Will You Call My Name

2 1/2 years ago Pickles approached me with an idea to start a second limited run AO in Carpex. I was months behind on my membership dues but Pickles promised that he could “fix it” with the Leadership if I became a co-Site Q and started paying him directly in unmarked $10s and $20s (privilege of him being the Dues Collector, I guess). At first, I was worried. I was fairly new to F3 and unlike Mama’s Boy people actually liked me after their first post with me. [Read More]

Run FOD Run!

Apparently I’m being accused of becoming a runner as of late. With that thought, I did consider running into FOD this morning, but as it’s 4.5 each way + the workout I had planned I thought the better of it. Plus part of the route being a bit dicey (2 lane road and dark) I opted for the drive in. With my plan ready to go and with FOD being a “late start AO”, I arrived early for a solo 3/4 mile EC. [Read More]

May the 4th Be With You: Light Side vs Dark Side Challenge

Disclaimer. Pledge of Allegiance. (This Backblast is long….) Pre-Thang A Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far Away…. May the 4th CARPEX Light Side vs. Dark Side Challenge It is uneasy times in galaxy. The Galactic Republic is a memory and the Empire has taken its hold over everything. Emperor Palpatine has charged Darth Vader to send a team of Imperial Stormtroopers to collect Kyber crystals that were stolen by Bounty Hunters and that have been lost on the plant Endor. [Read More]

Oh my God! They Killed PBX

Preamble OK, everybody just calm the F down. PBX is fine. But there was a period of time where we didn’t know that. “What happened?” you ask? Here’s the way it went down. All statements herein have been verified by multiple sources. The morning began like any other Friday at Gran Torino. Elite EC runners at 0500 followed by a rag-tag group of blue collar EC runners at 0505. PBX was one of those blue collar guys, along with Biner, Water Wings, and YHC. [Read More]

What really is hi-tempo anyway?

quckie backblast – Ma Bell hyped the site as the best, Grease Monkey back for a one-night special, & lots of talk about how FMJ has gotten too tough as of late…. so, pressure on me to make sure the PAX were moving this fine morning…. with 15 seconds to spare, we said the pledge and did a sharp mosey down to the middle school parking lot dodging 3 Apex pick-up trucks on dawn patrol for some reason…. [Read More]

SLT Meeting: 4/6/21

It was Tuesday, April 6 in the year two thousand and twenty one at 0530. YHC peeled into the parking lot at the Bojangles on 64 next to the Toyota dealership. I was almost late. Rounding the corner, most of my peers were still outside getting ready to breach the doors of the restaurant. I knew a handful would get in line to grab coffee and a biscuit while the rest of the gentlemen waited until after our meeting. [Read More]

Off The Disco Rails

Though I really wanted to celebrate Disco Duck’s Respect Q, I had already committed to Q’ing OTR on this fine foggy morning. 10 others joined YHC for bunch of thangs with mediocre mumble chatter so I was told. With no FNGs present, we started with the Pledge of Allegiance. Mozy to parking lot for warm ups Good mornings seal claps sir fazios forward and backwards Seal Claps/Overhead claps Imperial walkers side stradle hops Thang 1: Partner up for Dora. [Read More]

It was only 7 minutes...

I’ve been enjoying the “limited” run bootcamps – Tortoises, Tin-2-Iron, Hells Bells – as I need to limit my miles while still getting out with you men. Was thinking of something new to try & decided to give it a go with the men of Tortoises this very gloomy but warm morning. Here’s how it went down ….. The gathering: My GBB & wheelman today, Flacco & I came into the lot hot as our little neighborhood carpool hit a snag kind of like a container ship in a canal. [Read More]

Nothing Special

After a February full of cold and rain, March comes in like a lamb with beautiful weather in the 60s. Warm-Up Mosey up the hill towards Laurel Park Elementary and circle up in the parking lot for good mornings, imperial walkers, Sir Fazios forwards, copperhead merkins, copperhead squats, arm twirlies in reverse. The Thang The back of the parking lot has a straightaway that’s just perfect for 10-10 sprints. 10 monkey humpers, 10 dry docks, run to the first light pole and back. [Read More]

Moving on to Plan E

Have I told you how sick I am of cold, rainy weather? Luckily today we were expecting highs to get into the 60s. With sunshine. WITH SUNSHINE!!! However this morning, it was still 30s and the ground was wet from rain we’ve had in the past 1,231 hours. Six for EC run of about 3 miles. Return to the flag, and I initially thought I was in the wrong place. Maybe I should post at DTP a little more often - apparently it’s now the place to be in Downtown Apex on Tuesdays at 0530. [Read More]