Run and DMC

I don’t mind cold weather so long as I don’t have to scrap frost off my windshield. What does that have to do with the workout? Nothing, except that it was cold. It was cold until we got going. But how far were we going? All the way to CC Jones park. This is great little park for both workouts and for the family. Definitely recommend taking the family there if you are in the area. [Read More]

It works 60% of the time. Every time.

26 PAX gathered at the flag, with rumors of a mysterious FNG who was nowhere to be seen. First exercise, the Pledge of Allegiance. Warm Up Mosey to the heart of Apex Community Park, the parking lot adjacent to the tennis courts. Along the way add in some butt kickers and karaoke. Circle up for a standard fare of SSHs, Good Mornings, Sir Fazio Arm Circles, Steve Earles, and Control Freak Merkins. [Read More]

The Dutch Skater

The call went out the night before for an EC run at 0500 and the following HIM showed up: Michelob, Chanticleer, Largemouth, Snots, Sub and YHC. Four miles later and with just 1 minute to spare before the bell rang at 0530, YHC asked for FNGs, heard no response and Moseyed to the other side of the school. On the way we enjoyed some High Knees, Butt Kickers and Karaoke. [Read More]

Colt 45

Figured this was a nice nod to the Marine Corps’ chosen sidearm, the Colt 1911 Marine CQBP M45-A1 .45 ACP Pistol . Here at Full Metal Jacket, we are used to close quarters, and we went into battle today. 2 hearty youth (@michelobcarpex and @sub)joined YHC for 3 extra credit laps around the Salem homestead. FYI, one lap is a little over 1.33miles if you’re looking for extra credit running in the future. [Read More]

19 Murphs in 2019 (1 of 19)

Pre-Blast 10 HIM for the first of 19 Murphs (in 2019) at BH. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the…the site Q didn’t bring out the flag so it wouldn’t get wet?! 10 penalty burpees. Run like 10 yards, circle up for…Smokey and Joe Smith request the shelter for warmups…so we dropped for Superman Holds and WWII sit-ups. We also did a few GMs. The Thang Do a Murph (run to Baucom Elem. [Read More]

1stF #4 of 6 BD & F3’versary Q-week: Plan B – 11s with multiple burpees taboot

On my drive to Tortoises in the blistering 27⁰ temperature, I took a small detour to scope out the AO. The original area I wanted to do my planned thang would not work due to safety concerns, black ice. Safety is ALWAYS #1 in my mind when leading a group of HIM. I reverted to Plan B. As I got into my parking spot, Theismann and Spartan were getting after ECP. [Read More]

Help an Old Guy Out

It’s been a little too long since my last Q so I need to get myself back in the rotation. 16 strong at FMJ this morning to help get things fired up again. Temps are trending cooler so the plan was to keep everyone moving as much as possible. Things went pretty smoothly until COT when YHC realized readers are needed in order for me to see the Voice Memo app icon on my phone, because I can’t remember 16 names on my own. [Read More]

Rotate. Rotate. Rotate. Rotate.

- EC Pullups: Theisman, Red Ryder, Joe Smith, Parker, Bluewater - EC Run (that’s right I said EC run): Michelob, Wonderbread, GTL, Hi-Liter, Snots, Chanticleer, Largemouth, Denali & YHC I’ve done a variation of this workout once before at SWW but I thought it would be perfect for Tortoises so I dusted it off, loaded up the Pontiac P.O.S with some fun toys to play with and the rest is soon to be Carpex History. [Read More]

Traveling Murph with a dash of Panache

26 with one tomato and no FNGs Warm up 1 lap o’ the pickle SSH x 15 IW x 10 GM x 7 Merkins IC x 15 Squats IC x 15 Thang Alternating light pole ladder with Merkins and Squats into the Middle School parking area. 2:3 ratio increasing until we pause at 10/15 4 sets of 7s with Pull Ups and alternating between Merkins and IC Squats. 2 sets at Middle School and 2 in Elementary School Playground [Read More]

The 2018 Odyssey: It’s a Journey, Not a Race

In CARPEX, we have a saying “if there’s no Back Blast then either it was a Riptide Q or it didn’t happen”. But the Odyssey did happen (I have the t-shirt to prove it) and so it must to go down into the annals of CARPEX so that someday future generations will read about it and ask themselves “What the #*@(#* were those morons thinking?!?!!” So what the #*@(#* were we thinking? [Read More]