Kittibonz posted the Q sheet on Slack Sunday or I might have forgotten I had the Kryptonite Q. Once reminded, I was all in pre-blasting my intention of throwing some blue collar beatdown on these one-trick ponies that gallop around the AO. Not to worry; I know these thoroughbreds gotta eat. That said, methinks they were all a’skeered they weren’t going to get their miles in - which is why the parking lot was unusually full of cars and devoid of PAX when the West Cary clown car arrived. [Read More]

Honeycomb 39th

Beautiful morning, 2 FNG’s showed up



Warm up-

  1. Mosey
  2. Good Morning
  3. SSH
  4. Calf stretch RL
  5. Imperial Walker
  6. Sir Fazio

The thang (partner up)

  1. Pick up coupons
  2. Partner 1 does lunges with coupon down and back, then tags partner
  3. Partner 2 works on 75 burpees, 150 pull ups, 300 squats 
  • Some finished and some did not


  • Pax called it

Named the new guys: Animal and Watson


disruption the act or process of disrupting something : a break or interruption in the normal course or continuation of some activity, process, etc. There were 20 dudes who were at the AO known as Bounty Hunters, by the time it ended. Some of them were doing a run, others did the Main Event. YHC didn’t have a count of exactly who was doing what. And this backblast really won’t focus on that little detail. [Read More]

DaC is back at home!

Date: 2/7/20 PAX: Meatloaf, Ashbury, Sega, Hansen, Mohawk, Badlands, Nature Boy, Snooze, WWW, Honeycomb, Silver Fox, Bubba, The Joker, The Commish, Orphan, Dr. Evil Huge props and tclaps to I Pity the Fool for taking charge and met with his boss to discuss us using the AO. He was able to convince her of our mission and she was all for it … SUCCESS !!! 0530 … No FNG and Pledge of Allegiance done, we head out on a slow mosey up the hill to the second deck of the parking lot to warm-up before getting after it. [Read More]


22 men decided to start their week off right at Wolverine, where we attempted to force our collective Garmin watches to register some anaerobic benefit of a workout while logging few miles for my recently-post-long-run knees. And we succeeded with a custom-built Tabata-timed work out featuring only ONE thang, repeated three times. Each exercise was 45-seconds AMRAP, with 15 seconds to transition onward. Hand-release Merkin Flutter Squat Australian Snow Angel [Read More]