Unofficial/Official BRR Training Season

Shut-In blew-out his kankle on Friday and needed to go to the bullpen early in the week. This is now the most unique way that he has managed to avoid my Q. Still trying to wrap my head around how he did that…… 4 of the Carpex 6 for a Hilly pre-run through the slums of Cary. 16 for the main event. Head across the street for a standard warm-up. 10 SSH, 10 GMs, 10 PJs, 10 IWs, 10 MCs, and 10 merkins. [Read More]

Meet the Pivots

Twas another splendid Tuesday morning in at Field of Dreams. YHC was ready to go after a brisk run to the AO with BOGO, Squatter, and Michelob. We gathered, I recited some form of a disclaimer. Debate ensued on whether we should state the fact that it is a disclaimer, or if we should simply disclaim. Quick mosey around the parking lot and we all join the pivot family circle of trust for warmups. [Read More]

Imperfect 10

YHC, some time back (before GT opened), posted at the site pre-opening, after running a 10k there from home, with plans to run home from there. Somewhere in the middle (okay, real close to the beginning), the tank was already empty. Q was calling some pretty high tempo stuff, and asked for pax to call an exercise upon arriving to the carpool dropoff spot. YHC was called upon, and called a 10-count to catch breath. [Read More]

No Good Mornings, but Still a Good Morning!

Pre-Blast 26 crushed #ao-wed-sns and #ao-wed-vesper. SNS covered 3.7 mi. Vespers covered more, I’m sure. 9 studies God’s Word at #3rdf-refinery. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag Run out of the park, east on High House, and into the east park entrance. Stop at the first east park road intersection. Circle up for: SSH, Prisoner Squats, Merkins, FrogUps. The Thang Deconstructed Burpee Double Hill Double Sevens - run four light poles north, perform 1 Merkin, run back to the intersection, perform 6 Prisoner Squats, run four light poles east, perform 1 FrogUp, run back to the intersection, perform 6 StarJumps. [Read More]

No Good Mornings, but Still a Good Morning!

Pre-Blast 26 crushed #ao-wed-sns and #ao-wed-vesper. SNS covered 3.7 mi. Vespers covered more, I’m sure. 9 studies God’s Word at #3rdf-refinery. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag Run out of the park, east on High House, and into the east park entrance. Stop at the first east park road intersection. Circle up for: SSH, Prisoner Squats, Merkins, FrogUps. The Thang Deconstructed Burpee Double Hill Double Sevens - run four light poles north, perform 1 Merkin, run back to the intersection, perform 6 Prisoner Squats, run four light poles east, perform 1 FrogUp, run back to the intersection, perform 6 StarJumps. [Read More]

The Rain Will Stop at 545

15 Pax made it out to a wet and wild time at FC. Beaker and Sub EC ran to FOD and back. Site Q Sky Blue did an EC shovelflag drop off them met Franklin at the airport for some #WorkF. Goose was out too so no Site Qs but the flag still stands! As guys gather before the bell rings the rain was picking up and so was the wind. [Read More]

Weird Stuff

Callahan put out the call for a substitute… and you KNOW I can’t resist the chance to Mr. Garvey a workout. I promised Prodigal on Slack that I wouldn’t do weird stuff, but then I looked in the mirror. Time for an exicon deep-dive. FNG Check - Disclaimer - Fair Warning on weird stuff - Let’s Go Lap around the parking lot. Circle up for Finkle Swings. Lap around the parking lot. [Read More]

Tobacco Road Aftermath

15 HIM gathered under starlit skies to welcome the new week. 5 of us were (are) recovering from either running or rucking the Tobacco Road Half Marathon, so YHC had a special recovery edition planned. The theme featured plenty of Broga to loosen us up, and a few traditional bootcamp moves to keep everything moving. Round up the PAX for the pledge (YHC was a little disoriented but eventually got redirected to the flag…) [Read More]

I Just Googled “Most Repetitive Songs”

Pre-Blast 11 rocked out at #ao-thurs-bo. There was some discussion about Puck’s ‘stache. @Burt has an off-site meeting today at 2:30. To prepare for today, YHC just Googled “Most Repetitive Songs” The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag Run to the CFB parking lot. Circle up for: Good Mornings, Windmills, Sir Fazio Series, Calf Stretches, Diamond and WG Merkins. Run to the end of the lot and back. The Thangs [Read More]

Crikey, Nothing Like a Pre-Brekky Beatdown!

Nature Boy and Hi-Liter posing after the beatdown. It was an anxious crowd (or maybe an anxious Q for his first full beatdown Q) at Field of Dreams this morning, excited to see what was in store down in the gloom. Warm Up: Pledge of Allegiance….respect the stars and stripes! Quick mosey to the first lot, pick up the 6, circle up with side straddle hop, and your standard merkin Mosey uphill to the next parking lot, once again get the 6, side straddle hop, and wide grip merkins One more fast mosey to the last parking lot for more side straddle hop, and the diamond merkin. [Read More]