Tight, Flowey, and Quick

Pre-Blast 14 speedsters at GT for 4.2ish. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag. Small Group Indian Run up to M. Pkwy and back through the neighborhood to the roundabout in Preston Village. Circle up for 5 SSH. The First Thang Partner up. Burpee Bear Crawl around the entire circle. P1 Burpee Bear Crawls while P2 runs the same direction around the circle to catch P1. Flap jack. Continue to flap jack until you complete the circle. [Read More]

One Year - You get a clock!

One year ago I showed up to Apex Nature Park on a Monday and asked some guy named Disco Duck if this was the “workout group.” A couple of days later I’m running laps next to a dude with a monkey taped to his crotch. To try and sum up even just one year of highlights and memories would be a muggo sized feat. The current task at hand is to provide a worthy beatdown to the 32 PAX that chose to grace FOD on a beautiful Tuesday morning. [Read More]

Wolverines at Wolverine

We are in the final two weeks before YHC moves out of Carpex and over to Raleigh and so I decided to Q as much as I could before I leave. Stop number 1 on the farewell tour was the darkest AO in all of Carpex and also an AO that YHC had only been to 2 previous times. My tiredness from just running the Tuna 200 Relay over the weekend, the darkness, my lack of familiarity with this AO, and trying to rest the legs keeping this more of a Limited Run style workout, led YHC to Q a little bit of a less organized beatdown. [Read More]

DORA Figure Eight

QIC: Gibraltar Date: 09/20/2019 After 7 years of not exercising in a disciplined way and with only one month of training with F3, Pivot told me if I would like to be a Q. At the beginning it sounds to me very challenging, to lead the workout with people who are really in good shape but I did not want to miss the opportunity and thanks to Torpedo I was able to schedule my Q for the last day of the VQ week. [Read More]

Escargot, my car go

I came across a news story Tuesday that the 2019 Rock & Roll Hall of Fame nominees had been announced. I don’t remember how the news came to catch my attention but catch it it did. Start with the fact that two of my favorite bands were on the list (again) and that I hadn’t even heard of a couple others and I got intrigued. An hour or so later, not only had I created a little Spotify playlist to listen to at home, but an idea for a Q was developing as well. [Read More]

A surprise in every corner

YHC, Michelob and Largemouth for a 4 mile “Hope we don’t get lost and it turns into a 9 mile” EC run. It’s been awhile since I stepped out of the corn stalk onto the Field Of Dreams, so it was nice to be back and see all the smiling faces…and Banjo. No FNGs so off we went. Quick run around the lower parking lots and circled up. **Warm Up [Read More]

Small Group Workout for Men

Pre-Blast 18 for Phoenix or The Maynard at Phoenix The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag. Small Group Indian Run to the West lot. The First Thang Bear Crawl the length of the lot. Extended Plank Series: 20,15,10,5 reps of ‘Mericans, Plankjacks, Mountain Climbers The Second Thang SGIR to the Community Center Grab and ego rock and partner up. P1 runs around the CC while P2 performs AMRAP Rock Rour Bodies. [Read More]

Murph 16 of 19 (in 2019)


  • 13 and then 12 and then 11 at #ao-tues-fmj on a crisp Tuesday morning.

The Warmup

  • Pledge of Allegiance at the flag.
  • SSH, GM, WM, ‘Mericans

The Thang

  • Run around the school, 2 laps on the track, exercises at the playground, 2 laps on the track, back around the school to the flag.
  • Side Plank Star Crunches.


Always Charge the Hill

Pre-Blast 15 charged the hill at Lion’s Den The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag. Snake around the parking lot, circle up for: SSH, GM, Calf Stretch ‘Mericans, Victory Burpees The Thang Run to the church entrance, partner up. Partner 1 runs down the hill and across the street continuing to the bottom of the big hill and back up while partner 2 performs 20,30,40 reps of ‘Mericans, LBCs, SSH. [Read More]

Wild Thangs

31 posted at Apex Nature Park this morning. 16 heard YHC had the queue and chickened out of Dante’s Peak and did some sort of Soft Pax challenge or some alternate interval pull up stuff, I wasn’t entirely sure what was going on but I knew we couldn’t do a Murph with Theismann commandeering the pull up bars. Let’s Get Started Disclaimer - I am a professional. . . software engineer so follow at your own risk and modify as necessary Pledge of allegiance Let’s mosey! [Read More]