Secrets of the Beige Bros

Four dudes were “In”. Three dudes were not. Much like the Masons have their secret handshakes, the OA has it’s Ordeal and fraternities do bizarre things to biscuits, so to does the elite running club of CARPEx have a code. And much like the other ‘secrets’ above, theirs too is out in the open for everyone to see. But so subtle that most miss it. But it’s there, quietly reinforcing the fact that you, oh slow one, are just not fast enough. [Read More]

It's Quarantine Day... Again

Getting back is hard, but making it out is rewarding! Today marks the 1-Year Anniversary to my affiliation with F3. For those who don’t know the story, Earhart had been working hard talking F3 up to me for years (he and I were part of the same Y-Guide Tribe.) I finally pulled the chord and decided to give it a try, after years of Treadmill running and T25 (I did a month of Camp Gladiator as it was free too. [Read More]

Backblast two-fer

Taking a page out of the high-tempo-ness of the two AOs to which this two-fer belongs and high-tempoing this mofo in one uninterrupted writing block. Clock. Starts. Now. 7:01PM start. Measured Thrice Location: TGM PAX: YHC, Parker, Snots, 1-4, Pivot, Skidmore (out of towner… sort of), Biner, Hi-Liter + Ruckers: Trike, Repeato + Pooch, Skipper Warm-up: Bring yo gloves. Bring yo water. Start your Stravas. Follow me. Leave said gloves and said water (except Hi-Liter who claims that water makes him weak) over by the buses. [Read More]

High Tempo Euphoria

18 came to workout, a day after a much needed slap on the old wrist from the Nant’an, so with that a heightened sense to get the Pax working out, but also spread ’em out a touch, YHC designed a high tempo beatdown with that in mind. High tempo warm-ups and lightening quick Good Mornings. Y’all need to chill about these Good Mornings. Hell, we can’t even count and do seal claps properly anymore. [Read More]

Are we still writing backblasts?

Hello, and welcome to Fastest Friday AO in Carpex! The site that never shut down. Where mileage records are set and asterisks are badges of honor. YHC put forth his best marketing campaign he could to reQruit our native #beardedmillennial but with the Covid15 around his waste, Fortnight at his fingers, and a warm and dry fartsack YHC received word this morning at 0830 he “didn’t hear the alarms.” And he’s “sorry man”. [Read More]

Greatest American Hero

Yesterday, Hi-Liter graciously offered to take over the suddenly-vacant BiB Q, so I offered to write the BB for him. 68 Degrees and clear at 5:15, as promised in my pre-blast. QIC: Hi-Liter Disclaimer Pledge Penalty burpees for a slightly-late Pax 1-mile mosey through the Koka Booth parking lot Warm up (rain starts) 7s on the hill behind the Global Knowledge office Bear crawl/lunge to Koka Booth gate (pouring rain now) Mosey back to flag Mary COT NMS: [Read More]


This Guy! Largemouth, Denali and Wonderbread for some EC laps around the AO. Today is a perfect example of never giving up on your dreams. I’ve waited for this day for 50 years and it finally happened. You see kids…. Great group of defiant HIM this morning for an early rollout of Phase 2. We ran, circled up, and celebrated the day of my birth with 5 Good Mornings; 19 Steve Earles; and 70 (IC) SSH. [Read More]

Re-opening Wolverine

The air was cool and the gloomiest of AO’s was lit by a clear morning sky with a bright waning gibbous moon. It was a joy to be able to officially re-open Wolverine. The five other HIM that showed up made it a morning to remember with mumble chatter that YHC has seriously missed over the past 6 weeks. While we were away, TOC graciously finished their construction project. So, not only did we re-open the AO, we moved the flag back to its rightful place in the main parking lot. [Read More]

THEMES...sometimes less is more

This guy! Michelob, Largemouth, Chanticleer and Blazing Banjo for a little EC. Great group of guys this morning including a FNG. A disclaimer was given, and then a disclaimer about the disclaimer was given. Today was supposed to be the day before This guy! and Michelob left for Boston to run a little road race they have there, and we had signed up to Q GT as a little sendoff. Then COVID-19 happened and so… but we decided to Q anyway. [Read More]

No counting; Unauthorized Homer to Marge;'s banana land.

This Guy! and Michelob, Largemouth and Chanticleer for a little EC run. Hey look, 5 other HIM. Let’s workout. Mosey over the church parking lot. Some agility drills along the way, then circle up. **Warm-Up **Good Morning, Windmill, Steve Earle, SSH, Mnt. Climber, Plank Jack Mosey back over to the track around the field to count the number of fences and gates that are unnecessarily placed around the field confusing even the smartest among us. [Read More]