Y'all Hear That???

At 0515, YHC started the fellowship mosey of a half-mileish to that newest of AOs, Lion’s Den, with Hello Kitty and Smithers in tow. Who doesn’t want a brand-spanking new AO virtually in their back yard? Upon arrival Sour Mash is there with the newly purchased but not yet completed shovel flag. Soon a Baker’s Dozen PAX have assembled and the clock strikes 0530. One FNG, the disclaimer is pronounced, Allegiance is pledged, and Sour Mash takes the reigns. [Read More]

Merkins, Merkins, Merkins, and more Merkins

Yesterday evening I was perusing the weather forecast, workout options and Q-sheets….ok, yes, I was Q-Shopping a bit. About that time, Yoga Mat posted that Bluewater would be running the show here at FWD in the morning and I immediately decided…THAT is where I’m going!!! Shortly thereafter, I got a call from Bluewater advising he would not be able to make it and asking if I would fill in for him. [Read More]

Diamonds Are Forever

Today was the last day of YHC’s 52nd year on this big blue ball, so what better way to send it out than a nice game of 52-pick up, kettle bell style! A few PAX narrowly avoided penalty burpees by sliding into the parking lot just as we launch. As it turns out, they’d get plenty of burpees later on. #foreshadowing Warm up Take a circle of the parking lot, the long way, stopping at the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance. [Read More]

"I was in the pool!"

13 pax braved the weather on a rainy February morning for high tempo boot camp/rucking. Actually, it wasn’t as bad as it sounds. The temperature was high 40’s and the water in our socks felt quite refreshing. The workout began with a thoughtful discussion about Tic Tacs and shrinkage. Of course, any discussion about shrinkage elicited the obligatory George Constanza reference. By 6:15, we had approximately 3.25 miles on our GPS watches. [Read More]

Ascending BLIMPS...not a theme

As the pax gathered, I was still driving to the AO, I’m assuming there was pleasant conversation had by all. I popped out of my chariot and announced 1 minute, turned out closer to 15 seconds. We are off on a warm up run to the fire station. Warmups are a disaster, a car came, my cadence was apparently terrible, whatever, we did SSH/Merkins/Hill Billys/Good Mornings…on to the thang: Ascending light pole B. [Read More]

Apparently Not Problematic

As YHC was making my way around the gathering PAX, I noticed that several of them were noticeably away from the shovel flag, like they wanted to leave or something. Whatever. You Vesperers just go do your thing. I’ll take the small but mighty group and go do, oh I don’t know…a bootcamp. Here’s what we did: Warmup Jog up Maury O’Dell and to the other end of Bond Park Drive (I think it is) for: [Read More]


Pre-Blast 11+1 for bridge work at FWD Wonder bread appeared out of nowhere The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag. Run to the circle, weave the balls, 1 lap each backwards run, karaoke in and out. Circle up for: GM, WM, runner’s stretch, Achilles stretch, plank hold (10 sec around the circle). The Thang Run to the bridge. Stop twice along the way to plank hold (10 sec around the circle). [Read More]

Murph 4 of 19 in 2019


  • 10 HIM for the 4th of 19 Murphs (in 2019) at Wolverine.
  • 8 for Coffee at Crema (post Murph)
  • Stronger backs, stronger hearts in 2019.

The Warmup

  • Pledge of Allegiance at flag.

  • Run around the traffic circle, circle up for a few GM, WM, Merkins, Stretches.

The Thang

  • Do a Murph (to the track and complete two laps).
  • Run two laps, then back to the flag.



Murph 4 of 19 in 2019


  • 10 HIM for the fourth of 19 Murphs (in 2019) at Wolverine.
  • 10 for Coffee at Crema (post Murph)
  • Stronger backs, stronger hearts in 2019.

The Warmup

  • Pledge of Allegiance at flag.

  • Run around the traffic circle, circle up for a few GM, WM, Merkins, Stretches.

The Thang

  • Do a Murph (to the track and complete two laps).
  • Run back to the flag.




Pre-Blast 8 HIM for 5.19 soggy miles at #ao-sat-whiplash. 4 for #coffeteria. The Warmup Exit the lot South end of the lot, Paint the Lines on the way out, Backwards Run before hitting the trail, complete a one mile WU at the big screen pad by the museum. Circle up for: 50 Merkins, 25 LBC, Superman Hold, 25 FM, Superman Hold, 50 SSH. Head to the grass hill, Bear Crawl the hill. [Read More]